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Why do CF Pilots need a degree?

In response to "planes".  Don't take my thoughts on degrees and an honest education incorrectly.  The CF needs members with degrees, including post grad and beyond.  I just abhor the idea of degrees for all.  WRT your question about Sandhurst, I'm not familiar with the program, so I cannot comment too deeply on its merits or disadvantages.  Only conducting the courses to perform your job is no different than the trade/phase training currently offered at any CF school.  University level courses are taught to our NCMs and officers alike at different phases in their career.  As to whether an officer should be an RMC or civvy U grad, in my mind there is little difference.  The important thing is we need a mix.  RMC as an internal institution of higher learning for the CF provides us with officers with a well rounded education and military experience.  DEOs (direct entry officers), in possession of the appropriate degree, give the military balance with the "real world", something RMC grads can lose sight of.  As to who makes the better leader, it depends totally upon the individual not the paper on the wall.  BTW "planes", civvies are not greasy, just certain people in life.
