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What's the Dumbest Thing You've SEEN Today?

This is why I don't live in New York.

New Yorkers protest 'Internet people' invading neighborhood
On the Upper West Side, locals object to a sidewalk cafe where people allegedly do awful things such as have Internet dates.


Let's get the disclosures out of the way.

This story is about a block of New York's Upper West Side where once lived someone I used to date. She was a countess.

Look, I was (relatively) eligible in those days. She was very funny, with a few quirky pretensions, and it was a nice area. I used to see comedian Conan O'Brien occasionally at the local coffee shop.

Now, however, the area seems to have taken a turn for the worse. The residents have raised their gold-encrusted pitchforks to wage a war against heinous interlopers who are doing something unconscionable. Yes, they're meeting people on the Internet.

You will surely sympathize with this fight against urban blight. It all started when the Riposo 72 wine bar got approval for a 16-seat sidewalk cafe.

You might imagine that sidewalk cafes are very New York. However, as local news site DNA Info New York reports, the locals fear their children's mental state will be permanently twisted by an influx of "Internet people."

I thought we were all Internet people now. It seems, though, that some of those who live on West 72nd Street, between Columbus Avenue and Central Park West, fear that these Internet people bring with them moral degradation.

DNA Info New York quoted one resident, Al Salsano, as sniffing: "I have seen people say: 'I met you on the Internet,' and you're putting that on the sidewalk? I don't want children walking near 'Internet people' meeting."

It's true that when Internet people meet, difficult consequences can ensue.

Firstly, there's the shock that the person they're meeting is far less attractive that their pictures on the Internet. Then there's the inevitable friction that occurs when one party wants a one-night stand and the other a lifetime of lying amid the lilies, dreaming of eternal love.

And let's be entirely open about this, Internet people are loud, obnoxious, brutally unfiltered porn-watching folk who can neither think nor spell. How might this affect a place whose residents describe it as, well, a "bedroom community"?

Members of the street's Community Board 7 are in deep cultural fear. DNA Info New York quotes another resident, Chris Horwitz, after being asked whether any of the other local sidewalk cafes attract a seedy, loud, check-shirted crowd: "I don't go out to meet people I found on the Internet."

Sir, perhaps you should.

It's true that some people you meet on the Web turn out to be bonkers. This is quite similar to people you meet in museums, churches and, yes, your local bars.

The mere idea that "Internet people" are some rare and dangerous species is odd.

Perhaps one day zombie movies will be replaced by Internet people movies. Creepy individuals wearing empty grins and white earbuds invade sleepy towns and demand artisan coffee and gluten-free croissants. When they don't get what they want, they destroy their foes...on Yelp.

I fear that, since my days on West 72nd Street, the neighborhood has taken a dive. Even the countess moved upstate. She married down -- oh, so far down. I think she met her husband on the Internet.


This girl will make your head hurt...
WTF???  As if the concept of the "Real Housewives of Vancouver" wasn't bad enough for this city?!!!!

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Vancity Buzz


Vancouver’s latest reality show, HBICtv: Ultra Rich Asian Girls, will be launched sometime over the next few weeks after a highly successful casting call over the summer.

The casting video went viral on multiple online platforms, drawing 300,000 views on YouTube and 2.8 million in China.

The web-based reality series, produced by local television producer Kevin Li, explores the lives of the daughters of affluent, Mandarin-speaking Chinese-Canadians living in Vancouver.

But how rich are the women exactly? At the moment, no information has been made public ahead of the launch, except that they have inherited large fortunes.

They are deemed to be young independent women starting their life and careers with the newest Hermes Birken bags and Yves Saint Laurent shoes while vying for the status of “HBIC” – the “Hot B*tch In Charge.”

China has been poor throughout most of the communist government’s reign, but capitalist economic policies over the last 25 years have turned the tide of the nation’s fortunes. As China races to become a global economic superpower, Chinese consumer culture has flourished. In the process, China’s newly rich are flaunting their wealth at home and around the world as a measure of social status.

ace1125 said:

This girl will make your head hurt...

And that's the result of 3.6 billion years of evolutionary success.
S.M.A. said:
WTF???  As if the concept of the "Real Housewives of Vancouver" wasn't bad enough for this city?!!!!

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Vancity Buzz

I'll trade you the separatist drama and throw in the construction mafia for your elite Chinese women.
S.M.A. said:
WTF???  As if the concept of the "Real Housewives of Vancouver" wasn't bad enough for this city?!!!!

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Vancity Buzz

I see the novel Crazy Rich Asians has come true.
:facepalm: :facepalm:

Global News

Candidate for Burnaby mayor promises to ban kissing, holding hands in public

By Peter Meiszner  Global News

BURNABY, B.C. – A candidate for mayor in Burnaby is raising eyebrows with a promise to ban kissing and holding hands in public.

Sylvia Gung is running for mayor for a second time, one of five candidates hoping to unseat Derek Corrigan of the Burnaby Citizens Association, who has been mayor of the Vancouver suburb since 2002.

In her unedited candidate profile posted on the City of Burnaby website, Gung says the current job of mayor in the city “allows nothing for the real job – establishing wholesome society.”

She proposes banning election campaigns, which she says will “restoring [sic] citizens the sense of responsibility.”

And it comes in pretty colours too.

Fir a military style watch, can't beat the price.


Seriously? :facepalm:
Wait till this nutjob sees Facebook then...  ::)

Source: http://www.afp.com/en/node/2966773

Twitter 'source of all evil': top Saudi cleric

The microblogging site Twitter popular among both men and women in ultra-conservative Saudi Arabia is nothing more than "a source of lies" and evil, the kingdom's top Muslim cleric said.

"If it were used correctly, it could be of real benefit, but unfortunately it's exploited for trivial matters," Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh said on his "Fatwa" television show broadcast late Monday.

Twitter is "the source of all evil and devastation", the mufti said.

"People are rushing to it thinking it's a source of credible information but it's a source of lies and falsehood."

Someone call Arnold Scwartzenegger so we can take on the machine army with his old Austrian M47 tank:  ::)

Yahoo Finance

Elon Musk: 'Demon' Skynet is almost self-aware
By Javier E. David | CNBC – Sat, 25 Oct, 2014 10:52 AM EDT

Elon Musk is stepping up his warnings about the potential scourge of artificial intelligence, The Washington Post reported, telling a group of students that the technology was akin to "summoning the demon."

During a speech at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on Friday, the founder of Tesla (TSLA) told an audience that the tech sector should be "very careful" about pioneering AI, The Post reported, calling it "our biggest existential threat." On several occasions, Musk has called the technology a big risk that can't be controlled.

At MIT, Musk carried the metaphor a bit further than he has in the past. "With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon," The Post quoted Musk as saying.

Musk's comments highlighted a budding ethical debate in the broader society about whether machines should be able to think for themselves. Autonomous technology is a hot topic in engineering circles, and occupies a prominent place in popular culture.

From yesterday with no network for 3 hrs and "Shared Services" not having staff able to respond to an outage in a major node, thankfully our regional helpdesk managed to get in and fix the problem (likely getting in shit for it)
Political correctness run amuck...

Yahoo News/Daily Brew

Happy Orange and Black day: Canadian schools turn against Halloween
By Matthew Coutts | Daily Brew – 4 hours ago

It is that spooky time of year when Canadian parents and students in small pockets around the country bristle at being told their schools will not be celebrating Halloween this year.

Instead, children will be welcome to celebrate something a little safer, something that doesn’t have its roots in the occult. Call it Spirit Day, or Black and Orange Day, or just Friday.

This year’s Ground Zero for anti-Halloween outrage is Windsor, Ont., where parents are unhappy that Anderon Public School has barred Halloween costumes and parties.

The Windsor Star reports that the public elementary school has instead implemented “Black and Orange Day.” Which, y’know, are the colours of the Halloween season.

An academic who shouldn't be teaching because of his overt anti-US/western views:


Professor Claims US Military 'Greater Threat' to Peace Than ISIS

Fox News | Nov 04, 2014

An Arizona college professor charged that American soldiers are anti-Muslim rapists who pose "a greater threat" to world peace than ISIS, and says he leveled the charge to make the U.S. "stronger and better."

University of Arizona instructor Musa al-Gharbi, who also is an academic affiliate at the university's Southwest Initiative for the Study of Middle East Conflicts, made the comments in a column penned for the online forum TruthOut, and defended them when reached by The Washington Free Beacon.

He called Americans "hypocritical" for expressing moral outrage at the Islamic State, which has raped, murdered and beheaded thousands of Muslims and Christians in its quest to establish a Muslim caliphate in Syria and Iraq.

"It would not be a stretch to say that the United States is actually a greater threat to peace and stability in the region than ISIS — not least because U.S. policies in Iraq, Libya and Syria have largely paved the way for ISIS' emergence as a major regional actor,"
al-Gharbi wrote in the article titled, "How Much Moral High Ground Does the U.S. Have Over ISIS?"

Al-Gharbi claimed that the isolated instances of U.S. soldiers committing atrocities including rape, for which they face court-martial and imprisonment if found guilty, are on a level with the widespread and systematic brutality of Islamic State radicals.
"Many of the same behaviors condemned by the Obama administration and used to justify its most recent campaign into Iraq and Syria are commonly perpetrated by U.S. troops and are ubiquitous in the broader American society," al-Gharbi wrote. "U.S. soldiers and contractors have and continue to torture their enemies, often taking obscene photos to brag about and reminisce upon their acts."

I would say that there is 'some truth' in what he is saying, but he has really stretched it to come to his conclusions.
S.M.A. said:
An academic who shouldn't be teaching because of his overt anti-US/western views:

Please explain your rationale for the conclusion that he "should not be teaching".

To save you the trouble, here is his short blurb from Southwest Initiative for the Study of Middle East Conflicts

Musa al-Gharbi is an instructor in the Department of Government and Public Service at the University of Arizona (south campus). A former FLAS Fellow, he has a MA in philosophy from the University of Arizona. His research in social epistemology has been published in Middle East Policy, The National Interest, Al-Jazeera America, Press TV, Counterpunch, Truthout and myriad other venues—subsequently featured in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Jadaliyya, The Arabist, Syria Comment, New York Magazine, Courrier International, and Real Clear World. His works have been cited by the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations, and by Germany’s Federal Agency for Civic Education—translated into several languages to include Arabic, Farsi, Spanish, French, German, and Russian, and syndicated across numerous platforms. Al-Gharbi is also frequently tapped to contextualize current events for local, national and international media, to include radio and print interviews with Voice of America, Voice of Russia, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, China’s Global Times, and Egypt’s Al-Ahram.
George Wallace said:
I would say that there is 'some truth' in what he is saying, but he has really stretched it to come to his conclusions.

He has taken published incidents and form fitted them to a broad brush condemnation. True the incidents happened, and when discovered were acted on.....can the same be true for the polar opposite?
This right here ....
Some town councillors in Poland don't want beloved storybook character Winnie the Pooh as a playground mascot.

The so-called "bear of very little brain" apparently doesn't have enough clothes.

The tubby little cubby, based on an actual bear named after Winnipeg, was suggested at a meeting of the council in Tuszyn, a small town in central Poland, to be the face of a new public playground, according to media reports in the United Kingdom.

That prompted anger from some councillors, who called Pooh "inappropriate."

“The problem with that bear is it doesn’t have a complete wardrobe,” said Coun. Ryszard Cichy.

“It is half naked, which is wholly inappropriate for children. [Poland’s fictional bear] is dressed from head to toe, unlike Pooh who is only dressed from the waist up."

It was suggested that the playground be named after Mis Uszatek, a Polish children's character — also a bear — that is fully dressed.

( .... )

Winnipeg Mayor Brian Bowman offered his own irreverent take on the issue in a statement sent to CBC News on Friday.

"Clearly, Winnie is a cartoon bear who doesn’t wear pants, but I’d like to note that the beloved Disney characters Donald Duck and Chip and Dale (the Rescue Rangers) are also pant-less, Mickey Mouse doesn’t wear a shirt, and Tony the Tiger is nearly nude," he stated. "Should they be banned as well?

"Winnipeg is a tolerant and accepting community, and I hope that Winnie continues to teach children about kindness and friendship for years to come." ....