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Re: Israel Hits U.N. Post

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George Wallace

Army.ca Dinosaur
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This isn't the first time that the Israelis have attacked a UN post.  I think it is about time that they were held accountable and taken to task for it.
George Wallace said:
This isn't the first time that the Israelis have attacked a UN post.

Are you trying to say it was on purpose?  What would purposely doing this accomplish for Israel?
Casing said:
Are you trying to say it was on purpose?  What would purposely doing this accomplish for Israel?

I don't think that's what he was saying.  Just that they should be held accountable.
Perhaps!  It could be a variety of reasons; frustration with or hatred for UN Forces, incompetence in their pilots and Artillery; accidental; enemy using the UN Posts for cover.....It could be for a multitude of reasons.  I have yet to hear of them ever apologizing for any such occurrences.
As unfortunate as this is I wonder how the sheep will turn this against the Israel campaign.
They just pushed the stop button with that stunt. Watch as things change on wed morning. You can bet that Hezbola was around that camp and using it as cover. That is the typical move by this type of battle. Sounds very sad for the entire UNIFIL team.
George Wallace said:
Perhaps!  It could be a variety of reasons; frustration with or hatred for UN Forces, incompetence in their pilots and Artillery; accidental; enemy using the UN Posts for cover.....It could be for a multitude of reasons.  I have yet to hear of them ever apologizing for any such occurrences.

I have a very difficult time believing that the Israelis would purposely shell a UN post without a reason (assuming it wasn't accidental, of course).  Israel is well aware of political image in the eyes of the world and likely completely understands any potential ramifications that purposely targetting UN positions would result in.  The reports indicate that shelling around the area of the post had been going on for some time.  That gives me an indication that Hezbollah where in the area as well.  We are all aware of Hezbollah's tendency to use friendlies or non-combatants as shields.  I may be well off target in my assessment of this, of course.  In anycase, it's an unfortunate incident.

Edit for spelling.
Sub_Guy you beat me to the punch while I was typing. 

This is not the first occasion on "blue on blue" type of incident involving the IDF.  And as always it stirs up controversy.  Here is a link to the USS LIBERTY organization homepage.  For the uninformed, this was a Comms Research style vessel who came to grief off the coast during the 67 conflict.  You can make your own mind up on who is who and what is what.

With the rocket attacks I wouldnt be surprised if one hit the UN post to create an incident. But then again it could have been an accidental hit by the Israelis.
Have a buddy there as a LO...

I hope that he's okay (his wife had their first child within the last month !!)

Dispatch by Major Paeta Hess-von Kruedener on CTV web site. Hope he is safe.

Plz strike post its already been covered. ;)
Agreed that at this point it is speculation based on media reports.  Considering the lack of denial and the number of hours since this broke, I saw it is likely to be true. 
CTV is claiming that the outpost hit was right by the Lebanon/Syria/Israel border.
It looks like this may be a hot topic on the world stage, as several nations are bringing up in the UN Assembly and Security Council as I type this.  Accusations are starting to fly that Israel did indeed intentionally target the UN Post in Lebanon. 

Question is will the Israelis release the aircraft's "Gun Video" and will they do as the Americans did with the Afghanistan Friendly Fire Incident and put the pilot on trial?  Will the C of C involved be tried for this incident?

The UN Commander was on the phone and in communication with the Israelis and emphasising that there were UN Troops in the area.  The Israelis have known for years the locations of all UN sites.  There is no way that it was not a well know and identified site.
A Hizbollah position was 400 yards from the UN observation post so an accident is what this really was.
UNIFIL should be withdrawn ASAP their usefulness has long since passed. The hue and cry over the deaths of UN troops is understandable and yet there is no similar outrage over the killing of Israeli civilians from Hizbollah rockets.
Tomahawk, can you list the source that says Hezbollah was 400 yards away?

According to BBC, Israel was told by the UN troops to stop bombing in their area.

Israel troops 'ignored' UN plea 

Israel had hit Khiam a number of times earlier on Tuesday
UN peacekeepers in south Lebanon contacted Israeli troops 10 times before an Israeli bomb killed four of them, an initial UN report says. 


Hopefully, someone will be held accountable - accident or not.

RIP soldiers  :salute:
tomahawk6 said:
The hue and cry over the deaths of UN troops is understandable and yet there is no similar outrage over the killing of Israeli civilians from Hezbollah rockets.

OK, So bombing the crap out of a country, because of the actions of a few is necessary?  The number of Civilians killed on the Israeli side of the house isn't even close to what's going on in Lebanon.  Sure Hezbollah crossed and kidnapped 2 soldiers, but is that any reason to and destroy a country?  But then again the Americans invaded Iraq on a gut feeling, and now look at the place.

IMHO, Israel is creating more hate for their country in the region, and it is only going to get worse.  You can try to say they are defending all you want, but in reality they aren't defending anything.  I am ashamed to know that our PM has allowed this to go on without saying anything.  This is senseless.....  Also your claim that Hezbollah was 400 yards away, I for one,am not buying that, I have seen many UN posts and they are always CLEARLY marked.  No one can mistake that for anything.  I suspect in 15 years we will be reading (once again) that in fact it was a planned attack.
Given Hezbollah's clear preference for operating out of mosques, hospitals, schools and residential neighbourhoods, and utilizing civilians as human shields (and even dressing in the uniforms of UN Peacekeepers to carry out attacks against Israeli outposts), I have a strong suspicion that this was engineered by Hezbollah as another info op targetting Western public opinion.

This isn't confined to Hezbollah, similar activities are reported in Iraq, and I recall stories from our own guys during the Yugoslavian Civil Wars where the Serbs/Croats/Muslims would take up a position near a UN position and fire mortars at the opposing forces. The other side had two unappealing choices: shoot back and risk hitting the UN post with the potential consequences, or not respond and face continuing fire from the "bad guys". Most of the time they would shoot back.

Face it, the Hezbollah are fighting a 4GW aiming not at the Israeli military or State (which they have no realistic chance of defeating in an open confrontation), but at us, using civilians as weapons in theinr info ops. I don't know what the counter to this is, "Golani Brigade" snipers fanning out and zapping any male carrying a weapon? (The enemy will shift to women and children carrying and manning the weapons.....). The only possible counter is to carry out strategic operations against the Hezbollah's state sponsors (Syria and Iran), as well as excluding Hezbollah and Syrian attempts to infiltrate or influence the Lebanese government. Once Hezbollah is cut off from outside support, they will be easier to deal with.
Pure hypothetical here and not worthy of speculation:  What is the protocol if a combatant buries a CP underneath a UN post or places an OP or Firing Point adjacent to it

Is the UN permitted to use force to tell them to buggeroff or are they restricted to putting their head down and hoping it never happens?

I am still waiting on this one.
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