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my reserve ncm to reg officer recruiting story

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Hi all:

  I am new here, but I have been cruising  around and found a lot of useful information, so I thought I would throw some back, perhaps my story will help someone else.

    The short version is that after being a reserve ncm for nine years I will become a reg force officer in two weeks...that said this is the long version of my story.

    I have served in the reserves as an army musician for nine years, and one year ago I decided I should do something with my life that I enjoyed and began the process of component transferring to the reg force.  In June  2005, just after completing my plq and part of my 6bs I submitted a memo to the CO of my unit stating my intentions to CT to the regular force and asking for his approval.  As I was on summer call out not much was done at that time by my unit, except a signature on my memo. 
    When I returned that fall I was promoted to Mcpl and I went to my unit OR to gather up the necessary paperwork I would need to submit.  Within a month I filled out all the applications and re-submitted it to my OR.  And waited.
    Fed up with waiting I contacted the local recruiting centre to ask some questions regarding the paperwork, requirements, etc. and I learned that the CF policy regarding CTs had changed that fall--instead of going through your unit each member now dealt directly with their local recruiting centre. 
    Once I found this out I got a new copy of the applications and spoke to the recruiter about the trade options open to someone with my degree, which is in music education.  Once I got those I sat down and picked my three choices, 1. Air Nav, 2. AEC, and 3. Mars.  I also filled out the paperwork and submitted it to my recruiting centre two weeks before the christmas break.  I was informed that my unit was contacted and that they had only two weeks to forward all my information and pers file, etc.  Surprisingly all my info arrived in no time, with the exception of my med docs which took some prodding.  Unfortunately, the christmas block leave had arrived so I had to wait. 
      I got a call mid January from the recruiting office and was scheduled for a medical, CFATS (since I was 18 when I first wrote them), and an interview for early February.  The day I arrived for my appointment I rewrote the CFATS and passed with flying colours, and saw the WO for my medical.  My medical could not be completed that day because I required an aircrew medical, and the WO wanted to check some things with the Cf med boards in Ottawa.  They also decided not to do my interview that day because they realized as an applicant for Air Nav I would have to do the three hour Air Nav aptitude test.  I was scheduled for that test later that week, and given various medical questionaires for my doctor.
      I wrote the Air Nav test, and passed all but one section, and was given the option to redo it in 3 months.  Not wanting to delay my application any longer I decided to go with my #2 choice, AEC, which I felt better suited for anyway.  My interview was scheduled later that week, and the WO had gotten his answers on my medical, so both of those were scheduled during March break. 
      My interview went really well, but when I went for my medical I was referred to a Mcpl medic who gave me two options--1) he would do a medical and send it to be evaluated by a flight surgeon who has never met me in Ottawa, or 2) he could refer me to the flight surgeon at camp gagetown to do the complete medical (I only had this option because I was a reservist).  Needless to say I chose option 2, and the medic carefully wrapped and sealed my med docs and sent me with them to the base hospital, which set me up with an appointment with the flight surgeon in a month.
      The first time I saw the flight surgeon he was not sure what he needed to do, but he quickly decided just to do a complete aircrew medical.  He then sent me to be scheduled for my pt. 1  which included an ECG, blood work, hearing test, breathing test, chest x-ray, vaccinations, urine tests, waist measurement and questionaire.  My eyes had previously been tested by my family Optometrist, who was contracted by the army to do vision tests (lucky me!), and it included getting drops in my eyes and checking for eye diseases.  My part I took most of the day, and my part two was scheduled for the end of May. 
      During this entire process I was working towards doing my PT test.  I had a current express test, but it was more than 6 months old, so it didn't count for recruiting.  I am not a tiny person, and try as I might I am not a great runner.  In fall 2004 when I was getting ready for my PLQ I started working with a member of the PSP staff at the base gym and started building my strength and endurance back up to standard.  During my recruiting process I continued working out, and added some new exercises to help me reach a higher level than the one previous (I have been working out continuously since Jan. 2004).  I passed my Pt test at the base gym the end of April, and did do better than my previous one.
        After seeing the Flight sugeon for my Part II medical he found me fit for Air factor 4 (the requirement for AEC), and sent my med docs to be approved by the CF med boards in Ottawa (who approve all aircrew medicals).  He sent me to the recruiting office with a chit saying I was fit. 
      At the recruiting office I asked the recruiter on the status of my file and I learned it had already been sent to the DEO selection boards, and was just waiting to be "picked up".  In other words I was down to waiting for a phone call. 
      I got my phone call the beginning of August this year, and was offered a contract as a DEO AEC IAP bypass.  I start my BOTP in St. Jean on Oct. 30, after completing "week 0" Oct. 23-27.

  To summarize the time it took for me to get my call:

    I submitted my memo June, 2005
      submitted paperwork to my unit Sept. 2005
      submitted paperwork to the recruiting centre per the new regs Nov. 2005
      my paperwork arrived from my unit Dec. 2005
      called to do my testing Jan. 2006
      testing done Feb-May 2006
      got my call Aug. 2006
      ct effective Oct. 19, 2006.

    Had I known the rules changed fall 2005 I am sure this process would have been faster, and the trade I am going provided a special case for my medical--had I not been going aircrew, I would not have needed a new medical as my last one with the reserves was within 5 years. 

    Sorry if this is a little long winded, but I am hopeful my experience can help make someone else's a little more precise and to the point.
Congrats on your "call", and good luck on course. I believe you will be picking up on my buddy's course.. though there are 4 platoons (2 anglo, 2 franco). I think his is a little lighter atm....

thanks--I am actually looking forward to the course, but wish I wasn't starting it in a way that says "this person has experience and should know better."  I would rather be a little bit more anonymous about my background.
Well, all these people will be coming through with *technically* the same experience as you (even if you have more real life experience than most).
And, technically, at the point you join them, you should be just as "skilled" as they are.

The difference is that you will need to work that much harder to bond with them; BOTP is all about small party tasks and people helping other people out.
Thanks again.  Guess I am just a little paranoid...I did my PLQ as a working teacher and the WO was nice enough to point out to the whole course during an instructional techniques class that I taught for a living, and said I probably thought what he was teaching was a bunch of bull.  I was rather appalled, as CF teaching methods and school teaching methods are very similar, and I wasn't aware the Wo even knew I was a teacher!

  Aside from that I enjoyed my PLQ and I know I will enjoy my BOTP, even though I will have to work harder being one (and I hope not the only one) of the newbies.  The BOTP I am loaded on is also the first pilot for the "new BOTP," so that in itself should be interesting.  I seem to have a knack for landing on pilot courses...and they are always interesting.
Yes, my bud has mentioned they already lucked out with the additional 2 weeks (I think one was added to IAP and one to BOTP, or maybe 2 to BOTP, Im not too clear on that).
In any event, he isn't exactly pleased, but any field time for him is gravy (he's army, and infantry, so the field is his sandbox).

IVe met some of  the guys on course with him, and Mud Recce Man (on here) has a S/O who is on that course as well, so there is some info around.... from what Ive heard, its all good things, aside from the usual 1 -2 crackpot guys who got past the high standards set for recruiting ;)  Apparently there is this one guy ... ;)

In any event, I'm sure you could, in your initial interviews with your course staff,  politely request that they try to keep a lid on announcing your previous qualifications, and in exchange state that you will do your best to be the best candidate you can be, and a part of the group.

thanks for the advice...I will do that.  I am glad to know that there are some people who are doing Iap, as most of the posts seem to be BMQ oriented, and even though I have done a search I can't seem to find anything by other IAP bypasses.  Perhaps I will try searching again.  I am glad to hear that the IAP pilot is going well.  From the research I have done there should only be an extra week to the BOTP, which is the result of moving the gas mask training from the IAP, but perhaps I am mistaken.
Perhaps IAP is one week longer than;  He told me two weeks, and the majority of it is all field.
But then again, when you are on course and its week 7, it all starts to seem like the same thing.

In any event, best of luck, Im sure you'll do just fine.