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Ontario Health "Premium"

Geo: The Feds gave health care to the provinces under section 92 of the Constitution - way back in 1867.  This is not a new power for the provinces. 
where did I state that this was something "NEW"?
The OHP is costing me $600 a year in additional tax, CF members were to pay this as it could be seen that they too would use the civilian emergency rooms from time to time (this is where this tax was susposed to be utilized) and when two Paramedics had to pull my ass out of my car one day from an accident, it seem to me that this made sense.  However, I actually got to see a portion of the bill that the hosiptal sent to DND, $400 for a short ambulance ride to the hosipital and the MIR clerk expected the rest of the bill to follow in the $2000 dollar range, keeping in mind I was only examined and released.  The high cost is because DND underwrites its own insurance, meaning they paid for everything.  So we pay more to use the service and DND pays in full for the service.

The other side of this is that when the OHP hit, it should of triggered a change in the Post Living Differential Allowance (PLD) and there were messages that came down to this effect, but this was the year they went to a newer PLD calculation formula, we lost $600 a year in tax and in alot of cases the PLD dropped.

Since the nice pay raise of 2005, we've got the OHP, new pension premiums, and child support rates (for those of us in that boat) have gone way up, All in All, I'm making $500 dollars less a month in my take home.
Barel..... there is a cost associated in keeping those paramedics and the ER personnel available and on standby to give you that checkup & okie dokie after your little accident.  If Ontario did not have the facilities available or if they had made you wait an extremely long time -  you would be complaining on how lousy the service was.... also, think of your wife (or your ex) and your kids who would draw on the health care system as well.  The fact that Ontario has decided to charge OHIP to members of the CF is not a DND issue.  Vote with your wallet next time there is a provincial election.

WRT child support rates - don't see what the problem is - some fellas weren't paying and most all provinces have instituted regulations on this subject so the CF is only setting a common standard for everyone.

WRT the new pension premiums - rates go up and rates go up..... in order to deliver the pension plan you are expecting to receive - the fund has to be there to pay out... many civy look at us jealously - we have a pension plan - they don't.

WRT to PLD....yeah - been griped about and griped about
geo said:
WRT child support rates - don't see what the problem is - some fellas weren't paying and most all provinces have instituted regulations on this subject so the CF is only setting a common standard for everyone.

Just so everyone is clear, and people paying out child support all know this, The amount you pay is set by the Federal government, not the provinces.  Comes from a nice table that says " you make this much, you pay this much".
I'm still with my Mrs and my 14 yr old.... am paying thru the nose all the time.
Geo:  Point with OHP is that a $600 dollar increase is necessary to cover the baby boomers as they get into retirement and pay less tax to support the system, however such a spike in tax should of triggered the PLD revision, enough said as we all know what didn't happen.  Both my current wife and former wife also pay this tax so that should take care of our family portion, not sure if I agree with DND having to pay full price on everthing while its Federal employees help maintain a system without compensation which was susposed to be offered under the PLD.

WRT Pension Premiums:  It is recongized that prices go up, but the last things I read on a DND site was that one of the last acts of the previous Government was to raid the CF and RCMP Pension funds of their surpluses and that money was turned back into a surplus budget for that year, surplus budget meaning they didn't need to raid the plans.  DND's only comment was, this is now before the courts to see if taking the money was a legal move And sorry there is now a long term shortage in funding in your pensions therefore your premiums will have to be adjusted.
was not aware of last said raid on Pension plan.
If that is the case, it certainly contradicts requirement for increased rates.

If you say it is in the courts, I guess we will hear about this in due course.
Just to add fuel to the ever present fire....

TTC workers don't have to pay Ontario health tax
Article Link

Unionized TTC workers will not have to pay Ontario's annual health tax because of wording in its 35-year-old contract.

The Supreme Court of Canada on Thursday ruled it would not hear the TTC's appeal of a lower court ruling.

The decision by the high court, which did not give a reason for not hearing the case, puts Toronto taxpayers on the hook for $6 million a year.

TTC Chairman Adam Giambrone also said the cash-strapped city expects to pay $15 million in back pay to workers.

The issue stems from the TTC's collective agreement with Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113, which represents about 8,700 TTC employees.

In 1972, the union obtained a guarantee from the TTC that the transit authority would pay 100 per cent of Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) "contributions."

When Premier Dalton McGuinty's Liberal government introduced the Ontario health premium on July 1, 2004, the union said the TTC, not individual employees, should pay the health tax.

An arbitrator agreed with the union's argument, as did the Ontario Divisional Court and the province's Court of Appeal. All ruled the word "contributions" covered the new health fee.

Unionized employees will now receive a refund of between $500 and $700, money owed to them dating back to July 1, 2004, said Local 113 president Bob Kinnear, who was excited by the legal victory.

Giambrone said the TTC took the case to the courts because it respected taxpayers' dollars.
More on link
All military members serving in Ontario should apply and receive a Ontario Health card and we should use it reguarly. Perhaps then the Ontario Government would see the increase in expenditures and decide to exempt Military members from this obviously unfare tax. Anyone have any additional thoughts on this????
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
I am sure we could if it were not illegal.
In what way is it illegal?  And does it say that in writing somewhere? 
AVS Tech said:
All military members serving in Ontario should apply and receive a Ontario Health card and we should use it reguarly. Perhaps then the Ontario Government would see the increase in expenditures and decide to exempt Military members from this obviously unfare tax. Anyone have any additional thoughts on this????

Do you have a family (ie a wife and/or kids) who are benefitting from your payment of those premiums?? Because if so, quit whining already. My husband and I are both in the Military, we both paid it. We have two kids (both born in Pembroke, ON), exempt us?? Why?? So the other people in Ontario could pay for my kids' health benefits, stitches, immunizations etc?? Even if you're single, you can be sent to a civ hospital for XRays etc ... and you aren't getting the bill.

If not, bring it up with your MLA to have it made into a Provincial election issue. Good luck with that.

And Moe, yes it's illegal. Next time you are on the DIN check out your pubs.  ;)

ArmyVern said:
Even if you're single, you can be sent to a civ hospital for XRays etc ... and you aren't getting the bill.

But the military does.
PMedMoe said:
But the military does.

That's right. All civilian medical bills come into CMED Petawawa for payment ... and they have their ways as I learned during my posting to that Unit where I paid those bills. 
Okay, so what I am saying (and it's been said before) is that the Ontario government is double-dipping by charging us a health care tax and charging the military for the services we supposedly already pay for.  :mad:
ArmyVern said:
Do you have a family (IE a wife and/or kids) who are benefitting from your payment of those premiums?? Because if so, quit whining already. My husband and I are both in the Military, we both paid it. We have two kids (both born in Pembroke, ON), exempt us?? Why?? So the other people in Ontario could pay for my kids' health benefits, stitches, immunizations etc?? Even if you're single, you can be sent to a civ hospital for XRays etc ... and you aren't getting the bill.

Totally disagree Vern.

If your not a military couple and your spouse is working civi side then she is paying the premium and using it, though she is also covered under the Public ServantsHealth Insurance plan(So are your children). So again why is that I am paying for something I will never use? The CF (Though Blue Cross) pays the province direct for any medical care I receive civi side (X-Rays, Hospital stays, etc etc) Again I am pouring money into a system that I will not benefit from at all ever.

Alberta does not make Military members pay into their health tax for this very reason. This is just a money grab by Ontario to help float the health system that much more. I cannot at this time find how much $$$ the CF members posted to Ontario are paying but I am sure that it is not a little amount.
PMedMoe said:
Okay, so what I am saying (and it's been said before) is that the Ontario government is double-dipping by charging us a health care tax and charging the military for the services we supposedly already pay for.  :mad:

Ever heard of inter-governmental transfers??

Ever worked with FMAS where taxes were coded seperately to actuals??

There's a reason for that.

The fact is that most working Canadian Citizens pay into a Provincial health plan. By advocating that CF members pay nothing, you are putting yourself higher in the food-chain than them. I have a problem with that.

The facts are, you as an individual don't have to pay, you have excellent coverage should your child need dental/health care (ie braces, or even yourself if admitted to civilian hospital facilities) that the average Canadian does NOT get to benefit from, or an upgrade in room from a "ward" under your coverage. Get over it already; there are important things to be worried about in this world.
