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Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

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Flavus101 said:
Keep up the good work.

I will leave the training regimes to someone who has more professional knowledge than I. Just remember that in order to achieve your goals you must put in the hard work, there is no quick and easy method.

Definetly, I'm not looking for a lazy way out. Im just seeing what the aggregate of opinions say is realistic.

If it was something were I had more personal authentic knowledge, I'd be able to come up with my answer. But I dont and others here seem very knowledgeable so I ask.

I did some googling, but it all seems anecdotal.... and i hesitate with personal testimonies...

Interval training will increase your speed, your treadmill should have some prebuilt plans. Mix that in with some longer, slow runs and you'll increase anaerobic and aerobic capacity. Doing the heart rate tracking will definitely help, keep yourself in the zones (Google some calculators), and you'll see results in a few weeks.
I would suggest doing a variety of workouts. Strength training will also help you build overall fitness and make you better for it. Look into things like tabata, crossfit, and circuit training to work on your overall fitness.
Overall fitness is better than being able to run a 5km in a certain time.
The weight training will help with conditioning, and protect joints from injury. Take it from a guy who used to only run, and now has neat surgery scars in both knees as a result.
PuckChaser said:
The weight training will help with conditioning, and protect joints from injury. Take it from a guy who used to only run, and now has neat surgery scars in both knees as a result.

sidemount said:
I would suggest doing a variety of workouts. Strength training will also help you build overall fitness and make you better for it. Look into things like tabata, crossfit, and circuit training to work on your overall fitness.
Overall fitness is better than being able to run a 5km in a certain time.

Definitely Guys, I run 3x a week and use weights 2-3x a week. I just felt cardio was a priority right now, so wanted to see if a timeline could be established.

In the last 7 weeks or so ive gained 20%~ more Muscle. So I'm going with a rounded approach god willing.

Im using a little creatine, but Mostly just multi vitamins and a diet change. Anyways I hope it is closer to weeks then months thag I need to get to good running levels. But whatever it is, it is. Im just a planner.

Hey guys! I have a question, asking for my man who's currently in St Jean for his BMQ. I apologize if this is answered already, I've just gone through so many posts and haven't found the answer...

He's worried about the beep test in week 7 (I believe it is?). First time around he was at 4.5 and that had him freaked out cause he was told he has to be at a level 6. Now, if he doesn't hit 6 during that test, what happens? Will he be recoursed for not meeting just that minimum or how does that all work??

Any info is much appreciated!
MandaMae said:
Hey guys! I have a question, asking for my man who's currently in St Jean for his BMQ. I apologize if this is answered already, I've just gone through so many posts and haven't found the answer...

He's worried about the beep test in week 7 (I believe it is?). First time around he was at 4.5 and that had him freaked out cause he was told he has to be at a level 6. Now, if he doesn't hit 6 during that test, what happens? Will he be recoursed for not meeting just that minimum or how does that all work??

Any info is much appreciated!

The 20-metre Shuttle run (beep test) is no longer used as the CAF standard for military fitness. As long he passes the FORCE Test within the required standard, no, he will not be recoursed.

However, that does not mean he should slack off and not improve his fitness.
Thanks for the reply!

From what he's saying that is a part of the force test? He had to do it as part of it when he first got there, that's how he knows his level, and the level he needs to be at. Is it just that they don't use the results for anything? I don't see why they would make them do it if the results don't matter..

The results matter as a level of physical fitness. 6 is barely running on the shuttle run. If you can't make that, I doubt FORCE shuttles will be easy. If your man can't do 4.5 on the shuttle, he needs to seriously improve his cardiovascular fitness.
Alright. I want to become an Intelligence Operator and do professionally what i basically already do in my free time. The problem is that me and physical fitness is like matter and antimatter. I don't go out, i sit in front of a computer 12 hours a day, i am 6 foot 300 pounds, and have slight hip dyslapsia, so i have a bit of a duck-like gait. I am not, and will never be an athlete. If i was in shape; i probably wouldn't have spent my life in front of a computer researching conflicts, military history, intelligence and all that jazz.  I am through and through a nerd, perhaps even a neckbeard. Even if we consider the fact that if an IO needs to use his fitness in combat it probably means he's about to become a POW or KIA anyway because the entire frontline has collapsed and Ivan or Hajji is already there; is there any hope at all that i may be able to enter the forces?
Tengu said:
I realized i posted this in the wrong thread, so re-post:

Alright. I want to become an Intelligence Operator and do professionally what i basically already do in my free time. The problem is that me and physical fitness is like matter and antimatter. I don't go out, i sit in front of a computer 12 hours a day, i am 6 foot 300 pounds, and have slight hip dyslapsia, so i have a bit of a duck-like gait. I am not, and will never be an athlete. If i was in shape; i probably wouldn't have spent my life in front of a computer researching conflicts, military history, intelligence, doctrines and all that jazz; i would most probably be out enjoying the usual fruits of civilian life. Ask me about my hobbies, love life or favorite sports and i'll stare blankly; but ask me about Jabhat al-Nusra, the Russian Western Military District or Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and i can talk all day long. I am through and through a nerd, perhaps even a neckbeard. I am pretty proficient with a rifle, that's about it. Even if we consider the fact that if an IO needs to use his fitness in combat it probably means he's about to become a POW or KIA anyway because he has failed and the entire frontline has collapsed; is there any hope at all that i may be able to enter the forces?

First:  It is really frowned upon to spam the site with basically the same question.

Second: If you are posting in this thread, perhaps you should read it.  There are many suggestions on Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, etc. as the title of the thread suggest right here in this very thread.  Read and find some tips that will help you develop your abilities to run, do cardio, and perhaps lose weight.

Third:  We have a couple threads on becoming an Intelligence Operator or Intelligence Officer.  You need to develop your SEARCH skills if you want to become either one of them.  If you are incapable of finding information on the internet, then you are not going to make a good member of the Intelligence Branch in any capacity.
Hey guys,

I just applied for the forces a few weeks ago, completing my aptitude test which I did great on and qualified for all trades. Unfortunately I have to wait a year because I am only 17 years of age and had used marijuana within the year. People told me to lie but I couldn't lie to the commander, its just not me. So now I'm stuck with a year to blow and I was just wondering if any active duty members could help me with some advice... I'm going to apply for a Bosn position, hopefully qualifying for SAR TECH when I'm able to begin that process once I achieve my 5 years and hold a rank of corporal. Any suggestions for any activities I could participate in or how I should be using my time would be greatly appreciated. You are all hero's, and I'm going to be proud to say that I am too, a hero someday.
In reference to your username, Bosn's aren't Soldiers, so presoldier141 doesn't work for you. I'am also not sure how your post relates to a thread about running.

You will not become a Cpl as a Bosn, the equivalent rank for the Navy is Leading Seaman(LS).

As for how to spend the next year, can't go wrong with upgrading education, fitness, community service and working.  Plus researching the trade and the RCN if you haven't already, lots of info on this site

In regards to your past drug use, good call on being honest, it was the right thing to do.

Also, if you do get into the CAF, please don't go around calling yourself a hero.