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What's the Dumbest Thing You've SEEN Today?

You just gotta wonder:

a) when do they find the time, and

b) at what point did sex lose its pleasurable aspect for them, and

c) at what point will they say that's enough.


I guess the boyfriend broke the 3rd rule of Fight Club: "Never bring a pillow to a water gun fight".

From Yahoo News/Daily Buzz:

Florida woman arrested for squirting a water gun at her boyfriend

Squirting a water gun landed a Florida woman in jail after a strangely-gentle case of domestic violence during which her boyfriend reportedly hit her with a pillow.
Will Greenlee reported in his blog Off the Beat that police arrested 19-year-old Giovanna Borge on Sept. 27 and charged her with battery after a fight with her boyfriend at an apartment in Port St. Lucie, Fla. Her boyfriend accused her of shouting and squirting him with a water gun.

The affidavit says that in response to the water squirt attack, Borge's boyfriend poured water on his girlfriend's head and hit her with a pillow, after which the pair began shoving each other. Witnesses told police Giovanna started the fight, according to the affidavit, but she told police her boyfriend had hurt her in past fights.

PMedMoe said:
Let me guess: You watch 19 Kids and Counting.....    ;)
Not at all.  However that doesn't mean the blog link wasn't right out to lunch with the jibberish being spewed and the links provided to cult leanings.

I'm sure that if I posted a picture of my own daughter with her "Daddy's Little Girl" shirt on some nut could link that to her being oppressed by her conservative militaristic Father who doesn't want her to have a relationship with her Mother and is trying to force her into a certain mindset.  And if her hair was in pigtails it would be a sign of her creativity and free spirit being stifled and controlled.

Bunch of hogwash.
You're not parading your kids around on TV and making money off of them, are you?

They probably aren't a cult, but they are pretty extreme.  And some of the links from the original go right to the Duggar's own blogs.  So they're the ones that have put the information out there.  Someone probably used it for their psych thesis.  ;D

NY dad deemed unfit for not taking son to McDonald's
Published November 08, 2013, New York Post

A Manhattan dad is not lovin’ McDonald’s right now.

Attorney David Schorr slapped a court-appointed shrink with a defamation lawsuit for telling the judge deciding a custody battle with his estranged wife that he was an unfit parent — for refusing to take his son to the fast food joint for dinner.

“You’d think it was sexual molestation,” Schorr, 43, told The Post Thursday. “I am just floored by it.”

Schorr says in his Manhattan Supreme Court suit that E. 97th Street psychiatrist Marilyn Schiller filed a report saying he was “wholly incapable of taking care of his son” and should be denied his weekend visitation over the greasy burger ban.

Schorr, a corporate attorney turned consultant with degrees from NYU and Oxford University, had planned to take his 4-year-old son to their usual restaurant, the Corner Café on Third Avenue, for his weekly Tuesday night visitation last week.

But the boy threw a temper tantrum and demanded McDonald’s. So he gave his son an ultimatum: dinner anywhere other than McDonald’s — or no dinner.

“The child, stubborn as a mule, chose the ‘no dinner’ option,” the disgruntled dad says in the suit.

“It was just a standoff. I’m kicking myself mightily,” Schorr said.

“I wish I had taken him to McDonalds, but you get nervous about rewarding bad behavior. I was concerned. I think it was a 1950s equivalent of sending your child to bed without dinner. That’s maybe the worst thing you can say about it,” he said.

Adding insult to injury, he said: “My wife immediately took him to McDonalds.”
This is by FAR the dumbest thing I've seen in weeks.
Man thinks he’s tougher than a bear, punches bear trap
There are a lot of tough guys in the world, but none is as tough as a bear. I hope this guy learned his lesson. If not, he may be a candidate for a Darwin Award one day.

What boggles my mind is that no one tried to stop him at any point.  Anyways here is the video.  No blood.

Had a lecture today that all personal had to attend no passes and no excuses. So I had to cancel a mission to attend this formation. It was on winter driving safety. Now normally I'm all about this, how ever the lecture was given to us buy the 2 Motor pool Sgt's, one is from Alabama and the other is from Mississippi. Then they followed it up with a vehicle towing video that they taped out in the motor pool and it looked like a Red Green episode with Red and Bill. They hooked up a chain from one vehicle to the other, once they got it through the D ring they proceed to wrap the chain around it's self before putting the chain hook on the chain. The chain was about 6 feet long, then they proceed to climb over and under the chain. the vehicle move of towing the other vehicle. when the front one stopped the back one almost ran in to it. If they had been going fast than a walk it would have. The next was showing how to hook up a tow bar. They jammed their fingers a couple of times on the various moving part. They couldn't get it extended, then when they did finally get it hooked on the Vehicle, one of them stood in the middle of it and held it up while the other guided the towing vehicle back. It took about 10 minutes and 16 tries to line the pintle up with the tow bar eyelet. This was all on video while they stood at the podium and narrated what was going on. 1 hour of my life I will never get back!!!

Tank Troll said:
Had a lecture today that all personal had to attend no passes and no excuses. So I had to cancel a mission to attend this formation. It was on winter driving safety. Now normally I'm all about this, how ever the lecture was given to us buy the 2 Motor pool Sgt's, one is from Alabama and the other is from Mississippi. Then they followed it up with a vehicle towing video that they taped out in the motor pool and it looked like a Red Green episode with Red and Bill. They hooked up a chain from one vehicle to the other, once they got it through the D ring they proceed to wrap the chain around it's self before putting the chain hook on the chain. The chain was about 6 feet long, then they proceed to climb over and under the chain. the vehicle move of towing the other vehicle. when the front one stopped the back one almost ran in to it. If they had been going fast than a walk it would have. The next was showing how to hook up a tow bar. They jammed their fingers a couple of times on the various moving part. They couldn't get it extended, then when they did finally get it hooked on the Vehicle, one of them stood in the middle of it and held it up while the other guided the towing vehicle back. It took about 10 minutes and 16 tries to line the pintle up with the tow bar eyelet. This was all on video while they stood at the podium and narrated what was going on. 1 hour of my life I will never get back!!!

Next year you can take the video and use it as a Safety Lecture of "What Not to do".    >:D
A FB post to someone who just received their CD:

they should make medals for us army moms who stayed behind having babies and taking care of them while hubby was away


But, she does go on to add:

it would have to be something hilarious though... like a mama kangaroo and joey... with baby pink and baby blue ribbons lol

I hope that indicates she was joking.
George Wallace said:
Next year you can take the video and use it as a Safety Lecture of "What Not to do".    >:D

Excellent point George! there might be some merit in that  :nod:
Had a lecture today that all personal had to attend no passes and no excuses. So I had to cancel a mission to attend this formation. It was on winter driving safety. Now normally I'm all about this, how ever the lecture was given to us buy the 2 Motor pool Sgt's, one is from Alabama and the other is from Mississippi.

Did anyone explain what winter was to them?
Tank Troll said:
Had a lecture today that all personal had to attend no passes and no excuses. So I had to cancel a mission to attend this formation. It was on winter driving safety. Now normally I'm all about this, how ever the lecture was given to us buy the 2 Motor pool Sgt's, one is from Alabama and the other is from Mississippi. Then they followed it up with a vehicle towing video that they taped out in the motor pool and it looked like a Red Green episode with Red and Bill. They hooked up a chain from one vehicle to the other, once they got it through the D ring they proceed to wrap the chain around it's self before putting the chain hook on the chain. The chain was about 6 feet long, then they proceed to climb over and under the chain. the vehicle move of towing the other vehicle. when the front one stopped the back one almost ran in to it. If they had been going fast than a walk it would have. The next was showing how to hook up a tow bar. They jammed their fingers a couple of times on the various moving part. They couldn't get it extended, then when they did finally get it hooked on the Vehicle, one of them stood in the middle of it and held it up while the other guided the towing vehicle back. It took about 10 minutes and 16 tries to line the pintle up with the tow bar eyelet. This was all on video while they stood at the podium and narrated what was going on. 1 hour of my life I will never get back!!!

Would have loved to have been there for that.

But then again, I may have already seen something similar, live and in person during a Husky familiarization one weekend in Gagetown many moons ago.

Day started out as just rain, but quicly the temps dropped and we had freezing rain. Someone ended up sliding the Husky into the ditch. The Reg Force duty recovery crew came out with a 113 ARV. Long story short, they broke a couple of tow cables from shock loading trying to get the Husky out of the ditch (would have thought that they would have figured it out when teh first one broke that it wasn't going to work).
cupper said:
...But then again, I may have already seen something similar, live and in person during a Husky familiarization one weekend in Gagetown many moons ago...

Oh, can we tell old stupid stories too?

OK, here's one.

Years ago I was on an AMF(L) deployment in Norway. I was running the patrol competition, and as part of my duties I had to accompany each OC to the LD for his patrol to do a quick visual recce. This required driving the Iltis way in off the highway, down a very narrow track in the woods, built on top of the Norwegian muskeg. It was spring, so the ground wasn't frozen anymore.

So, of course, an OC's jeep slides off the track and gets stuck. The OC, his driver and I proceeded to push, pull, dig, fill, jack, shove in logs and rocks, etc for about two hours. We couldn't raise anybody on the radio, of course. By this time it was getting dark. I decided to walk out to the highway and hitch a ride to the camp, to bring back the wrecker.

I made my way in the growing dark, finally reaching the highway, where I was picked up by a carload of drunken Norwegian soldiers. They dropped me at the Canadian camp, and I rustled up the wrecker crew. We then headed back out to the site. The big wrecker narrowly made it down the twisting track. We reached the Iltis, and were in the process of putting a tow cable on when a local man appeared with two huge dogs. Where he came from in the middle of f****ing nowhere at night, I have no idea. Anyway, he was either drunk or quite disturbed, because he began screaming angrily at us in a mixture of Norwegian and English, apparently about damaging the muskeg.

He vanished after a bit, and the cable was secured. The wrecker operator decided to yank the Iltis out with a shock pull, instead of winching it. He climbed in, threw the wrecker in reverse, slid sideways, and proceeded to get the left side wheels of the wrecker stuck in the muck. As well, as he went back the rear edge of the left diesel tank (this was the old 5-ton with the running board fuel tanks) caught a big tree and tore halfway off, causing a diesel leak.

The Iltis was out, but the wrecker was in. We all pitched in once again, and finally the wrecker operator said he was ready to give it a go. He put it in reverse, all wheel, and  hammered it. The wrecker burst out of the mud and roared backwards down the narrow road.

It immediately became clear that this was not a good course of action. The large vehicle, barreling backwards, missed a tight turn in the track, smashed through some small trees and pitched backwards into a deep  swamp. That was the end of the night's fun.

We eventually all got back to camp. The next day, the Norwegian engineer battalion sent out their biggest dozer, which made its way into the woods and eventually wrestled the wrecker out of the swamp.

Now, THAT was the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
Sweden orders fire alarms in hotel made of ice
November 15, 2013 FoxNews.com

If a reindeer-skin blanket should burst into flames at Sweden's famous Ice Hotel, guests can count on regulation fire alarms in addition to the built-in sprinkler system that would certainly kick in.

The hotel is built from scratch every year from snow and giant blocks of ice in the small arctic town of Jukkasjarvi. But this year, installation included fire alarms.

Sweden’s National Housing Board couldn't have missed the irony when it ordered the luxury igloo to install alarms in the water-based structure to ensure the safety of guests.

"We were a little surprised when we found out," hotel spokeswoman Beatrice Karlsson told Swedish newspaper The Local. "But we do understand. Safety is a primary concern for us. There are indeed things that can catch fire, like the reindeer skins, the mattresses, and the pillows," Karlsson said.
more on link
Barton & Copeland: The Bible Says Soldiers Should Not Suffer From Guilt Or PTSD


On the Veteran's Day broadcast of the "Believer's Voice of Victory" program, Kenneth Copeland and David Barton cited a passage from the Book of Number to assert that soldiers should never suffer any guilt or PTSD after returning from battle because they are "esteemed and venerated" by God.

Reading from Numbers 32, Copeland said that soldiers are doing the work of God and, as such, "shall return and be guiltless before the Lord" meaning that they should never suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

"You listen to me," Copeland said, addressing the camera, "you get rid of that right now.  You don't take drugs to get rid of it, it doesn't take psychology; that promise right there will get rid of it."

Barton wholeheartedly agreed, pointing out that many members of the "faith hall of fame" in the Bible "were warriors who took so many people out in battle," but did so in a just war in the name of God, proving that "when you do it God's way, not only are you guiltless for having done that, you're esteemed"


Kim Kardashian getting screwed on a motorcycle by Kanye West.  Bet her dad would be proud.