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Calling all Medtechs

see I'm in the same boat as you Forcerecon85, Gotta do that darned chemistry.  You have no idea how much I regret not taking it in highschool.
Finished up my Medical and Interview today,

I was informed by the staff there that Med Tech are being brought in at a rapid pace at the moment. I should know by the end of the month when my BMQ starts. I was also told that some people are getting invites to BMQ with just days to prepare.

Exciting times ahead.

Good Luck to all,
Great White Hype said:
Finished up my Medical and Interview today,

I was informed by the staff there that Med Tech are being brought in at a rapid pace at the moment. I should know by the end of the month when my BMQ starts. I was also told that some people are getting invites to BMQ with just days to prepare.

Exciting times ahead.

Good Luck to all,

does this apply to reserve med techs? i was merit listed weeks ago and still no call, or do they usally call you right before a BMQ session? and when is the next reserve BMQ does anyone know?