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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

Using violence against this people will only strengthen their resolve and grow their ranks.

It's not the right move.
Using violence against this people will only strengthen their resolve and grow their ranks.

It's not the right move.
It’s exactly what they want. They use Taliban tactics and put their children in the way. In Ottawa, if you’ve been down there, it is very noticeable that those occupiers are always carrying their “tools”. Hammers, crowbars and tire irons. That is by design. Don’t kid yourself. That side wants violence.
It’s exactly what they want. They use Taliban tactics and put their children in the way. In Ottawa, if you’ve been down there, it is very noticeable that those occupiers are always carrying their “tools”. Hammers, crowbars and tire irons. That is by design. Don’t kid yourself. That side wants violence.

Couple of points; I'm not part of the protest so I don't know that they are hoping for violence to be brought on them. I find that suspect.

Children have been brought to; and used at protests since time immemorial. We had a group do it here in Halifax while they were protesting about housing. It's also not the calling card of one political stance. And all are despicable for using kids in the that manner.

Lastly, they aren't using Taliban tactics don't be so inflammatory. No one is sending out VBIEDs and suicide bombers or killing their political opponents, when they do, I will side with you.

Honestly @Remius it sounds like you're the one who wants violence.
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Couple of points I'm not part of the protest so I don't know that they are hoping for violence to be brought on them. I find that suspect.

Children have been brought too and used at protests since time immemorial. We had a group do it here in Halifax while they were protesting about housing. It's also not the calling card of one politic stance. And all are dispicable for using kids in the that manner.

Lastly, they aren't using taliban tactics don't be so inflamatory. No one is sending in VBIEDs and suicide bombers or killing their political opponents, when they do, I will side with you.

Honestly @Remius it sounds like you're the one who wants violence.
Yah I LOL'ed at Taliban Tactics 🤣

I haven't seen any VBIEDs, Ambushes, Summary Executions, Rape and Torture or Bacha Bazi being carried out so yep, definitely inflammatory.
Show me where I have said that. I get that you have no sympathy for Ottawa or that you can't see the side you support is slowly being revealed for what it is but if you want to accuse me if something, back it up.
You literally said they are using Taliban Tactics. We said you were wrong 🤣

Arresting people for breaking the law is violence now?
Nope, personally I want this to end ASAP. I hope for everyone's sake a negotiated settlement or MOU is achievable.

I would also personally like to see the Government walk back Emergency Powers or at least articulate their plan on how they plan on doing that. Vaccine Passports and Mandates were brought in under Emergency Powers so they need to end when the Emergency is over.
Show me where I have said that. I get that you have no sympathy for Ottawa or that you can't see the side you support is slowly being revealed for what it is but if you want to accuse me if something, back it up.

Its simply the impression that I get when you use terms like Taliban tactics...

If I am wrong I am wrong only you know that. No reason to get all out of gear.

I don't have a side my friend, no matter how much I am enjoying watching Ottawa and the rest of the center of Canada squirm right now.

Arresting people for breaking the law is violence now?

Not at all. It can be done unnecessarily violent though, I think you would both agree on that.

Lets both hope it doesn't get to that eh ?
I will freely admit that my language about Taliban tactics us indeed inflammatory. I'll retract that.

However. There is likely a lot going on that hasn't been made public. And there are former LEOs advising this thing and the tactics being used are exploiting that.
“What I worry about is will it erode the … the acceptance of public health intervention in the future if in fact the pandemic continues or …. if we have another pandemic someday within our lifetime,” Bowman said.

Useless safety-ism. What erodes the acceptance of public health intervention is when people who impose strict restrictions in their own backyard proceed to ignore those restrictions for themselves.
I will freely admit that my language about Taliban tactics us indeed inflammatory. I'll retract that.

However. There is likely a lot going on that hasn't been made public. And there are former LEOs advising this thing and the tactics being used are exploiting that.

Link ?
Also waitin' for the courts to help get the Windsor-Detroit crossing fully opened up, too ....
Its simply the impression that I get when you use terms like Taliban tactics...

If I am wrong I am wrong only you know that. No reason to get all out of gear.

I don't have a side my friend, no matter how much I am enjoying watching Ottawa and the rest of the center of Canada squirm right now.

Not at all. It can be don unnecessarily violent though, I think you would agree.

Lets both hope it doesn't get to that eh

Its simply the impression that I get when you use terms like Taliban tactics...

If I am wrong I am wrong only you know that. No reason to get all out of gear.

I don't have a side my friend, no matter how much I am enjoying watching Ottawa and the rest of the center of Canada squirm right now.

Not at all. It can be done unnecessarily violent though, I think you would both agree on that.

Lets both hope it doesn't get to that eh ?
Your posting history clearly shows you have a side. I can respect that you have a position even if we disagree. But don't play games like that.
I will freely admit that my language about Taliban tactics us indeed inflammatory. I'll retract that.

However. There is likely a lot going on that hasn't been made public. And there are former LEOs advising this thing and the tactics being used are exploiting that.
Thank you.

Yep, I've read up on some of the background actors. This was my concern from the very start of COVID Mandates and use of endless Emergency Orders. It's a raw numbers game at this point. Unless we are prepared to completely overhaul our Justice System, massively increase funding to police and security forces (which Canadians hate paying for btw), etc. I don't see how our position is, to steal words from Sweden: "Sustainable"

If you study the history of far right radicalization, you'll know that in places like Germany and Italy, it festered for a decade + before it exploded, mostly because the underlying causes were never addressed.