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Political Correctness gone too far?

teddy49 said:
... or that the Jewish people offer any kind of threat to anyone.

I can think of a large group of people in the middle east who might disagree...
GO!!! said:
I can think of a large group of people in the middle east who might disagree...

I won't defend all of the actions of the Israeli government, with regards to their handling of security issues with the Palestinians.  I've often heard it said that many people who visit Israel, go there supporting the Israeli's and return supporting the Palestinians.

That being said, it's never, to my knowledge, been the policy of the Israeli government, to destroy or commit genocide against the Palestinian people, or indeed the Arab world.  I believe that there has always been an understanding of the need for co-existence (if not peaceful) with the Palestinians and the rest of the Middle East.

The same can not be said for the Palestinians or many other Arab countries who's stated aim is the total destruction of the Jewish state.

That said, I meant that statement to be more in the context of the average Nazi's view of Jewish People.
OMG our society has to be less sensitive. Just browsing threw the news and I came across this article


You have to watch the 1min and 11 sec video to catch political correctness at a new level

They describe the suspect as a "non-white male"!!!!!!! ???

So I guess that means he could be purple :blotto:
During my SHARP training last weekend, the instructor refered to colored people as "people with a different skin pigmentation", because he said during a previous session, a person got offended by using the term "colored".

career_radio-checker said:
OMG our society has to be less sensitive. Just browsing threw the news and I came across this article


You have to watch the 1min and 11 sec video to catch political correctness at a new level

They describe the suspect as a "non-white male"!!!!!!! ???

So I guess that means he could be purple :blotto:

Yes your probely right about the PC of the Newsman, but it could also mean that the victim was positive it was not a Caucasian, but not quite sure if it was a Light skin Blackman, Asian or Mid Eastern Man considering the Trauma of the incident.

However PC should have nothing to do with anything in Witness descriptions if you expect the public to be on the lookout for suspects.
Conquistador said:
During my SHARP training last weekend, the instructor refered to colored people as "people with a different skin pigmentation", because he said during a previous session, a person got offended by using the term "colored".


In the not too distant past a friend of mine who is in policing evicted a black make from the premises of a mall for somerthing or other and was accused of racism by the guy who had to leave.

My buddy, who is a bit of a joker at times, told the guy that; no, it wasn't true as all the white people had to leave as well...

Nothings come of it yet, despite the dire predictions of his partner who, apparently, stood there shaking her head the whole time the incident was happening . :D
I thought I had just about seen everything in political correctness until I checked the city of Calgary web site to find out their dog licensing structure. The height of political correctness has been achieved. Licence fees are based on two categories, unaltered and altered dogs. This discovery was worth the long distance phone call. Yes, in the city of Calgary the terms spayed and neutered are unpoliticaly correct and are gender discriminatory.
anyone else up for starting a lobbing group to have Mr George Carlin appointed head of all PC matters within Canadain Government?

Sure we'd have to convince him to apply for canadian Citizenship, but I'm sure the opportunity to put the "Go Frick Yourself" policy into a government's books would tickle him pink.

The Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature has adopted its corporate name for public use and is now The Manitoba Museum.
This happend some time ago, I guess some people just couldn't get past the first part of the definition... ::)
An adult male human.
A human regardless of sex or age; a person.
A human or an adult male human belonging to a specific occupation, group, nationality, or other category. Often used in combination: a milkman; a congressman; a freeman.
The human race; mankind: man's quest for peace.
Zoology. A member of the genus Homo, family Hominidae, order Primates, class Mammalia, characterized by erect posture and an opposable thumb, especially a member of the only extant species, Homo sapiens, distinguished by a highly developed brain, the capacity for abstract reasoning, and the ability to communicate by means of organized speech and record information in a variety of symbolic systems.
A male human endowed with qualities, such as strength, considered characteristic of manhood.
Political correctness has gone way to far. politcal correctness has gone so far that politcal correctness is becoming unpolicaly correct. Do we really need to change our language and the way people speak because a few thousand people out of a few million get offended by the name Coleman?? I think not. Time for the government and other regulatory agencies to get some balls all tell these hippy feminists to go F themselves cause no one cares.

Gender equality activists/Terrorists have now made men the ones discriminated against.
I dont know the numbers but not many Men get custody of Children because the Mother is almost always the better parent, Arent Men capable of careing for a child? Women are somehow now aloud to play MENS proffesional golf ???? Could a man go play on the LPGA?? No of course not. But a women can play in the Mens league because oooo women are just as good as men ooo we can do anything man can............... so what?  why are men now the ones being discriminated and why are women aloud to do things like play in mens leagues well because the people that dictate these policies are Feminist hippies and Men dont get offend by this Bull.

I call a black guy a black guy
I call a white guy a white guy
I call a stewardess a stewardess
I call cops, cops or PoliceMEN
I call Firemen, Firemen
I say the words God, Church, religion in public places
I call Nefoundlanders Newfies. and so do they
Im not offended by hearing the words ass,butt,penis,Vagina etc
I think Starbucks is the Nerve centre of the Hippie femminist evrioment nazis
I eat baken I eat chips I drink pop
I dont watch Entertainment tonight. I dont care what Jlo is doing in her spare time
I dont care what the latest Diet or health craze is because in a year there will be another study that says that the old diet is actaully not healthy for you and then in another year they will come back and say that it is in fact healthy for you.
I dont think asking a women on a date is sexuall haressment ?????
I think the legal system is really messed up in this country when a burglar can break into your house, hurt himself and then he can sue you and your at fault for not providing a safe robbing enviroment like FUCK OFF.
I believe that if someone breaks into my house or trys to steal my property I have the right to do something about it.
I dont think that a blob on a page is art or means anything other then a blob on a page which some jackass starbucks junkie is going to sell for $10 000.

and if anyone out there doesnt like it then F-You cause I dont care. be offended all you want. go hang out in your van and smoke some more pot and shut up.

Great rant. Too bad you may have wasted it here, cause most of us might just agree with you. National Post maybe a better place for it.

BTW, its "Bacon"
So Chopperhead, stop beating around the bush here. What are you trying to say?  ;)
Journeyman said:
So Chopperhead, stop beating around the bush here. What are you trying to say?   ;)

He sounds like a person who's certainly not beating around the bush. More like one of Milions that are pissed off the way Canada is slowly being eroded away by Special Interest, Ethnic,Religious, Pacifist Groups and Self Serving Politicians.

If this Young Gentleman is a cut and Sampling of the Youth of today, and is not influenced by the Limp Wrist and PC peer groups, maybe theres hope after all.
3rd Herd said:
Licence fees are based on two categories, unaltered and altered dogs. This discovery was worth the long distance phone call. Yes, in the city of Calgary the terms spayed and neutered are unpoliticaly correct and are gender discriminatory.

I think whoever you talked to at the city of Calgary is full of it.  The terms altered and unaltered are one set of proper terms and have been around longer than spayed and neutered.  For example, look to the Canadian Kennel Club's terms or any other kennel club for that matter and you will find altered and unaltered and they have been that way for years.  Either could be used but are obviously there so that terms like spaded, nutted, cut, snipped and fixed aren't.  Ya, I've heard them all.
FastEddy said:

If this Young Gentleman is a cut and Sampling of the Youth of today, and is not influenced by the Limp Wrist and PC peer groups, maybe theres hope after all.

As a member of that group, I find myself disgusted by a lot of the PC crap. I like being on courses where the staff doesn't fall for it. Hell, on my BMQ, my day wasn't complete until my MasterJack told me I was an ignorant/arrogant/ugly pr@ck. It was in jest, and we took it as such, but I can just imagine one of the Baby-pink t-shirt wearing Us against violence Special Interest, Ethnic,Religious, Pacifists standing there with their jaw on the floor if they'd seen it.

You should have seen the look on a medics face when they saw the staff giving us remedial PT in the form of "The Magic Chair"

I find a lot of us younger types who fall into this category tend to find themselves pulled towards jobs such as the military, as we think we will find a place in this type of environment. But SURPRISE! (or SHARP! if you so wish), it's a catch-22.

Society's assumption of the military, in general, is a bunch of crude roughnecks who drink and fight (oh, how I wish it were still so), and the Forces trying to move the complete opposite do dissuade the general view.

I love this non-gender specific, we're all friends, we're not really rough people, soft and cuddly Forces!  ::)

Dont think I could say it better. Great rant...now lets put that in the Nations Newspapers!!!! :salute:
lol ya thanks there Army Medic I thought that my spelling of bacon didnt look right.

ya i couldnt put that into the Globe and Mail. to much faul language. such as black,penis, Hippie Feminist Envrioment Nazis lol

and no i guess im not really like most youth at least where Im from im not. Most people my age are either Hippie Comunists or pretend to be or are just on drugs or drunk 90% of the time and dont care about anything and then finally the intellectual people.

what does this all mean?? it means that there will be no shortage of starbucks customers.

heres a couple more:
I dont think my Grades are the most important thing in the world and if I get less then 90% that im doomed.

I dont go out and buy something because I saw puff daddy wearing one.

I dont think that a Honda civic with a big muffler from Canadian tire which sounds like a big vacumme cleaner is a formula 1 car. nor do i think it looks cool.

I dont think going hunting or fishing is somehow wrong or disgusting.

I do not know what soy is and I have no idea why I see comletly un related things made out of it??? like soy milk, soy pasta??? wow it's magic .............. ya and it tastes like someone squeezed it out there butt.

I dont think that movies and other such things are whats messing up kids. whats messing up kids these days is crappy parenting. all the original hippys from the 60's well their kids are now having kids and look what happens. there are now laws against what you can and cannot do to raise your child........... I say to hell with that and it's none of your damn concern how anyone raises their kids.

I tell racist jokes. am I raciast??? no of course not well if you want to call Hippies a race then I could be one I guess  >:D

I dont think that because someone is to lazy to get off their *** and work that they should get welfare and other government money to live for free. my niegbour was on welfare before and they would have nicer stuff they I did???????? and both my parents worked like what the hells that about?

has anyone noticed how there are completely opposite diets out there and both seem to work? ones called Atkins which I dont rember which one that is and I cant rember the name of the other one. but anyway one is High Carbs low fat  and the other one is Low Carbs High Fat............. so how could both be right????? well because if you read a pamplet or something from them it says to be combined with EXCERCISE. thats why they work cause people are bloody exscersing.

I dont call gas pumpers, Patroleum Transfer Technictians lol yes that is really the polically correct name for that position now.

I call a secretary a secretary not an assitant or whatever else your supposed to call them now.

I use the term fisherman and not fisherperson.

I say hey man or lets go guys to my friends even when there are girls there or even when it's all girls. I havent had anyone ever get offended by that??? I wonder why?

I think Ralf Klein should be PM

I think political parties should stop moving around. what i mean is when the hell did Conservatives become a centralist party????? like whats with that. I am an Alliance Supporter and this new PC party is not really even right winged anymore.

I'll say some more after because I got lots just ready to spew lol but thats all for now.
all I can say to people is RELAX and stop worrying about everyone else."

"I say some more after lol cause I got lots just ready to spew lol but thats all for now.
all I can say to people is RELAX and stop worrying about everyone else."

Now if we did that, what would I do with all this extra time in Shilo?

"I think Ralf Klein should be PM "

Was with you....but that man scares me..... :-\

Chopperhead, um, i don't know if you know this, but um, Puff Daddy is now just "Diddy". C'mon now, aren't you hip with the times? Didn't you catch this weeks Entertainment Tonight at the local Starbucks? It's been all over the news for the last 6 months. Apparently "Puff Daddy" is just too long and difficult for the fans to pronounce.

And you mean those 85 horsepower fart can ricer mobiles with type-R stickers on them (Which, by the way, must add at LEAST 6 horsepower to the car. Christ, I should stick 5 of em on my truck. Horsepower will go up by 30... bloody ingenious) just doesn't do it for you? How strange.

Hell, if everyone is going to rant, I'm going to rant too. God damn this politically correct nonsense. I think the best way to put this is that I want my MCpl to swear at me when I'm on course. So there.

And yes, all hail King Ralph. That man is amazing.
Well Chopper it is said every once in a while that the light bulb does come on. Spelling mistakes included excellent post, or I mean rant.