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SEM in Ottawa

You should be able to find your MOC number online, possibly the DND or recruiting websites.  Also, 100$ is lots for PP&S as I have only spent 37$ thus far, and that includes a scientific calculator.  I have yet to buy binders, paper or notebooks, depending on my professors' preferences.
Well, looking at http://www.recruiting.forces.gc.ca/engraph/career/tradeinfo_e.aspx?id=42&bhcp=1 for the MOC number for CELE I cannot find it. 

Doing some searches on this forum apparently they changed the MOC to MOS ID.

Oh well, I still cannot find it, I will just keep looking.
So, if we cannot pay our tuition / books, upfront, as we have yet to be paid.  I know I must speak to my ULO.

I am just curious as what usually happens?  How would paying for them all work?  Thanks.
You should be able to go on the university website and take out a simple calculator and add up your tuition fees (if they aren't already all added up for you as most are).

As well, almost all university websites have a link to the school bookstore that will tell you what books you need for what classes.

If not, then you figure out the books you need the first week in school, go to the bookstore, price them and then submit it to your ULO.

Another option is roughly estimate that you need $500 for books first semester, get that advanced, buy the books and then give your receipts to your ULO who will either dock your pay the difference, or you cut a cheque in the amount of the difference to the DND.

I can tell you one thing, your ULO will not hold your hand at all.  If you don't take the initiative, you WILL end up getting burned financially or other ways.

During your IAP/BOTP you will be doing many problem solving problems that are more severe than this.  Get practising ;D ;).

OK thanks.

That is what I thought would happen but I do not want to assume.  Especially being in the army and dealing with money.
Quag said:
You should be able to go on the university website and take out a simple calculator and add up your tuition fees (if they aren't already all added up for you as most are).

What if he hasn't got his calculator yet  ;D

My university sent me a bill for tuition, separated for both semesters, fall and winter.  I got the advance for the fall tuition and paid it.  At the same time I was given the advance for the PP&S.  I am waiting until first week of classes, then I will know which books I need and their pricing (at which time I will book an appointment to get an advance - because I'm broke - for the textbooks) and whatever else my professors would like me to get as PP&S, whether that be binders with papers, or a notebook with detachable papers, etc.

I've got my ULO on speed dial, you should do the same!  ;)
Kid_X said:
What if he hasn't got his calculator yet  ;D

Exactly :p

Anyways, I got all my fees added up with taxes and all that good stuff so when I go to my ULO on Monday I can give him the information that he needs.

I get to see him the day before I go to university, so does everyone else in B.C.

At least I am off leave today.
Well, SEM annual briefing this morning was interesting.  Turns out I should have had my tuition advance receipt in 15 days after I got it.  Sadly, it's been almost 30 days now.  I finally know who I can call, seeing as my ULO is on sick leave until October, to get stuff sorted out. As an air traffic controller, I'm still only AF4, so I need to go for another medical.  We learned about annual PT requirements, that we must do our SLT exemption test before December if we want to be exempted, and many other interesting little facts.  Leave is interesting, but they never mentioned whether or not going to visit family for a holiday such as thanksgiving or "study break" in February counts as annual leave or weekend leave.  Anybody got a word to put in here? I want to go visit my father for thanksgiving/his birthday on October 7th weekend.
Hey Kid_X, Thanksgiving is 2 weekend and 1 day statutory holiday. At very least, here at RMC, reading week is annual leave. I'm not sure if it would be the same for you.
I'm in Ottawa.  There was a briefing for Ottawa U students from 0930 to 1200 hours (that sounds cool  ;D) and one from some other time to some other time for Carleton U students (preferably).  I attended the Ottawa U meeting.
As I mentioned before, leave is very flexible (almost to the point of unlimited as long as school and training do not conflict)

Any holidays you want are usually given, just submit a leave pass.
Alright, thank you very much.  ;D
Oh, and for those who are first year and just got the student guide book, READ IT!