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My personnal story

Wesley H. Allen said:
and then once educated to at least Gr 12 (or 13 in Ont) make up your mind to go permanent.

No grade 13 (OAC) here anymore, We only go to 12 but you can do what is called "a victory lap" and stay an extra year. ;D

Since this is a forum for discussing reaction of parental units to news of sons/daughters joining the military I thought I might as well share mine.

I have wanted to be in the military since I was about 14 years old. The whole problem started when I brought home papers from the air show to join the air cadet squadron here in Edmonton. I wasn't at this time aware of my parent's position on the military so I figured that since the air cadets a free extra-curricular activity and I could even get my pilots licence out of it, then they would be thrilled. Boy was I ever wrong. My mother retorted that I was never ever to join anything military because she didn't support the military or the means for military operations to take place. I don't blame her, as she has had to live in a family where her father subjected the family to the many strange and bizarre military-like routines to which my mother hated. From that day when I showed my mother the papers and was denied I made my decision. I decided that I would do everything in my power to be in the military. I researched and scrutinized the DND.ca website, secretly acquired pamphlets and for every bit of extra information I gained my urge and thirst to join grew ever greater.

In this year (last year of high school) I announced to my Dad that I had gone to the recruiting office to apply for RMC. I said it flat out and told him quite sternly that I was of legal age and could make my own decisions. My father decided to tell me the matter would be discussed once my mother got home from vacation (yes I took this opportunity while the dictator was gone ;D).  My mother got home and I decided to clear out and keep a low profile. I was expecting the entire world to crumble when my mother called me to see her. I got the whole butterfly feeling that I am sure many people in my situation have had and knew that this was going to be big. Thoughts ran though my head as I stood in front of my mother. I figured I might as well start phoning up friends asking if I could live with them until BMQ because I had that horrible gut feeling my mother would kick me out and disown me. I thought this because often when I brought up military subjects or joined the colour party on my cadet team (St. John Ambulance Brigade) she would become furious and some form of retribution would be laid on me.

As I stood sweating and expecting the worst my mother just stood up and hugged me. She said "I have tried to bring you up to what I believe is right but I can tell from this that you already know what is right and I will back you up and support you". Believe me this feeling of absolute and complete utter joy flooded out of me. I just couldn't handle it. I was entirely not expecting what my mother did and almost felt this giant euphoric shock as I tried to register what she said.

So anyway, my family knows that I am dedicated to what I want and have seen that dedication in action in other situations including school and knew very well that respecting my wishes would be best. On the other hand I did sit with my parents and explain to them that I would always respect who they were and that I had taken all their wishes and ideas into account the day I walked into that recruiting office.

That's my story and all I can say is I am really glad mine turned out good. I know people who haven't had the same luck as I.

I decided that I was going to join around the age of 12. I started reading military books such as Immediate Action, Bravo Two Zero, CQB, or any other military related book.

Later on I discovered the recruiting site, and DND.ca. I would also look at other countries recruiting sites (British, American, Australian...) I would look at these sites everyday after school. Then I found army.ca. I found this site to be a lot more interesting because there are different posts everyday.

When I was 14 I started talking to my dad about joining. My father started out in the Royal Regiment of Canada, and later transfered to 3 PPCLI, he then joined the Airborne Regiment in 2 Commando, he then became a Sig Op in Kingston before he was medically released a couple years ago. He supports me 100%.

My mother is a different story. She hates the idea of me joining. I turn 16 in may so I plan to start contacting the recruiting center in March. I will get a whole bunch of info show it to her, show her this site, and the recruiting one, and all of the videos I have collected. If she still says no then I will get my dad to sign the application instead of her or just bug her until she finally gives in.