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The Army and Rugby


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Does anyone know if the CF has a Rugby Team?  Or if specific units or bases have teams?  Just interested because I play ruggers and I would love to continue playing if I join up...
I have managed to play, off and on, through most of my time in the military.  When I got to 2VP in 88, they had a good tream, and eventually we entered the MRU - 3rd and then 1st Division.  On posting to Cornwall for RSS, I played for Cornwall, as well as the Petawawa Stags / Deep River Blues - Eastern Ontario 3rd Division.  I didn't play in Kamloops, but managed to play for the Bn team when on exchange in the UK with the Royal Green Jackets (the coach forced me to stop pretending that I was still fast enough to be a fullback, and turned me into a 2nd row...).  On return ot Canada, I tried to get a Regtl Tournament going for the 85th, but it all fell apart.  Next played in TO - I was posted in as EA to Comd, but knew that I would be at the Staff College the following year, and had been earmarked by the current skipper there to be the next skipper.  Started playing old boys in TO - what a hoot!  Skippered the Chambrays at Staff College, and then continued with old boys.  I didn't play last year due to an injury, and will probably only play a few games this year due to tour overseas.  Bottom line is that you can usually find a team to play with, and occassionally it is a military team.

1 PPCLI is starting up a Rugby team in the spring, and there is a move to establish a Brigade Commander's Cup.  I know for a fact that CO 1 VP has challenged a few of the other COs in 1 CMBG to meet on the field of honour. Hopefully, we will be able to find a few units in Edmonton with the parts necessary to field a team 8) 

It strikes me that rugby should be the official sport of the Army.  It stresses controlled violence, mission over self, teamwork, and the ever important "making a fool of yourself during the Third Half".

Are there other established Army rugby teams out there (I know about the 2 VP Bayonets and the Petawawa Stags, having played for both of them)?

Former fullback turned second row

Is the plan to enter the Edmonton rugby union or just have inter-unit competition? 
I believe that the plan is to avoid the ARU - I have had experience with "RU"s and mil teams before, and it is problematic. 

Union rules of course - league is for...
Remember way back when in Cyprus 91/92 time when the CO of Can Con refused to let his troops play in the inter unit League or even for the combined UN team, rumor at the time said he thought it was too rough/dangerous for his boys.

By the way I am a long time rugby player and had some good talks with your CO on Archer Roto 0 - 1 transition.

Good luck to you all :salute:
So there is a team in Pet is there? I didnt see that, would have loved to have had a run while i was there.
We play a lot of ruggers here, expecially seeing as a lot of the boys are from up north where its played even more then Aussie rules football.
Theres a story i heard once that the English team were to play a friendly against team from "The Regiment" back in the 80's when there were one of the best teams in the world. English players rocked up, looked at the SAS blokes and decided they'd be too badly hurt if they played. Game got cancelled.

Its definately the game they play in Heaven...right after cricket
It's nice to see some mil teams spark up.

I've always beena huge fan of rugger, and while there were many mil pers on the local EORU teams, never any unit teams here.

Be great to see it played.

When I was on my 3's, the school wouldn't let us play Rugby for PT. Too much danger of people getting hurt...so we played soccer...
Ahh...sweet cricket.  Now theres a game.  Should get a criket league going as well. 
I played in Vancouver against some decent players and some...not so decent players. They all had a love for it though. While it would be great theres just no chance of it ever happening. Meaning poor Kiwi's, west Indians (theres one in the dragoons at least), Indians and Brits in the CF will never get a chance to wield the willow again.
Lets have a minutes silence just for them, their sacrifice should never be forgotten.
To give up your country is one thing, to give up cricket is something else entirely...
Strats used to have a team back when the base had an informal league.  Most of the remainders played for the Pirates when I left Edmonton a few years ago.
PPCLI Guy said:
I believe that the plan is to avoid the ARU - I have had experience with "RU"s and mil teams before, and it is problematic. 

Good I find that Mil teams have a hard time being able to commit due to ever changing schedules.  Easy enough to reschedule if it stays inter-unit, not so much for RU teams.
Union rules... Roughians playing like gentlemen

league rules.... Gents playing like ruffians

Played as part of the Quebec Rugby Union way back when... 14-15 yr old, playing as a prop for the 2nd & often on the 1st team... oh those were the days my friends.... drinking age was 21 and I was playing with fellas who were twice my age.. (or more)
Us Navy folks had the pleasure of watching the Stadacona Sailors play in the Maritime Senior Football League at Stad in the mid-90's.

I know they were plagued with injuries and a couple of sailors got scouted by the Ti-Cats for a try out. It was exciting to watch followed by a crazy after party at the Fleet Club. It reminded me of Petawawa watching the intersection hockey games.

Good luck in your endeavour to get a rugby league going, the military needs more esprit de corp activities and more people like you promoting this kinds of events.

hale; the brigade commander of 2cmbg loves rugby. rumint (again confirmed when said snow is gone) is that there's going to be a brigade team this year. we didn't have a league last year due to too many pers being deployed. we have a hard enough time getting full teams out to play even when all the units are here.
I really hope there's another leauge going this year. that's the only reason why I did the ironman; there was no rugby team (okay there's a few others, but that's a big one) :D
and yes the third half is always the most fun. we always did that when I played for 1RCR. couldn't really ever get the other teams to come out with us, guess they were sore losers :P
anybody feel like going and drinking from the boot?
geo said:
Union rules... Roughians playing like gentlemen

league rules.... Gents playing like ruffians ballerinas....when play wasn't stopped so they could squat to pee
League... ::)  - - no further discussion required.

Best rugby season was playing for the Irish during my year suntanning in Cyprus. Lots of Guinness downrange (even if I did have to carry Devil39 - - he was pretty weak  ;)  )