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3 Year Plan


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Good Day,
I have several questions that I'm hoping someone with experience could help me out with (as pretty much anyone who has been in the CAF mostly can). So on pace to be going into Basic within the next 3 months (to maybe 3 years who knows). I scored high enough to qualify for any field and as an officer. That being said I'm going in as a NCM in the Infantry in regs (soldiering on). Now the recruiter I have been in contact with has suggested that maybe I should be going as an officer; my high school grades are terrible though (small town high school, zero interest at the time) and my one semester at the U of M apparently doesn't count.

My question is for a three year plan is it normal for one to be a NCM, get as much training done as possible, gain experience and then attempt to transfer to officers then? I have always felt in my life I don't want to be put in a position of "power" without first doing the time but is that really a good idea within the CAF? My understanding is that the contracts for a basic occupation as such are about three years so this is what I'm basing it off of.

Also I have three letters of reference from "high ups" in the military (two Lt Cols and a retired Major). Does this really make a difference for me from the next guy in line? I was told my odds are very good in the initial batch of selections.

Any insight would be great and much appreciated!
I do not have any experience in the CF, but from what I've read around the forums there are very few spots for the NCM ROTP (UTPNCM program I think it's called) program and it's very competitive. Most people here on the forums advice to go for Officer from the get go. Search up the program and check out the numbers.

There's a lot of info around on the forums. Google "NCM vs Officer" or something along those lines people with the same dilemma as your's have asked similar questions and got answers.

Good Day,
:cdn: :salute: :cdn: