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What da frigg was the director think about - The Movie Sential


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This weekend my husband and I enjoyed watching the movie "Sential" with Kirk Douglas. It was a great movie and I would recommend it to anyone but for one small little fact.......

At the end when the assassin was going to take out the President at the Toronto Summit......HE HAD A CANADIAN  :cdn:UNIFORM ON!! Is there not enough animosity between the States and Canada with all the crap about our lumber, beef, chicken and whatever else the US wants to ban from it borders.....now they have to make a movie where the assassin takes on a Canadian Army Uniform.....


Well they were in Canada, so sneaking through security in a Canadian uniform seems like a non issue. Seeing as how the Canadians were providing security.
Do not all political leader bring their own security to those type of functions? Wouldn't it made more sense for the assassins to wear their native combat uniforms thus representing their country and what the hell they were fighting/killing for???

Just another food for thought

Suebu said:
Do not all political leader bring their own security to those type of functions? Wouldn't it made more sense for the assassins to wear their native combat uniforms thus representing their country and what the hell they were fighting/killing for???

Just another food for thought


In reality, they do bring their own security who would wear 'suits' so as to easily blend into the crowds.  They do not wear military uniforms, as most of them would not be military, but LEOs or Secret Service.
Remember its only a movie, made to make money not make a statement.
funniest thing :) the guy wasnt wearing an Army Uniform, he was wearing black BDUs with a big Canada Flag sewn on to it :D hehehehe they werent too bright on that one...but I really dont recollect them wearing anyhting that resembled our uniforms. Maybe an ERT or HRT set up  ;D
Kirk Douglas is making movies again? He must have had a miraculous recovery from his stroke. I'm glad to hear it. I'll have to rent "The Sential."

That movie sounds very similar to the one his son Michael Douglas made recently called The Sentinel. It even had a similar sounding plot involving an assassin in a Canadian uniform. What a coincidence.

Sorry. I know I'm a jerk. Good movie though.
Or Maybe just Hollywood Fantasy that should be taken for its entertainment value, and not as a reference to international relations nor as a actual reflection of the military, police or other institutes stance on security issues.

Ok, I meant Michael Douglas.....hell they look alike so what is the difference....both with their saggy butts.....ewwwwww.....and are you guys going to pick everything apart??? Just seeing our cute little flag so big on the screen made me sit up and take notice....could there be a message in it? or was the director not really thinking too clearly.....might only be a movie but hell, most of their audience are American's and we all know how well they think for themselves....do I have to say more?

