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My DEO application


New Member
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I am new to the forums, but have been reading them since November.
Below is a little about my application experience:

I handed in My application August 1/05 for Combat arms DEO, 1st choice Armoured.

Had my cfat/medical/interview/physical December 14/ 05

With some practice, I passed the CFAT no problems.

My medical went fine except for 2 things 1). I had to provide an optometrist opinion on my eye sight (I was on the line between V3-4 so i got a letter stating I had 6/24 uncorrected). and 2). I mentioned that I get the sniffles when hay is fresh cut---which might slow my medical.

The interview went well, except that I later had to provide proof that I was managing my $33,000 student debt. I returned with that confirmation on January 19th/06.

It's been a fairly long time now since I did my medical, so I called today... And was told that I should expect a letter "declaring that I am fit"... Searching around on this site has given me the impression that by expecting a letter, I should also expect rejection?

I will keep informing on my situation.. If anyone wants any more details on how my interview/ debt/credit problems got resolved feel free to ask.

Thanks for reading:)

An update:

I called CFRC Kingston today and spoke with a Private there who accessed my file and was able to tell me that I was declared fit on Feb 2nd.  I have now been placed on the "quota list" for DEO Armoured. I was a little surprised by this because I have yet to do my PT testing.  Anyways I'm back to being excited and am sailing through my daily fitness with great enthusiasm!

Going in for my PT testing March 17th. I'm very excited, and can't wait to move on to the next phase of my application
Right on man, you seem to have the proper attitude. Best of luck!

I passed my fitness testing!! I am being sworn in at CFRC Kingston tomorrow.

The test today was actually rather relaxing a helped alot to boost my confidence, the instructor was very good. I was pretty anxious going into it, hadn't had a smoke in 2 days... She started out by taking my blood pressure, which was through the roof so I was told to calm down and lay down and relax.  After 5 minutes I was ready to take the test.  I passed level 5 on the step portion, did 21 push-ups ( I can do 35-40) I stopped short to conserve energy for situps, which I did 29. I got 45 and 45 respectively on the grip test( my hands kept slipping off). I went into this knowing there was a job offer so I really conserved and paced myself.

I am so relieved, and proud...
I can't wait till April 10th... hope to meet some of you at IAP in St.Jean!