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Verbal Warning

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I'm new here and curious.  I've seen some replies to messages with a "Verbal Warning" in the upper left, under the the name of  the person replying.  One of the messages contained a curt reply about the question being asked before.  Is this for real, or does this person have the same message for all his messages?

PWOR Archivist

Reading the conduct guidelines helps.
Maybe you should keep in mind that you have many non CF people who visit this site looking for info and cut them a bit of slack in the beginning.  Posting warnings and curt answers to a new member isn't the way to promote friendliness.  If you want to keep this as a forum for CF members it's fine for that approach, but if you want the grandsons and granddaughters of soldiers to come here looking for information you will most certainly drive them away with those kinds of things.

Remember that there is no such thing as a dumb question, only dumb answers.

PWOR Archivist
Infanteer said:

Reading the conduct guidelines helps.

Basically, post rude answers like Infanteer just did, and you get a Verbal... ;)
swellal said:
  If you want to keep this as a forum for CF members it's fine for that approach,
PWOR Archivist

You know what, Al?  No it's not, either.  CF members have as much right to be treated with civility as soldiers.  We're not in the field here, we're communicating via the typed word, which brings with it a whole set of responsibilities and expectations.  There's no excuse for acting like an ignoramus, even if this is an "Army" website. 

Good thread, thanks for starting it. ;D
swellal said:
Remember that there is no such thing as a dumb question, only dumb answers.

I prefer "there's no such thing as a dumb question, just a lot of inquisitive idiots".

This forum is not meant to be a free-for-all.  Anyone is welcome to come and read through the archives, but a certain standard is expected from those who decide they'd like to post.
The problem Al is this, yes we would love to be able to each and everyones question but when you have answered the same question time and time again it does get tedious. No one buys a new appliance without first reading the instructions (well most of us anyways), so thats why we have set up the Guidelines, FAQ and have established a Search function. If the person has done the needed steps and still cannot find the answer then by all means ask. Just something for you to ponder from our POV.
Just keep in mind that you may be dealing with a 12 year old asking when the First World War ended, or "Was Canada in the World War?"

Do you scold them for asking a dumb question or do you exercise some patience and answer them?

My choice most certainly is to answer their question, and explain anything they want to know.  If that isn't the approach of choice here then I'm afraid my services as the Archivist of the PWOR will be withdrawn from the site.

You can feel free to send them to our website and I will show them the patience and understanding they deserve.

PWOR Archivist
Not sure why you picked today to climb on your high horse but I would be hard pressed to remember any 12 year olds asking those questions on this site.  This site runs pretty well with the guidelines that have been set and everyone is treated with the civility that they deserve.

To answer your question, some members have violated the stated Conduct Guidelines and as such have been placed on Verbal Warning. Every time they post, the "Verbal Warning" note is evident in their posts. This indicates that the user is on warning, not that they are issuing a warning to someone else.

Verbals are the lowest step on the warning system, and being on verbal means you can't edit your own posts for a week - a very minor inconvenience, and designed to encourage those warned to think seriously about what they're posting.

Verbals are designed to be a "tripflare" that goes off when a user starts to go astray. Some take it as an opportunity to review their approach on the forums and see if they can improve; others see it as an attack on them personally and fight back. The former tend to come off their Verbal and take a moment to verify their perspective. For them, the Verbal ends up having its intended positive results. Others come off their Verbal itching for a fight, burning to prove they were mistreated. Those users generally walk up the warning ladder through Recorded, C&P and eventually to an outright ban. In short, a Verbal is a friendly warning in that it's impact is low but it's an easy way to make it clear to users that their approach is headed in the wrong direction.

It's our way of gently guiding inquisitive visitors towards the preferred approach to asking and answering questions.

If you have any specific examples of members here breaching the Guidelines without being warned, please let myself or any of the other staff know and we'll review it. Every post has a "Report to moderator" button which immediately notifies Army.ca Staff of potential issues, so we encourage people to use it to highlight problems.

Now I understand.  Guess I'm a bit slow on the uptake.  I thought that the person replying to the message was giving the person who started the thread a verbal warning.  Now I see that it is the person who is doing the replying already has the warning.

Makes all the difference in the world.


And now that everyone is clear on the subject, we can lock it. Until it gets asked again....and again....and ;D
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