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New Military Wife On Her Way In...


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Hi everyone, I'm relatively new to the forums (been reading nonstop for a few days!) and since I'm in the process of making the leap into the CF, I figured I would start my own thread to, if nothing else, keep myself reminded of all the work I'm putting into doing it! *lol*

So, my intro first: I am a 22-y-o woman, married to a (relatively) new infantry soldier (he will have been in a year in June.) We have two girls and three animals, and were recently posted to CFB Gagetown. I have always had the military kicking around as a career choice, although I will freely admit that in the early days it was completely influenced by video games and movies, albeit the slightly-more-realistic ones (no Rainbow 6 or anything like that!) But having watched my husband go through training, I can say I have a fairly accurate idea of the ins and outs of the life, and having watched him do it has only made me want it even more. I was in Air Cadets for one year and really enjoyed my time in (and wished I could have been in longer.)

Recently I have gotten to know a really awesome girl here who happens to work at CFRC Fredericton. I've been bugging the heck out of her with questions, and have made the leap to get the actual package of forms and get that settled. I have one caveat, however - I am currently around 4 months pregnant with baby #3. Which means, I either wait til after the birth to submit my app, or put it in a month or two before, have my file put on Medical Hold and have a Dr's note written post-birth to clear it. I'm leaning towards option #2, if only because it would mean less time to get it finished post-birth and a medical hold will even allow for clearance if other issues arise that need to be cleared.

And since I can't go until after the birth, it will give me the time to gather necessary documentation and get myself into top shape beforehand. I have to requisition my transcripts from back home (we're from Ottawa), as well as get a copy of my eyeglass prescription mailed to me as well so that when I do the medical I'll be good to go. Plus, I have to get in contact with references and such, so in general having a few months before officially submitting my app will not be a bad thing.

I'm not 100% on the trades I want, but I am heavily leaning towards Infantry and Combat Engineer NCM. As for the third, I'm having a bit of a debate with myself. Because of my vision, I don't know if I'll be able to get the V3 standard for the combat arms (as I don't know exactly what my vision level is right now.) But the support arm trade I'm most interested in is a red flag trade, which means I will most likely get an offer from that before my preferred trades, which if I am qualified for my others I would rather not take. But if I don't qualify for the first two, I need an option that I will qualify for. I'm not sure then what to put down as #3. But, as I have some time, I'll be discussing it with my recruiter friend and see what she has to say.

Anyway, this is already a pretty long post, so I'll finish off here. As things start to happen, I'll update here.
Congradulations on little one #3 and for deciding to join up.  A few suggestions if I may:

1.  Wait until after the birth of your child before applying. this will give you time to gather all the information, and will give you time to heal and get back into peak physical shape. 
2.  You should speak with the med staff at the CFRC as well as with your Family Doctor/OBGYN about how long to wait and what information the med staff will need.
3.  Have you spoken to a Recruiter or MCC about becoming a service couple and the unique challenges this will provide?
4.  You need to pick your trade carefully, since your husband is Infantry his postings are somewhat limited for the moment.  The CFRC can help in deciding this although it is your choice.
5.  Enjoy life and have fun  ;D
Thanks for the reply! I haven't gotten into deep detail yet on the service couple issue, although my husband and I have begun planning for childcare needs and whatnot. I'm lucky enough that I am in decently good shape, so I am able to run and do resistance training as long as I feel I am able - so I shouldn't have too much trouble after the birth getting back into gear. I know I need time to heal and recover after, but I expect that at the 6 week mark I will be all clear to go - that's generally the time that most women are deemed 100% healed - and with my last daughter, I was up and walking the same day, and within a week had no more pain, so I should be able to begin walking fairly quickly and move from there. I know I *should* wait, but I also know it can take a LONG time to process files at times. And I want to have the contingency that if there are any hold ups for any other reason that I will have time to get them dealt with - my husband has inquired about leave and whatnot, and there is only so much available, so the longer it takes to get in, the less time he'll have to be home while I'm gone.

But that said, I do understand what you're saying - and since I haven't made any hard-and-fast decisions yet (it's the CF, when do those ever happen? *lol*) I could very well decide to wait. All will be decided in due time.
I just had to reply and say hi. I'm in a similar and yet very different situation. I think I can understand your feelings. Recently (4months ago) my husband and I decided to join the CF at the same time. I tried doing some research and getting a better idea of what being a service couple is like. However, I found information on the subject to be fairly scarce. I actually surprised and happy to find another woman in generally the same position. My husband and I are a young couple (21 and 25) with no children. Just our puppy and cat. We had a lot of discussions on how best to create a timeline for our careers in the CF and decided to just apply at the same time and take it from there. My husband choose infantry and received an offer fairly quickly. Unfortunately he broke his hand a week before he was to leave for BMQ and is now on medical hold for at least 4 weeks. I received my offer for Cook (land) right after he was put on hold. I choose a "purple" trade not only because cook is my civilian career choice, but also to be able to stay near my husband. I leave for BMQ June 14. My husband will most likely be healed and leaving around the same time. Now all we have to do is find a place for our puppy and cat to stay while we are training. I'm glad we don't have children yet, or it would be much harder for us to leave. I'm amazed at what a strong woman you must be. Congratulations on baby #3.  :)
