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U.S. Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret 'Jesus' Bible Codes


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Ironically, the Taliban and others would probably never have found out about this had it not been reported. But then the media's job is not to cover-up oversights by the military and the apparent religious fundamentalism of a private company. This sort of mentality is what we're supposed to fighting.  As an atheist who generally supports the GWOT, this is particularly frustrating. *sigh*
It would seem from a majority of the comments, many readers either agree with it or really don't care about it. Another underlying feeling that is quite apparent is that many of the readers feel the same way about ABC as a lot of Canadians feel about the CBC. Useless, bias newmaking put in place to deflect from the real issues in the news.

They are still damn good sights, and if they deliver the bullet to the mark, I don't care whether they were made by JC, Buddah, Allah, Shiva or Beelzebub themselves for that matter.
Damn, you beat me to the punch of posting this story.

But I agree that people in the military might not actually care if the sights do their job. I would have never known that these were on the sights unless I had memorized the Bible or seen this news broadcast.

The people that are most likely going to whine about this are the pencil pushers who state it's wrong to have religion on military equipment and the public.
Kilo_302 said:

Ironically, the Taliban and others would probably never have found out about this had it not been reported. But then the media's job is not to cover-up oversights by the military and the apparent religious fundamentalism of a private company. This sort of mentality is what we're supposed to fighting.  As an atheist who generally supports the GWOT, this is particularly frustrating. *sigh*

First off they can't really be secret if they are in plain sight can they?  As far as "religious fundamentialism of a private company"  That is one of the silliest things I have ever read!  ::)
He's not that far off the bat about the company. If you look up information about them and watch the news broadcast you'll see the owner (who is not dead) was the one who came up with the inscriptions and was a very devout christian.

Fundamentalism isn't the right word but it's definitely more "fundamental" than AQ or the Taliban about their weapons.

You don't see "Allah Ackbar" stamped on AK-47's or "Death to Infidels" painted on RPG's now do you?  ;D

But I don't see the big deal.
Tollermann said:
First off they can't really be secret if they are in plain sight can they?  As far as "religious fundamentialism of a private company"  That is one of the silliest things I have ever read!  ::)

Should I, as an athiest (& if I were American), or a Jew, or a Muslim or etc etc be forced to carry around "their religious" message for them (and be subjected to it in an unchallenged manner) while I serve my country?

I (they) don't get a "choice" as to which sights their weapons come equipped with, but they do a have a choice of beliefs ... and this company should keep "their beliefs" to them f'n selves.

I think it's low. I think it's bullshit. I think it's intentional (obviously). It's also contradictory to seperation of church and state.

So, the sights perform admirably --- excellent!! They certainly don't perform any better because of the religious sybmiology ... and they sure as hell won't work any worse if the symbiology is NOT on them ... get the bible-thumping quotes off.

You can bet your butt these sights would be recalled from the troops and depots forthwith should there have been hidden Muslim symbiology found on them and the Christian right wingers would be throwing a fit ... funny how the shoe only ever fits on the other sides foot and never upon their own.

Quite frankly, I personally find this little happenstance to be disgusting.

For Dean22,

Sure you don't see a big deal - I sure do. I'm an athiest - I don't need to be subjected to your "religious message" every time I pick up my weapon. Period. I can only imagine how soldiers who actually do practice another faith feel.
My rifle is an extension of politics by other means, and it already has the required inscription:

Anything else is baggage.
ArmyVern said:
Sure you don't see a big deal - I sure do. I'm an athiest - I don't need to be subjected to your "religious message" every time I pick up my weapon. Period. I can only imagine how soldiers who actually do practice another faith feel.

I agree with RG and dean, as an athiest as well I could care less what is on my weapon as long as it helps me do the job it was intended to do.  This is much ado about nothing.....
I'm an atheist who thinks the previous atheist posters need to get some real bearing in their lives......

Too friggin' funny.
MJP said:
I agree with RG and dean, as an athiest as well I could care less what is on my weapon as long as it helps me do the job it was intended to do.  This is much ado about nothing.....

Cheers. As being listed NRE also, I have way bigger things to worry about than some letters and numbers imprinted on a piece of equipment. Especially if they don't have anything whatsoever to do with the operation. And I sure don't give a rodents patootie what Timmy, or anyone else,  thinks about it either. How's that Bruce?
Um, I think I just said what you said??

EDIT: OK, I see where I was confusing.  I should have said something like 'to the outraged athiests".

MJ's' post wasn't there when I typed.
recceguy said:
Cheers. As being listed NRE also, I have way bigger things to worry about than some letters and numbers imprinted on a piece of equipment. Especially if they don't have anything whatsoever to do with the operation. And I sure don't give a rodents patootie what Timmy, or anyone else,  thinks about it either. How's that Bruce?

I agree - they have no bearing on it's operation ...

So why do they need to be there?

I'm an athiest - others aren't. This crap bothers me, but I'm sure there are people of other practicing religious persuasions who it matters to.

Just as the inscription on our weapons is posted in the pic below ...

I joined to serve my Queen and Country. Period. Not someone else's God.
"Someone___Else's__God ___Save___Our___Noble______Queen"

Please, someone call the "whogivesafukfairy"
I have way bigger things to worry about than some letters and numbers imprinted on a piece of equipment.... And I sure don't give a rodents patootie what Timmy, or anyone else,  thinks about it either.

But the issue really isn't what you or I think about it, or even what the Taliban think about it.

The issue is how this could be perceived by those whose opinion can be swayed towards us or towards them - both at home and in Afghanistan.  These are the people that will either win or lose the war for us.

The Taliban gain support by calling this a Jihad.  It's our job to convince people that it's not - that the moral high ground the Taliban is claiming is a fraud.  Inscribing religious text on issued weapons systems only hurts us.

One can argue if little things like this will make a difference in the grand scheme of things. Personally, I see it as a matter of principle.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
"Someone___Else's__God ___Save___Our___Noble______Queen"

Please, someone call the "whogivesafukfairy"

I personally don't sing that song, but I do toast Her Majesty at the mess. I serve my Queen that does not mean that I also serve God or sing about him.

I also remove my headdress when the command is given as it affects me not one way or the other, but I am also not subjected anymore to attending "mandatory" church parades.

That doesn't mean that I don't enter churches or mosques - I have entered both. For weddings & funerals - that doesn't go against any personal beliefs of mine and rather is respectful of those religious beliefs of my friends and co-horts.

I attend by choice.

Seems that there are some American servicemen who are not being afforded the opportunity to chose to NOT have to use eqpt with a Religious Christian reference inscribed upon it. They are not all athiests.

Even if you brush off my own personal disgust with this act as being "unwarranted" as I'm an athiest so it shouldn't bother me one way or the other ... I don't believe brushing off the religions of those non-Christians in the US who are serving their country too as "oh well, it functions fine so what does a little Bible pushing harm".

If having the inscription on the thing doesn't matter ... then it certainly doesn't matter if it is NOT on there and is less likely to offend those of other religious persuasions who also choose to serve their country vice this company's "God". That's my point.

Simply, take off the inscription from the sights ... what's the problem?

ArmyVern said:
I don't believe brushing off the religions of those non-Christians in the US who are serving their country too as "oh well, it functions fine so what does a little Bible pushing harm".

I guess they should also do their service for free ,.......I mean heck, wouldn't want to take that 'unseparated' money would we?
Bruce Monkhouse said:
I guess they should also do their service for free ,.......I mean heck, wouldn't want to take that 'unseparated' money would we?

Wow. Just wow.


yep, I guess so Bruce. All non-Christians should hereby be forced to work for free AND put up with right-wing Christian religious refs inscribed upon their equipment.

Wait a minute, let's really do them good. Conscription for all of them too --- that way all the Christians can just sit back home nice and safe and snug; one thing's for sure, the monetary cost of the war would certainly go down wouldn't it? What a great way to counter the recession all the while maintaining popular opinion in the polls at home. [/sarcasm]

Still waiting ...
ArmyVern said:
Simply, take off the inscription from the sights ... what's the problem?

If it means nothing, why leave it there?
You don't see the total absurdity of your raging about religious markings on a piece of equipment made in a foreign land that has 'In God We Trust' on it's money?

Damn skippy "wow".
Bruce Monkhouse said:
You don't see the total absurdity of your raging about religious markings on a piece of equipment made in a foreign land that has 'In God We Trust' on it's money?

Damn skippy "wow".

Given that the US military itself has "expressly forbidden the proselytizing of any religion in Iraq or Afghanistan" ... yep.

So, the markings affect operation in no manner whatsoever. And, the markings are in contravention of US military policy stating seperation of church and state and against proseltyzing any religion in Irq or Afg ... so why not remove them?

Again, what's the problem? It seems rather simple to me.
proselytizing - to convert
Does not ban practice.

It just means they don't have to hide from people selling 'The Watchtower".