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Yet another story with a moral

Pusser said:
If this story has a moral, I'm not sure I see it.  What I do see is somebody who appears to want to join the CF;  somebody who has apparently put a great deal of thought into it, but who has in actuality done little more than nothing, while touting the virtues of patience.  Patience for what?  Waiting for something you haven't tried to achieve is not patience. 

You make it sound almost as if I was bragging. I wasn't.

Hopefully, the OP has indeed now gone to a recruiting centre and has started the process.  However, there was nothing stopping him from doing this six months, or even a year ago.  He still would have had ample opportunity to research, explore and change his mind in order to reach the same conclusions.

If you had read carefully, you would notice that I had already written my CFAT before my original post. Does this not suggest to you that I have in fact been to the recruiting center?

The only difference is that he could have been patiently waiting enrollment while still in school (we call this concurrent activity and the CF is obsessed with it) and could have been off to start his training right now instead of having to sit patiently while the recruitment process does its thing.

Did you except the CF to process application(s) for DEO while you were in your 2nd and 3rd year of undergraduate studies? DEO applicant cannot apply until they are in their final year of study. And yes, when I started 4th year (this September) I did go to the Recruiting Center again, however, I was told to come back in February (of 2011).

If you were wondering why on earth I am going back to the RC in January, instead of February (as originally told to do so), its because Engineer(Officer) is now open for applicant processing. I'm sure that defended your next statement about the ability to "quickly grasp the situation at hand"  ;)

A word to the wise - the CF is looking for decisive leaders who can quickly grasp the situation at hand and make a decision on a course of action.  Sometimes you will have to do this under very trying circumstances where you may not have complete information.  You will not always have the option to wait patiently.

All in all, thanks for the input. What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger  ;D
My apologies.  For some reason, I was under the impression that you had graduated this past summer and the CFAT was the only thing you had done and that quite awhile ago.  Upon re-reading your post, I now see that this is not the case.  :oops:  I presume you have now started the process in earnest?  I wish you the best of luck.

PS:  Now is when patience is really necessary! ;D
Thankyou Pusser for the best wishes.

I went to the RC last week, received and completed the paper work again. The ONLY thing I am waiting on is a written letter from my university stating my expected graduation date (which is required to apply for DEO). I should receive it by Monday or Tuesday at the latest. Time to sit back and relax.  8)

Also, I was told I will not have to redo my CFAT.  :D
My story, continued:

3 years later (since my first visit to the RC)...

I applied for Regular Force, Engineer Officer (DEO) last month (June 2012).

This time might be it!
Michael O'Leary said:
Depending on your choices of trade, we look forward to your enrolment, in about another 400 days.    :)

Its been almost 700 days since your 400 days post :P Time flies!
It went well Curious George. I have since been Merit Listed for Engineer Officer. Selection took place last week, so just waiting for the good news to come in  :nod:
Best of luck K-K.. Welcome to the Canadian Armed Force's. Cheer's. Scoty B
KingofKeys said:
It went well Curious George. I have since been Merit Listed for Engineer Officer. Selection took place last week, so just waiting for the good news to come in  :nod:

cool  :)
So, just an update:

Its been more than 1200 days since my first application  :D

Thankfully, I have already been selected for Engineer Officer (Army), except that I don't know my BMOQ date yet (most likely to be April 29th, but nothing is official yet).

I can relate to you about "patience", I've applied for Combat Engineer (NCM) in November 2011, I've been merit listed since January 2012, and have been waiting ever since.
I guess it's really true when they say Patience comes to those who wait  ;)
Best of luck at BMOQ  :salute:
