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Hi guys! I am "involved" [ a recruit from] the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry..Well when I started my process there was a sheet [ a white sheet] that talked about the co-op program offered by the RHLI...also there was a website at the bottom of the sheet that had a practice test for cfat that was pretty close to the actual one i took this morning...if anyone has that sheet from the RHLI it would be amazing if you could copy the site onto here and send it so I can retrieve it..I already tried www.rhli.ca but i cant seem to find a link to it on there.

again, i looked through most of the posted links about cfat on this forum and so far none of them are the one that i first practiced with.

it would be great if someone could retrieve it for me...its kinda pointless to go ALL the way down to rhli to pick up a site adress and then come ALL the way home...unless my father drives me, but usually he can after 4 and they close at llike 3 or something..

thanks guys.
Brett said:
... its kinda pointless to go ALL the way down to rhli to pick up a site adress and then come ALL the way home...unless my father drives me, but usually he can after 4 and they close at llike 3 or something..

So - the trip is a waste of YOUR time, but not your Dad's?  (Just askin' - as a Dad).

Why don't you just phone the RHLI Orderly Room and ask them:

Hamilton - 905-972-4001
Burlington - 905-971-1742

(Both phone numbers found on their website - www.rhli.ca )

How hard was THAT??
If I took a bus down there, I would need to leave my house at like 1 just to get there by 3...they would close an hour later...Then travel time back...If my dad drove me, it would take only like 20 minutes there, and 20 minutes back..

me and my dad are great friends, we get along very well...he tells me that if i need anything i can always ask him for it and he would see what he could do to get it for me [within reason, though]. so it wouldnt be pointless if he drove me..my dad is like the soccerr dad..you know, always doing anything and everything involved with it..well he is like that too for my recruitment process.. he helps me with forms, he is going to help me prepare for my second cfat, all of that stuff so i know that he would be more then happy to help me go down there and retrieve the web address..
Brett said:
If I took a bus down there, I would need to leave my house at like 1 just to get there by 3...they would close an hour later...Then travel time back...If my dad drove me, it would take only like 20 minutes there, and 20 minutes back..

me and my dad are great friends, we get along very well...he tells me that if i need anything i can always ask him for it and he would see what he could do to get it for me [within reason, though]. so it wouldnt be pointless if he drove me..my dad is like the soccerr dad..you know, always doing anything and everything involved with it..well he is like that too for my recruitment process.. he helps me with forms, he is going to help me prepare for my second cfat, all of that stuff so i know that he would be more then happy to help me go down there and retrieve the web address..


I'm sorry you missed the intended sarcasm (humour) in my reply.  Having been a Dad to three boys (all grown men, now), I certainly understand your Dad's desire and willingness to do anything necessary for you, cheerfully, and without complaint.

However;  I STILL don't understand why this particular trip is NECESSARY.  Why can't you pick up the phone and retrieve the web address THAT way??


I'm not sure. I prefer going to places and seeing people if I need to. I'm not much of a phone guy. Everytime I have a problem or need to consult something I usually go down in person and do it that way..Besides, I also want to pick up a package I had last time I went there but I happened to loose it :|
