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Re: Does the US end its wars well?


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The Vietnam war should had ended victoriously. Through Machiavellian political maneuverings and posturings, the liberals were able to organize a cabal to cause Nixon to withdraw US troops. Socialist liberals, who blame America for all its shortomings and those with the likes of Hanoi Jane (Fonda) and Michael Straight an indicted Soviet spy, were lucky enough to time their treasonous intervention, during the Watergate scandal. Naive supporters of the anti-war cause and those guilty were able to mobilize hundreds of thousands of  hippies who were  drug users to demonstrate in front of the White House lawn, heroically fictionalized in the movie Forrest Gump. The US Army were able to inch ahead to upcoming victory after the stalemate in Tet. If the liberals supported its extention US should had won the war. The Vietnam War was not an internal revolution or a war from within. It was simply an invasion. Moreove, one does not make war with soldiers 'seeking death' supported with arms and ammunition BY a nuclear-suicidal imperialist communist nation, the USSR at the helm.

These liberals of the then old generation and the modern generation are what we calll in spy parlance, agents of influence for a hostile nation or a communist nation. Bill Clinton was able to slowly made headways into opening trade with Cuba, allowing suspected Cuban moles to visit Cuba using tourism as excuse, and was able to influence the Elian Gonzales case in the Supreme court which was dominated by socialist liberals. Hillary Clinton was wise enough to 'condemn' human rights abuses in China while at present is encouraging USA to 'please' her Chinese handlers. We too have Soviet or Russian and Cuban agents of influence in the person of BArackk Obama who was caught on cameras swallowing hard when King Abdullah poked a question asking him "if he was a Cuban spy". The same reaction of swallowing hard his hamburger when the Conservative Russian President stared at him at Ray's Hamburger joint. Together with the mischievous Sarah Pallin, the Conservatives once paraded in front of Obama carrying Cuban flags which caused Barack to flinch. When iimages of Fidel CAsstro and Che Guevarra were flashed in front of him through movie projectors prepared by the CIA, Obama did  not flinch. He  grimaced..

Flagged by FBI, "Cuban agents" and  CIA"Chinese agents, Obama cannot argue that all his acts and omissions in committing the alleged crime of espionage is without criminal intent. Neither can he invoke entrapment given that he himself was the one directing to : 1 delete incriminating posts in defense forums violating free speech, 2: direct the assassination of 5 Canadian spymasters 3: bribing journalists in the Philippines not to publish his alleged espionage in the Philippine press 4. bribing government officials like judges and Attorney generals...And so many many more heinous crimes have Obama allegedly committed in the name of his mother's Soviet espionnage and his Cuban espionage.."end of quote...

Боже мой. Ваш действительно член шляпу бригады оловянной фольги.
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Tommy said:
Уходите вы смешные глупости размещения тролль существо

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Kinda funny....

Tommy said:
Уходите вы смешные глупости размещения тролль существо

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...and maybe kinda harsh.
Jack Hooper might still have a valid grievance on Obama. We'll see after the tapes are released. This issue I am not aware of. But chances are....why would CSIS kill their (our) own? Cross fingers...My loyalty does not lie with CSIS or CSE or FBI or CIA or NSA. My loyalty lies with Canadian Forces..I fooled them all!
I've got an acronym for you:


I Don't Give a Rat's Ass.

Go away troll
Scott said:
I've got an acronym for you:


I Don't Give a Rat's ***.

Go away troll

You are pathetic, Scott. ..I am betting 1 million dollars for the Supreme Court of Canada to declare that my thread is not that of a troll. You are OUT OF ORDER!!!

You are not real. You are a computer based 30 fathoms below the CN Tower. I took your bet yesterday and you snubbed me so I am not taking another bet with you. You proved to me that you are robot based on your predictable answers. I asked the cyber department at UWO about you and they confirm my worst fears.

I am betting three hundred and fifty eight TRILLION dollars that you don't have a girlfriend.

Beware of Brian, he is not what he seems.
I know you are, but what am I?
Really he kind of just sounds like a slightly more coherent version of Toobis aka Chris the Merc.....

Milnews, I'm flattered that you actually translated what I wrote!
Scott said:
I know you are, but what am I?

The Statute of limitations has totally acquitted me of what I used to be...We were both Russian spies but the STatute of limitartions have impugned our liabilities. We both go to RCMP and confess. They will understand. They can forgive us. They can direct us involuntarily to attend the meetings of Communist Party of Canada and attach wiretaps on our bodies.
I was worried about what you might have attached to your body...

And now that you suggest meeting, and I know you have these "attachments", I have no other alternative but to direct you to The 48th Regulator, he's more into that than I am.

I don't want to turn myself in. I have grown accustomed to Propeller Beer and fried pepperoni and donairs. I can't get that in a gulag back home...they'll put me in one if I get sent back.

And trust me, you and I are nothing alike.


BrianHarris said:
The Statute of limitations has totally acquitted me of what I used to be...We were both Russian spies but the STatute of limitartions have impugned our liabilities. We both go to RCMP and confess. They will understand. They can forgive us. They can direct us involuntarily to attend the meetings of Communist Party of Canada and attach wiretaps on our bodies.

There's a statute of limitations on treason?  You'd better provide an official reference for that.
Oh MAN! Now you're gonna get banned for posting things without a source!

You cannot caome back to the site EVER again Brian, if this happens....

Too bad, I thought that someday, after you get rid of your "attachments" that we might be friends.
Michael O'Leary said:
There's a statute of limitations on treason?  You'd better provide an official reference for that.


Brian, lemme handle this one brother.  I have my Tinfoil tools in place, and have the anti listening devices running.

Michael, the International Treaty came about when it was found that the Book Says KGB Used Freemasonry To Penetrate Various Secret Services;


That having been said.  Many actual spies, that were Masons, took great offense to this.  Some of us them were Soviet Spies, who became masons.  They did not do this because Mother Russia dictated that.

Anyways.  What was happening was the Pentavirate, was propagating this myth, to promote their devious Plans for the world.  Who are they you may ask Michael? They are a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado, known as The Meadows.  This Secret Society consist of The Queen, The Vatican, The Gettys, The Rothschilds, *and* Colonel Sanders before he went tits up while living in MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, CANADA!

Now, The Communist Real Underground Masonic Brotherhood Uf Moles (CRUMBUM) gathered together, to come up with a plan to work with the Pentavirate.  On the 18th of July, 1983 they came up with a treaty.  The details are very murky, and only those of us them that are part of CRUMBUM know the etails.

The gist says of it states, that at any time one must promote the secretive moves of all American Presidents that are KGB spies. 

Therefore, such high level members as Brian has alluded to, must expose the evil plot of all Communist rogue elements of the Brotherhood.

Brian, if I have missed anything, please by all means, jump in.


I am happy to inform you all that I've just sold my first weapon to China, the blue prints for the super secret ICMLP being developed in an underground bunker somewhere in Newfoundland.

Buyers who are interested in acquiring one of their own, or another secret Canadian WMD, fire off a message and we'll work out the details.

Слава Родине!

Do you guys have to chew your food in public.....this chew toy should be taken off to the side and played with......