True, Se7en had two points, contact your government and your get your friends/family to contact the government. It might be splitting hairs or a question of semantics, but his original point in the header was not to organize but to express an opinion, which as stated is his right to do ie. your MP.
However as it was written it could be construed in a few ways, one of which was to, in a fashion, organize and albeit I jumped on it, I did mention that career-wise, it might not be the best course of action.
I also believe that the spirit of the original post was one of lack of governmental funding as it was addressed to this audience, which, if anything can only help the CF, however I suppose this is academic to the arguement.
Why did I jump on it?...bored of TV, not tired and looking to pick a fight via the internet, good on ya for replying. That about kills the dead horse, yes?