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What trade should I choose?

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George Wallace said:
But Pea, you never mentioned that you are also a member of MENSA.   ;D

:p Maybe I should get tested...
Hmmmmm... I didn't knowyou could, or were supposed to, study for the CFAT.  I figured it was a test, not of what I knew, but of my thinking skills.  I viewed it much like my LSATs (for which I didn't study either).

aesop.... what does it meeeeannnn???? Did I make the right career choice or would my horizons have been broader had I studied (or atleast engaged your services before hand!)


Ohdiesel -- I hope you have a good sense of humour and understand that we aren't laughing at you... give it a matter of a few short months, and you will be right here in the middle of us poking fun, too.  On a serious note, don't sweat the CFAT.  They are not the end of the world.

From what people tell me, the best thing and only thing you can study for is math, such as basic stuff as fractions, word problems and others you might not have done since Grade 10!

That would be the only thing I am practicing now.

I don't  want  to get a low score.  That would limit my career opportunities in the CF, right? What's the hurry ?


scoutfinch said:
Hmmmmm... I didn't knowyou could, or were supposed to, study for the CFAT.  I figured it was a test, not of what I knew, but of my thinking skills.  I viewed it much like my LSATs (for which I didn't study either).

aesop.... what does it meeeeannnn???? Did I make the right career choice or would my horizons have been broader had I studied (or atleast engaged your services before hand!)


Ohdiesel -- I hope you have a good sense of humour and understand that we aren't laughing at you... give it a matter of a few short months, and you will be right here in the middle of us poking fun, too.  On a serious note, don't sweat the CFAT.  They are not the end of the world.
ohdiesel said:

From what people tell me, the best thing and only thing you can study for is math, such as basic stuff as fractions, word problems and others you might not have done since Grade 10!

That would be the only thing I am practicing now.

I don't  want  to get a low score.  That would limit my career opportunities in the CF, right? What's the hurry ?


Just don't *over study* or get yourself all worked up about them.  I have seen very bright people BOMB their LSATs repeatedly because they spent too much time preparing for them to the extent that they overthought the questions.  The CFATs are not the type of questions that would rattle you were you writing a psychology or taxation multiple choice exam.  I am sincere when I said I didn't study for the CFATs and I was very flattered by the reg force offers that I received.  I don't imagine the offers would have been very different had I studied.
scoutfinch said:
I hope you have a good sense of humour and understand that we aren't laughing at you...

You may be a little hasty with that "we." You may not be laughing at him....  ;D
Okay.... so I am not laughing at him -- yet.  I can't blame this poor sod for the fact that he is one of a gazillion people that post here looking for career advice not realizing that it doesn't come for free anymore (aesop's as the new SME).  He is only 18 after all. 

Boys... you two are a tough crowd today!!! :rofl:
scoutfinch said:
Okay.... so I am not laughing at him -- yet.  I can't blame this poor sod for the fact that he is one of a gazillion people that post here looking for career advice not realizing that it doesn't come for free anymore (aesop's as the new SME).  He is only 18 after all. 

Boys... you two are a tough crowd today!!! :rofl:

I give student discounts......and senior discounts too
Now those are fightin' words... if I could just get my walker going fast enough to catch you, you young smart *ss. :cheers:
Old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm anytime!!! ;D
scoutfinch said:
Ohdiesel -- I hope you have a good sense of humour and understand that we aren't laughing at you... give it a matter of a few short months, and you will be right here in the middle of us poking fun, too.  On a serious note, don't sweat the CFAT.  They are not the end of the world.


I've been beaten this point already, but...

Scoutfinch..  don't lie to the guy.  There are people in this thread and on this site that are laughing at him.

Also, the CFAT is the end of the world.  Fear for your life.  ;)

I have the solution to your problem... before making any career decisions, just guzzle a couple of gallons of that yerbamate crap that you were talking about the other day... according to you, it was the holy grail of energy drinks.  Maybe it will help you with your deliberations.
scoutfinch said:

I have the solution to your problem... before making any career decisions, just guzzle a couple of gallons of that yerbamate crap that you were talking about the other day... according to you, it was the holy grail of energy drinks.  Maybe it will help you with your deliberations.

.......again, thats YERBA MATE !!
LMAO...yes CFAT...fear for your life and scout is right...all you need is the be all end all YERBA MATE...

HL sings a little ditty..."yerba mate tastes great...yerba mate makes your cup of coffee...obsolete...lmao

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