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We're human too!

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I think some clarity is needed for those offended by the McDonalds employee remarks.  McDonalds isn't really lower on the social ladder if you're a student with a part time job for some extra cash.  I think it's to those who are 35 and are working there as a career.  Managing a part time job, school and cadets deserves some credit.
Let's see.. what does McDonald's, or other fast food franchises, give you?
A uniform;
Work experience;
Life Skills;
Real penalties for goofing up;
Interaction with peers, authority and the public;
A low stress introduction to the working world;
Some financial independance; 
A fair wage; and
A pretty good idea what you "DON"T" want to be doing the rest of your life because of a lack of education.

Cadets gives you:
A uniform (partly);
Responsibility (somewhat, at higher levels);
Structure (only if you take it seriously, and are not one of the goof off, spoiled brats, so often seen in Cadets);
Some money, if you attend summer training;
Some training, like how to use a compass, if you ever get far enough out of the city to get lost, and remembered to bring it with you.

If I had to hire someone based on the previous criteria, it would probably be the person who spent a couple of years, doing regular shifts three or four times a week, flipping burgers. If you think it's beneath you, there's always tomatoes to be picked or corn to be detassled, bathrooms in bars to be cleaned.......

Get off your high horses. A job is a job, until another one comes along. And most jobs are a stepping stone and training for a better one.

Cadets, while seemingly noble, equate to little nowdays. It pulls about as much weight as saying you spent three years as a Boy Scout.

recceguy said:
Cadets gives you:
A uniform (partly)

Last time I checked our uniform was a uniform. Care to explain a little please?

I agree that real work experience is valuable. I think a combination of cadets and a job would be superior.
yoman said:
Last time I checked our uniform was a uniform. Care to explain a little please?

Yup! I see lot's of Cadets, all the time. Wearing running shoes, civvie jackets, toques and various uniform accoutrement's, all at once. I'm sure it's not their fault, even the regs don't have sufficient quantities of all the kit they should have either.
ARMYboi69 said:
Last time I checked, cadets gives you the EXACT same thing, just in a different setting ;)

Nope. Don't agree. The two can't be equated. Read my post and feel free to disagree. Bottom line, Cadets is a hobby, the other is a real, substantive job with a pay stub.
When applying for a job and filling out your resume who do you think will most likely get a job first. The 18 year old that has been in cadets for the past 4 years or the kid that has worked at McDonalds for the same period? My best is on the kid that worked at McDonalds.

You place to much importance on yourself and your hobby. None of this was meant to demean Cadets, just to give some insight into what constitutes work and experience from an employers point of view. Lot's of us were in Cadets and were proud to do so, but it's not real world experience, and if you think it is, you have a very large culture shock coming. I'm not going to
with you. Suffice to say, I hope you take off the rose coloured glasses before your obvious ego takes to big a hit. Have a good day.
Being at McDonald's for four years does not GUARANTEE that they learned anything.  However, cadets is GUARANTEED to give you leadership experience, time management skills, physical fitness, and peer interaction because that's what it's based on.

Thats a big BRAVO SIERRA! I have seen cadets that come into the CF that have noneof those traits whilst kids that have worked at Tim Hortons having them all and vice versa. Stop perpatrating the myth cadets gives you all of those, it can only if the person is receptive to it.

You're getting good advice from others here, please, heed it and get off the high horse.

Piper said:
So in essence, what you get out of an org you are with equates to the effort you put in.

However, there is a difference. Having a job shows maturity, you can hold down a steady job, make money etc etc.

Trying to equate being in cadets with having a job is like equating airsofting with being in the military...one is a hobby, the other is a real deal job.

Armyboi...you REALLY gotta stop taking yourself so seriously. You aren't god's gift to the world because you are in cadets.

Read the above again and again until you get it.

Cadets guarantees you nothing but a passtime. Just because you go through five years of it does not mean you exit a finely polished leader, nor does it mean that you even have what it takes to become one with practice. There are many kids out there who have zero desire to be in the Military yet they are in Cadets and they make great Cadets, how do you explain them?

Actually, forget my last question, steer this thread back on topic, please.
ARMYboi69 said:
  However, cadets is GUARANTEED to give you leadership experience, time management skills, physical fitness, and peer interaction because that's what it's based on.

Hey guess what, I'm going to agree with everyone else about this.....nothing is really guaranteed out of the CCM.......that said......does there really need to be so much cadet bashing to prove your points?....i know that it seems to be a favourite passtime for some but, can one request for a little less of it? or is that asking for just a little too much?...again...not ALL of us are on high horses, but it's a little disheartening to read all this bashing....
mandal said:
Hey guess what, I'm going to agree with everyone else about this.....nothing is really guaranteed out of the CCM.......that said......does there really need to be so much cadet bashing to prove your points?....i know that it seems to be a favourite passtime for some but, can one request for a little less of it? or is that asking for just a little too much?...again...not ALL of us are on high horses, but it's a little disheartening to read all this bashing....

It's not our favouite past time... and no one is bashing Cadets. Try to read and fathom a little. Just saying it doesn't equate to employment in the grand scheme of things. You guys need thicker skins.
I've what I've learned.  How well an employer see's a cadet for a job usually depends on any cadets that have worked for him in the past.  If a cadet has worked there before and was an excellent worker that employer usually has a high opinion of cadets and would hire another one no problem.  But if he's had a cadet work for him and he was lazy and useless, it would be the opposite affect.  It's true that there's no guarantee in cadets to make you a good leader or a good person by any means but I've never seen any harm come out of this hobby.  Are you saying that all cadets are wasting their time?
Jacob said:
  Are you saying that all cadets are wasting their time?

Nobody said anything of the sort. Quit getting bent. You guys gotta simply read what's written and quit trying to infer or extrapolate something that's not there. My God, no wonder people get cranky when dealing with you. Your inferiority complex is near as large as some of your egos. Just go back on your happy go lucky utopian ways, I'm outta here. It's not possible to hold a reasoned discussion, without you guys thinking the world is against you.

Kyle, I don't know how you deal with it sometimes.
Well, when it degenerates to this we deal with it by locking the thread, just like so many others in the Cadet forums.

Take heed to the advice given, how many times must it be said?

Kyle, if you want to unlock this after a while feel free, otherwise, unless someone can give me a very good reason why I should let it continue the downward spiral it is over.

Some need to grow a thicker skin, some need to stop taking themselves so seriously. Ever think that's why some of you get teased? Wasn't that what this all started with?

I am through with this, as mentioned, give me a very GOOD reason via PM and I may open it back up, otherwise it's up to Kyle.
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