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Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

huh... interesting handle you've gotten for yourself there...

IN most cases, promotion to Cpl is automatic after certain courses and 2 years of service in the CF. Failure to do so by the CoC often requires a written explanation into the member's PERs File. Now, whether that type of promotion is merited in your case I am uncertain, however, the best place to find out for SURE, is to contact your CoC, and have them find out for you.

Personal note now. I don't believe Cpl should be a gimme rank. It should be earned with demonstrated leadership potential and at least the completion of your QL4/QL5 in some trades. There's a certain expectation that comes with being a Cpl. It should most definitely be earned.
I think you are a reservist, no ?  Anyway.  Even do I to think it's not a gimme rank to, it's 2 years after the date you get in if you have your DP 1 done during that time.  Time after the DP1 is not a prerequisite.  It's the enrolment date and the qualify that matters.  :)

as a reservist, you are within your promotion zone.  Once your DP1 trade qualification has been validated (course report), your unit OR should be processing your paperwork.

"happy gimmie"!

God said:
I'm not "new" to military training. I just came off 8 months of leave, and I haven't done drill in quite some time. No need to be hostile, I was just asking a question.

I'm assuming you're a Reservist, and the "leave" you refer to in the post quoted above refers to Excused Drill and Training.  Does time on "ED&T" count toward promotion?

I don't know - but it is something to ask your C of C.

Here's what I DO know - your handle and signature are presumptuous, arrogant, and offensive (even to an agnostic like me).  DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, before I do it for you  (recceguy beat me to it).

Milnet.ca Staff
Your username has been changed for you. You can change it to something else yourself, in your profile settings. Sorry, the username Dog was already taken. I had to use something else.

Milnet.ca Staff
Roy Harding said:
I'm assuming you're a Reservist, and the "leave" you refer to in the post quoted above refers to Excused Drill and Training.  Does time on "ED&T" count toward promotion?

No, I look into it for a fellow troop before when I was PRes.

It is not a "gimme" rank. You "EARN" it. It's not something automatic.


Edit to add this.
P.S Reading your profle. It states Rank: Pte/Cpl may be you want to fix that to Pte or don't put nothing there.
I have heard that...(yeah I know..not a good thing)

That to get you promotion to Cpl, you will have to get QL5 qualified. not sure if its effective or not.
A hypothetical question.

When a members promotion is delayed because of a temporay change in medical category, is the member entitled to back pay to the effective promotion date once he is off t-cat and promoted?

Just had that happen here at my unit...answer was no because he did not meet the requirements for promotion until the t-cat was lifted (i.e. he was not elligible for promotion)
CDN Aviator said:
Just had that happen here at my unit...answer was no because he did not meet the requirements for promotion until the t-cat was lifted (i.e. he was not elligible for promotion)

Something isn't right there - I was just on two consecutive T6 categories, and the file went to D Med Pol for assignment of a permanent category.  The permanent category assigned is within trade specs.  The file went off to DMCARM, decision was retained without restriction, and my promotion was just backdated to Jul 07.
Found the reference - I have it in PDF format, but it's too large to post (259 KB).

The reference is 5640-1 (DGMC S&P) dated 24 Jul 06.

The applicable paragraph reads:

Temporary Employment Limitations

5.  When a member is selected for promotion but has temporary employment limitations, the promotion will be deferred until the temporary limitations are lifted.  Should the limitations be lifted completely, the effective date of promotion will be backdated to the original date or to a date up to one year in the past, whichever is later.  In the event the limitations are made permanent, the guidance on permanent limitations provided below becomes applicable.

The document is on the DGMC intranet website.
Not being at work, I do not have a reference, but a "Temporary" Category is not to affect a promotion, only "Permanent" Categories issued by D Med Pol/DGRMC. But there is an explicit reference to this effect. the ref provided by 284_226 is valid ... somewhat but if I recall was either recinded or amended as it had a direct effect of members eligibility to postings thus paralyzing Career Management.

Reasoning is that someone cannot be promoted because they twisted their ankle, or had minor surgery, etc etc.
That is the explicit reference, and was the reference that DGMC confirmed when my promotion was effected 3 weeks ago.  That reference, and another one related to UoS and effects on promotion, are located at http://hr3.ottawa-hull.mil.ca/dgmc/engraph/admRev_MedicalEmploymentLimitations_e.asp?Opensub=40
(available on the DWAN only).

I'm not quite sure what you were trying to say regarding eligibility to postings - temporary MELs do not preclude postings.  I was very nearly posted while on TCat this past summer, were it not for other reasons unrelated to my medical condition.
284_226 said:
I'm not quite sure what you were trying to say regarding eligibility to postings - temporary MELs do not preclude postings.  I was very nearly posted while on TCat this past summer, were it not for other reasons unrelated to my medical condition.
Simple, if you were to be posted due to promotion and are now not eligible to promotion until lifting of the TCat, you therefore cannot be posted. As a result if they had to promote and post someone else, yours may end up being deferred until the next opening becomes available. I have seen this misuse of TCat for promotion purposes cause the lost of desired postings by pers before.

And no, there is another more explicit reference which I have had to use on repeated occasions with my chain of command.
Ok gentlemen I have a question and I know I will get flamed but here is my question.

I joined in 2003 sept. I was a AVN tech for 2 years and I had to transfer to reserves for a year were i was QL5 Qualified Reg force.Ive been back in the Air force for over a year now awaiting my QL3 course. I handed up a memo up the chain of command few months ago, I have not been given a direct reply on my memo yet. What I am looking for is my Hook. Under the  CFAO 49-4 to be PTE(t) it requires 30 months in the CF and Min QL3. Now i feel i have met this requirement. But i am still a no hook pte. I feel there has been a double standard at my work as another PTE who has only 14 months in received his hook.

I know the hook means nothing in pay scale and so forth but it would be nice to have at least my hook.

I'm just wondering what other methods or who should i talk to about this matter.

Yep ... your hook should be up.

Must be QL4 qualified BTW vice QL3.

You already have a QL5 qual ... that'll do!!

I'd be talking to your supervisor and "officially" handing over a copy of that memo (to refresh their memories) -- and requesting an official response to it back ...
Ok perfect

I went today and ask for a formal reply to my memo. Another option I was thinking was that i am only attach posted here so maybe when i go for my course in gagetown it would be better to ask them there possibly?
Dang it, for the life of me cannot find the ref I keep mentioning. Of course it is when you want it and are looking for it that you cannot find it. Will be sure to post when I do come across it though. Until then use CFAO 49-4 and the documents found on the DGRMC website.

Incidently, the ref provided by 284_226 is from the DGRMC website and is all but a copy of CFAO 49-4 para's 19 & 20.