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PT 4 QL2


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Posted by Derrick Forsythe <Derrick.Forsythe@gov.ab.ca> on Thu, 26 Oct 2000 08:39:39 -0600
Quick question:
I was recently voluntold for QL2 0003 running here in Edmonton - which
sounds harsh at the outset, but the alternative is A/Adjt under Maj D
Strilchuk - this is certinaly the lesser of two evils
I digress
I haven‘t had a chance to look through the material for this new QL2 -
anyone know what the PT standards are for this new course- are they the
same as the initial screening for the CF or are there differences -
references would be helpful
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Posted by Ted Underhill and Heidi Schmidt <edward@islandnet.com> on Thu, 26 Oct 2000 19:54:35 -0700
If you have access to the DIN, check out CFLRS CF Leadership and Recruit
school Din site. They have the complete set of lesson plans for QL2 under
their training plans section. It is huge and loads slowly into a Pdf doc.
Cheers, Ted
At 08:39 AM 10/26/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>Quick question:
>I was recently voluntold for QL2 0003 running here in Edmonton - which
>sounds harsh at the outset, but the alternative is A/Adjt under Maj D
>Strilchuk - this is certinaly the lesser of two evils
>I digress
>I haven‘t had a chance to look through the material for this new QL2 -
>anyone know what the PT standards are for this new course- are they the
>same as the initial screening for the CF or are there differences -
>references would be helpful
>NOTE: To remove yourself from this list, send a message
>to majordomo@cipherlogic.on.ca from the account you wish
>to remove, with the line "unsubscribe army" in the
>message body.
NOTE: To remove yourself from this list, send a message
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Posted by "The MacFarlanes‘" <desrtrat@amug.org> on Thu, 26 Oct 2000 19:51:03 -0700
Speaking of lesson plans, my Company has a need for some leadership
training, and some M of I, for their line level Supervisors.. Is that stuff
restricted nowadays? If not, if someone could get me some info, I‘d
appreciate it. You know the kind of stuff - Pre CLC/JLC.
Not to know is bad.
Not to wish to know is worse.
-- African Proverb
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted Underhill and Heidi Schmidt"
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2000 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: PT 4 QL2
> Derrick:
> If you have access to the DIN, check out CFLRS CF Leadership and Recruit
> school Din site. They have the complete set of lesson plans for QL2 under
> their training plans section. It is huge and loads slowly into a Pdf doc.
> Cheers, Ted
> At 08:39 AM 10/26/2000 -0600, you wrote:
> >Quick question:
> >
> >I was recently voluntold for QL2 0003 running here in Edmonton - which
> >sounds harsh at the outset, but the alternative is A/Adjt under Maj D
> >Strilchuk - this is certinaly the lesser of two evils
> >
> >I digress
> >
> >I haven‘t had a chance to look through the material for this new QL2 -
> >anyone know what the PT standards are for this new course- are they the
> >same as the initial screening for the CF or are there differences -
> >references would be helpful
> >
> >thanks
> >--------------------------------------------------------
> >NOTE: To remove yourself from this list, send a message
> >to majordomo@cipherlogic.on.ca from the account you wish
> >to remove, with the line "unsubscribe army" in the
> >message body.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> NOTE: To remove yourself from this list, send a message
> to majordomo@cipherlogic.on.ca from the account you wish
> to remove, with the line "unsubscribe army" in the
> message body.
NOTE: To remove yourself from this list, send a message
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message body.
Posted by Garett Hallman <ghallman@nbnet.nb.ca> on Fri, 27 Oct 2000 12:45:11 -0300
How do you get access to the DIN anyway.
Ted Underhill and Heidi Schmidt wrote:
> Derrick:
> If you have access to the DIN, check out CFLRS CF Leadership and Recruit
> school Din site. They have the complete set of lesson plans for QL2 under
> their training plans section. It is huge and loads slowly into a Pdf doc.
> Cheers, Ted
> At 08:39 AM 10/26/2000 -0600, you wrote:
> >Quick question:
> >
> >I was recently voluntold for QL2 0003 running here in Edmonton - which
> >sounds harsh at the outset, but the alternative is A/Adjt under Maj D
> >Strilchuk - this is certinaly the lesser of two evils
> >
> >I digress
> >
> >I haven‘t had a chance to look through the material for this new QL2 -
> >anyone know what the PT standards are for this new course- are they the
> >same as the initial screening for the CF or are there differences -
> >references would be helpful
> >
> >thanks
> >--------------------------------------------------------
> >NOTE: To remove yourself from this list, send a message
> >to majordomo@cipherlogic.on.ca from the account you wish
> >to remove, with the line "unsubscribe army" in the
> >message body.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> NOTE: To remove yourself from this list, send a message
> to majordomo@cipherlogic.on.ca from the account you wish
> to remove, with the line "unsubscribe army" in the
> message body.
NOTE: To remove yourself from this list, send a message
to majordomo@cipherlogic.on.ca from the account you wish
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message body.
Posted by Ted Underhill and Heidi Schmidt <edward@islandnet.com> on Fri, 27 Oct 2000 09:40:30 -0700
Access to the DIN is controlled through a unit IT supervisor - including
logins and passwords. Many of the DIN site pages mirror those available
through the internet - however some CF schools and orgs maintain DIN sites
At 12:45 PM 10/27/2000 -0300, you wrote:
>How do you get access to the DIN anyway.
>Ted Underhill and Heidi Schmidt wrote:
> > Derrick:
> >
> > If you have access to the DIN, check out CFLRS CF Leadership and Recruit
> > school Din site. They have the complete set of lesson plans for QL2 under
> > their training plans section. It is huge and loads slowly into a Pdf doc.
> >
> > Cheers, Ted
> >
> > At 08:39 AM 10/26/2000 -0600, you wrote:
> >
> > >Quick question:
> > >
> > >I was recently voluntold for QL2 0003 running here in Edmonton - which
> > >sounds harsh at the outset, but the alternative is A/Adjt under Maj D
> > >Strilchuk - this is certinaly the lesser of two evils
> > >
> > >I digress
> > >
> > >I haven‘t had a chance to look through the material for this new QL2 -
> > >anyone know what the PT standards are for this new course- are they the
> > >same as the initial screening for the CF or are there differences -
> > >references would be helpful
> > >
> > >thanks
> > >--------------------------------------------------------
> > >NOTE: To remove yourself from this list, send a message
> > >to majordomo@cipherlogic.on.ca from the account you wish
> > >to remove, with the line "unsubscribe army" in the
> > >message body.
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------
> > NOTE: To remove yourself from this list, send a message
> > to majordomo@cipherlogic.on.ca from the account you wish
> > to remove, with the line "unsubscribe army" in the
> > message body.
>NOTE: To remove yourself from this list, send a message
>to majordomo@cipherlogic.on.ca from the account you wish
>to remove, with the line "unsubscribe army" in the
>message body.
NOTE: To remove yourself from this list, send a message
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