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Wackiest military rumour ever heard?

  • Thread starter Thread starter ronjeremiesdong
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Just an idea from a guy who posted a question about a rumor he had heard about the CF refusing entry to those who have their wisdom teeth still in their heads. I have heard some really far out rumors while in the forces, and while out, and by far, the wierdest were while in basic training, as we are all pretty much ignorant of what is happening or about to happen - and are still scared %$itless! Eg. "You have to polish your boot bottoms for inspections", heck, I can‘t think of any right now, but if you can remember some, post them for a laugh! We used to start one while in Infantry training while everyone was stressed out and near the breaking point, and the weekend was coming up - we would start a rumour that we ‘overheard‘ the Mcp talking about how we were going to have to stay on base rather than going home, and not just staying on base, but doing S.H.A.R.P. training or some other mudane thing. The recruits would freak!
I keep hearing stories about these stress cards the new recruits supposedly get. However, I have yet to meet anyone that has firsthand experience with these. I‘ve also heard this same story told by American soldiers. I think stress cards must be a military version of a urban legend.
I have recently heard that St Jean had a Basic go through where PT was at the students own time. AND.... push ups were not given through out the course.

Boy....are we ever a hard army!!


‘Heard a good one recently: "Things will get better !!!" How‘s that for a whacky rumour ???
Unbelievable Jungle! That‘s the best I‘ve heard yet!
I heard that a recruit was accidentally shot during a field training excersize when he thought he had blanks in the c7 ...
Very unfortunately, that was true. It happened about a year ago, I believe. It was reported in Safety Digest and was posted on a bulletin board. I guess it didn‘t occur to some moronic retard to explain the difference between ball and blank to someone that had never seen either before.
How about the Defense White Paper - the one released in the Mulroney Years... :rolleyes:
I got the teeth rumour from over at the www.army.gc.ca board. I had know clue so I posted
it here

Hey RoneJermie your a fellow peterborough boy
Here‘s a bunch of good ones

-PRes Armoured going Coyote and will receive Coyotes
-Windsor is getting a new Armouries
-We are getting G-Wagons
-Our budget was increased

If these are actually a reality, sure would be nice to see some progress. Been waiting for the new Armouries for a couple years now...
I just remembered one from our Ql3 course in Farnham Quebec. We had a 2Lft on our course that of course nobody liked too much as he was a little too gung ho etc. Anyways, on a previous course he had lost his C7 scope and a disposible rocket (the one you fire in basic that collapses). Of course the rocket was said to be armed and not a dummy. Who knows? Everytime we were in the woods training, I couldn‘t help but look for it.