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***Warning *** York University Protest

If this is true that Reservist will be there, I have three words for them.  QUIT RIGHT NOW.  And they want to be treated like Regular Forces members, bit me.

What's that supposed to mean?  Reg Force members wouldn't get upset over this?  They are somehow immune to such things and reservists are nothing more than a pot of emotions who do not deserve the same respect of their reg force brothers because of it?

I suggest you re-think your statement.
"His comment may have been in regards to the (hopefully unlikely) possibility that those troops are there protesting with the hippies. "

K might have jumped on him to fast if that is what he ment....

And as to the clerk comment, do you even know what a clerk's job is like? And on top of that, trade bashing like that is just childish. "

Your right, Im sorry
As you should be. Spend a week here in the RCD RHQ and then tell me that clerks have a lot of time on their hands. This is the only 10 minute break I've had a chance to take today and it will probably be the last, and I'm new here. I could easily turn it around on your trade but won't, because I'm mature enough to realize we all have a job to do .. unlike yourself.
Insert Quote
As you should be. Spend a week here in the RCD RHQ and then tell me that clerks have a lot of time on their hands. This is the only 10 minute break I've had a chance to take today and it will probably be the last, and I'm new here. I could easily turn it around on your trade but won't, because I'm mature enough to realize

Like I said sorry, and it turns out I do have more time on my hands then most clerks....think Ill head over to the protest!!!!! Just joking...I should have never said anything about his trade, it was and is childish. Just kind of got mad and saw his coments one way. Sorry.
It's cool .. let's carry on and follow Che's advice and get back on topic.
Its not just Toronto. Vancouver is quite capable of producing its own nutjobs. They don't call it the "Left coast" for nothing.

from: http://www.mawovancouver.org/index.html 

"January 23rd - 27th will mark the fourth Student Week Against War and Occupation (SWAWO), organized by MAWO and groups on campuses in the Lower Mainland. There will be events on campuses across the Lower Mainland including the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, Kwantlen College, Douglas College, Capilano College, Langara College, University of Victoria, Lower Mainland High Schools and more... "

Just a question to all the protesters...as I know there have to be a few on this site.

  Do you really think that all these protests well change the view of the government and the people in the forces? I'm looking for a real responce. You do have the write to voice all your concerns but most of what I just read on the website  http://www.mawovancouver.org/index.html  is misguided and made up. For what reason do you do these protest, what responce would you like from the government and after you get it well you stop all the protesting?

If this is true that Reservist will be there, I have three words for them.  QUIT RIGHT NOW.  And they want to be treated like Regular Forces members, bit me. 

Retarded comment. No need to pursue that.
Bobbyoreo made a silly comment too, realised it and apologised.  I'm sure he realises how important it is being buddy buddy with Clerks, supply techs medics and cooks  ;)

If a reservist wants to attend one of these protests to support the CF or whatever thats cool. Obviously don't be a hammer head BUT bring a camera.

If a reservist wants to attend one of these protests and support the protesters and cry about getting our troops out of Afghanistan than I think more power too them.
A) They will either see the bullshit these students are chanting and realise 'hey, I'm being an idiot, I'm in the wrong place and I'm on the wrong side'... and sort themselves out
or B) They will realise that being in the reserves and CF is a mistake and they will quit- meaning *we* won't have to work along side them on exercises, drink with them in the mess or go on deployment with them.

It's a win win situation as far as I'm concerned.
Hhhhmmm soldiers showing up at a protest to protest the protest.

You know only positive things will come out of that confrontation  ::)

spartan031 said:
Hhhhmmm soldiers showing up at a protest to protest the protest.

You know only positive things will come out of that confrontation  ::)
Heh, especially with the news cameras rolling...
Note This Is Strictly My Opinion:

You know whenever I'm in a school town like Guelph or Toronto I hear kids come up with the same stupid uneducated comments like "If Canada stays in the Gahn then we will somehow be drawn into Iraq next" and the “illegal war" comment which again I think they are confusing the war in Iraq with the war in Afghanistan.

  I think most of the students who are protesting the war are just doing so to experience what the students did in the old Vietnam days, they think it’s the cool thing to do, they don’t know why thy are pi$$ed they just know that it’s what all the hip kids are doing. I mean it’s a fact that kids do what they see on TV and film; so when Greenday puts out an anti war album then the anti war protesters will be soon to follow.

  It’s good to see young people passionate about the world they live in, however for the most part they only know what their professors tell them or what they see on CNN. When I talk to most university students I ask “what have you done and where have you been?” The answers are predominantly either “nowhere” or something like “I worked at a Banff ski hill out west” the truth is most of these kids would side with you and me if they were to walk down sniper alley in Sarajevo or see the streets of kandahar. 

  To my fellow soldiers who would plan to make the mistake of attending this protest, I would say stop and think about the repercussions your being there could have on our already misunderstood image.
My 2 cents

Agree completely with greydak.

I tend to stay away from these things, because if I'm there, I'll start seeing Red and get sucked into a fight of some sort.

Better to let the children have their playdate, and let them make fools of themselves without us doing the same.

edit: spelling
Its not a win win situation Ghost778.

If the army wants respect they have to earn it on the battlefield.
I do agree with Greydak....I just really want to hear from one of these protesters...I'd really like to know what goes thru their heads!!!
It's a bad idea to attend the rally, no matter your motivation. If you are supporting the protest, I think it's a terrible idea for obvious reasons.

If you are 'protesting' the protest, nothing really good can come of it. You'll be viewed as a war-monger at best. These are IRRATIONAL SHEEPLE you're dealing with. Why bother with them? Instead of having a couple of soldiers going to an anti-war demo, organize (as a civvie), a pro-CF rally, right on there campus. Get all your friends, wives, girlfriends, buddies, moms, dads, etc. Have a friggin BBQ if you want.

The thing is, it boils down to image and the higher standard of conduct that we must adhere to. Cat calling at some retards wearing Che shirts is a wate of breath. Having a good solid pro-cf rally will sway the middle ground.

  FWIW your local Communist candidate scored about 90 votes in Guelph. a city of 100,000 plus.  Sort of a seething hotbed of radical lefties ;D  Apparently the plan is to return to being a "student leader" at  Unigoo and be laughed at by a more sympathetic crowd  >:D
If the army wants respect they have to earn it on the battlefield.


Our army is one of the most respected armies in the world already. Who do we need to earn respect from, these protesters?  I think our guys have did a good job at proving themselves on the battlefield already.
Bobbyoreo said:
I do agree with Greydak....I just really want to hear from one of these protesters...I'd really like to know what goes thru their heads!!!

Perhaps if we want to be more scientific, we could use the term Zephyr.