11. Initial Appointment and Commission. Selectees will be appointed
commissioned as follows:
a. if serving in the rank of private (Pte) or corporal (Cpl), the
selectee will be appointed officer cadet (OCdt), and will, on
successful completion of BOTC, be commissioned in the rank of 2nd
lieutenant (2Lt);
b. if serving in the rank of master corporal (MCpl), the selectee will be
appointed OCdt, and will, on successful completion of BOTC, be
commissioned in the rank of 2Lt with simultaneous promotion to the
rank of Lt;
c. for specialist MOCs, selectees serving in the rank of Pte or Cpl will
be appointed OCdt and will, on successful completion of BOTC, be
commissioned in the rank of 2Lt with simultaneous promotion to the
rank of Lt;
d. if serving in the rank of sergeant (Sgt), or warrant officer (WO) and
not senior leader course (SLC) qualified, the selectee will be
appointed OCdt, and will, on successful completion of the
Commissioning from the Ranks Plan (CFRP) BOTC Part 1, be commissioned
in the rank of 2Lt with simultaneous promotion to the rank of Lt;
e. if serving in the rank of WO and SLC qualified, the selectee will be
commissioned in the rank of 2Lt with simultaneous promotion to the
rank of Lt; and
f. if serving in the rank of master warrant officer (MWO) or chief
warrant officer (CWO), the selectee will be commissioned in the rank
of 2Lt with simultaneous promotion to the rank of captain (Capt).
15. Basic Officer Training. CWOs, MWOs and those WOs who are SLC qualified
must successfully complete the CFRP BOTC--Part 2--Officer Indoctrination
Course (OIC). Sgts and non-SLC qualified WOs first must complete
successfully the CFRP BOTC--Part 1--and then complete successfully the CFRP
BOTC--Part 2--OIC. All other selectees must complete the BOTC (OCTP/DEO)
Parts 1 and 2. Form CF 377, Course Report shall be completed in accordance
with CFAO 26-12, Canadian Forces Course Reporting System.