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SISIP LTD Payment Rant


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I posted this on my facebook page which started a nice little debate/info session.  Seems not a lot of people new about this.  So I think I'll post it here too for FYI and to stir a bigger pot  ;D

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank the government of Canada for purchasing a LTD insurance plan for the CF, and for making us pay into it. Thus insuring that when medically released we will have 75% of our Salary for 2 years while we re-adjust to civilian life and get back on track. I would also like to thank that same government for counting that payment as income, and having the Insurance Company remit 20% of it back to Canada Revenue. That's right folks. For those not keeping track.

75% - 20% = 55%

Myself and everyone else who gets medically released and collects disability from our LTD insurance plan only sees 55% of the money. The Crown over 2 years for a Cpl IPC3 will recoup a tad over $17K in taxes. And since the remainder of what you get is just over the income line you'll make too much to get much of that back come tax time.

woohoo, thanks for looking out for us. So much for taking time off to recover. Back to work I guess, so I can buy bread and pay my Mortgage.

Yep, the Federal Gov't actually seems to make a profit.
Not much to debate there. It is what it is and it sucks! I'm headed for SISIP myself at some point. I'm currently in another world of debate as I'm a reservist and was injured on TF 3-06. I've been on a Class C contract ever since. The problem I have is reservists get 75% of there pay AT TIME OF INJURY. I was a pte at time of Injury and am now a Cpl IPC4. To get the ball rolling I have contacted my local MP's office to ask why there is a difference. I have recieved a reply and they want more info from me but said they will look into the matter.

At this time I don't think much can be done in regards to the 75% amount. There is currently a lawsuit in against the NVC for better benefits and we will have to play the waiting game to see what comes of that.

On a side note wounded warriors has now teamed up with the legion to help with explaining what vets are enetitled to benefit wise from VAC. There are also emergency funds available from the legion so if any soldier ever runs into issues such as not being able to make a mortgage payment they can assist.



You are right.  It is what it its, and Reservists get it even worse.  Us RegF are paid at our Rate of Pay on Release, not time of Injury.  Which could be argued as a form of Discrimination? Good luck with that though.

I wish you all the best in navigating this nightmare.

I was unaware that there was a Lawsuit WRT the NVC?  I know there was some noise being made to MPs and such.  Interesting tidbit.

My intent was just to inform the younger members and maybe some older ones too who didn't know that it isn't 75% in your pocket.  And to attempt to gauge the level of misfortune.
I feel the same a lot of current CAF members and new recruits have no idea what benefits there are and the hoops you have to jump through to get what you are entitled too. They do a good job of putting out lots of fancy pamphlets just smoke and mirrors so that you have the "feeling" that all is good if something were to happen to you.

I'm sure most releasing members would like to just get on with there lives but instead its drawn out for years battling the system which stops us from actualy getting on with life.

Theres a thread in the VAC and other soldiers benefits 3rd from the top with the NVC lawsuit. There hasn't been any updates since November on it. (I would have posted the link here but don't know how)