Without the pay stub I cannot confirm if it reads right but yes remit is supposed to happen per below. You should see his pay plus R&Q on his stub.
Effective January 1, 2023, the charges for rations and single quarters will be remitted for members not yet met OFP in their initial Developmental Period 1 (DP1). OFP is the point at which a member has achieved the qualification requirements for first employment in an occupation and is posted off the Basic Training List (BTL) or Subsidized University Training List (SUTL) to a Trained Effective Strength (TES) position. For many/most trades this is completion of their trade training, or phase training.
Members residing in accommodations while attending one of the CAF’s Royal Military Colleges will not qualify for this remit, as their College accommodations are deemed their principal residences.
While monthly payment for rations and single quarters will be remitted for CAF members meeting the above criteria, the Canada Revenue Agency requires that the provision of free “room and board” be a taxable benefit; therefore members will see this on their monthly pay statement and annual T-4.
Added: Just found this that should help. If he does not see this then he needs to talk to the pay staff.
Q2. How will this remit appear on my pay statement?
A2. As this is a remittance, the monthly charge for your R&Q will be deducted from your pay at the beginning of every month, and then remitted to you in the following month