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Search results

  1. G

    Medical Technician - Unskilled, Semi-skilled, Skilled Application

    There are, for the record some bases that have MCSP (maintenance of clinical skills) programs set up with their local EMS providers to enable practicing medical technicians to stay current with their protocols. It wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility to work as a casual EMS worker...
  2. G

    Medical Technician - Unskilled, Semi-skilled, Skilled Application

    It may still be accurate, however it is still debatable whether it is good for the CF and for the individual. If you are already qualified as a PCP in your province it would be wise to also consider a reservist position and "get your feet wet" with the CF. Being a Med.Tech is not emergent care...
  3. G

    April 08 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    I will be catching a flight! From Pearson.
  4. G

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    *UPDATE* Recruting Center: Oshawa/Peterborough Regular/Reserve: Regular- Air Force Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Medical Technican Trade Choice 2: Firefighter        Trade Choice 3: Application Date: Sept 2007 First Contact: Sept 2007 CFAT: Oct 2007 Interview: March, 20, 2008 Medical...
  5. G

    Random Questions-- Advice Appreciated

    Spencos and Superfeet are cheaper to buy if you go to National Sports across from Crary Park. Caravaggios can make some for you but he often sends people down the street to National to buy them because they are way cheaper.More local-ish advice. :D
  6. G

    Women problems

    I believe this is why they are starting HPV vaccinations in young women. Abnormal cell counts however are fairly common and are usually treated without intrusive means. Every 6 months I beleive they will take cultures(swabs) or in the event they suspect more will take a small Biopsi. I would...
  7. G

    Ah the joys of the Pre-enrollment Medical

    Part 1: Assessing Your Risk According to the NHLBI guidelines, assessment of overweight involves using three key measures: body mass index (BMI) waist circumference, and risk factors for diseases and conditions associated with obesity. The BMI is a measure of your weight relative to your...
  8. G

    Canada asks for Chinook design changes; military expert worry about delay

    appropos SFU- agreed The Mi-17 deal looks hasty to say the least..
  9. G

    Canada asks for Chinook design changes; military expert worry about delay

    Buying used Chinooks from US http://www.sfu.ca/casr/ft-mackay-hooked-1.htm Trading CL-604 Challengers for Mi-17's, before giving them to ANA http://www.sfu.ca/casr/ft-czech-helicopters-1.htm
  10. G

    CASEVAC capabilities in the CAF?

    What are we using for transportation? (both training and in theatre) Who is providing care during transportation? (both training and in theatre)
  11. G

    CASEVAC capabilities in the CAF?

    I hope the title isnt misleading, I am simply wondering if we have the ressources to support Casevac. if not what are we preparing/planning to do? and what are we presently doing when we have injured soldiers in the field. I understand that we utilize american Dustoffs, but I cant find any...
  12. G

    What's the surest way to Afghanistan?

    Fair enough.... I havent served a day in my life-granted...I have no reason to believe I know what im talking about. In my experience(s) with both emergency services and with close friends who are a part of the military in various capacities, its the eager attitude that was shown earlier (...
  13. G

    What's the surest way to Afghanistan?

    If you want to join only to go to Afg and be a "hero" im sure your application with be translucent and you will be encouraged to apply at your nearest McDonalds. Joining is a life choice, people depend on how well prepared you are when in theatre. If you are simply looking at getting over...
  14. G

    Calling all Medtechs

    Finished up my Medical and Interview today, I was informed by the staff there that Med Tech are being brought in at a rapid pace at the moment. I should know by the end of the month when my BMQ starts. I was also told that some people are getting invites to BMQ with just days to prepare...
  15. G

    New recruiting numbers

    Fantastic information, this has really helped me alot. Im thinking I shouldve maybe chosen land as opposed to Air in my application. But thank you again nonetheless.
  16. G

    The Army and Rugby

    Im avid and capable rugby player, having played for approx 14 years at high calibre. When I get into the Forces ( I know it sounds cocky , please bear with me) I want to continue my rugby playing. So if you need a scrum half/ fly half, wing or hooker I should be around. Who knows where ill be...
  17. G

    Calling all Medtechs

    How did you hear this information?
  18. G

    Calling all Medtechs

    Getting ready for my interview on the 20th of March, (Physical aslo, background has already been completed) Im farily comfindent though, that with my background I should do well in the interview and more importantly should be a top candidate should a position become available. I truly believe...
  19. G

    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    Well for the record, I as well as many others I know have applied to the Armed Forces for the Firefighter trade. We all have a few years experience in firefighting, NFPA 1001 as well as II, some of us--like myself are certified EMR and we have all been told that the most likely scenario for...
  20. G

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruting Center: Oshawa/Peterborough Regular/Reserve: Regular- Air Force Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Medical Technican Trade Choice 2: Firefighter        Trade Choice 3: Application Date: Sept 2007 First Contact: Sept 2007 CFAT: Oct 2007 Interview: March, 20, 2008 Medical: March 20, 2008...