Thank you kindly, Sir. I wasn't able to completely figure out what category of leave would that be (disembarkation?) however it seems like it definitely isn't a 2 month leave.
If someone could clarify further, that would be much appreciated.
Bottom line up front (BLUF), it is most certainly NOT 2 months of leave, but it can be a lot.
So, there is a bunch of different leave that you will get, and I can't remember them all, but it goes something like this.
First and foremost is Special Leave (Relocation) as per Table 2 of Annex B to Chapter 5 of the ref: 2 days personal admin and 5 days "disembarkation".
Then there is Short Leave (chapter 9). The CO an grant 2 days of short leave per calendar month, and generally the COs always do that upon return from overseas deployment. So, that's an additional 2-4 days. (if you leave starts in one month and ends in another month, the CO can give 2 days of short leave for each of those moths, even if you are only on leave for a few days in each of them).
Then there is Section 5.14, "Additional Special Leave For Operational Deployments". This one is a bit of a crapshoot in that while there is no limit to it, there very little direction as to how much to give out and why, but it can be tacked on to your leave. I'm pretty sure CJOC has some sort of standing policy as to how much they will give out for what missions/deployments, but I bet its a few days.
Another possibility is 5.12 - Special Leave (
in lieu of Mission Leave). This leave is used
in lieu of 5.11 Special Leave (Mission Leave). "Mission Leave" is meant to be taken
during your deployment to go home and see family (or have them come and see you). If you dont take that leave for any valid reason, then you can get that leave tacked onto then end of your deployment instead (this happened to me on my last deployment. I deployment for 3 months but didn't take Mission Leave so I got 7 days of "in lieu of Mission leave" tacked onto the end.
Finally, there is your Annual Leave. It's often hard to use any annual leave before deployment because of how busy the ships are during pre-deployment training and preps, so, people usually need to use the post deployment period to burn up all their normal annual leave.
You add up all of these things, plus weekends and holidays, and you will very likely be off for at least a month.