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Medak Pocket (info, documentaries, etc. - merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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3rd Herd said:
Just an observation and maybe a bit of highjack but. I can't figure out if it is the water or training but the past couple of posts have been great in view of opsec/persec. You have all managed to figure out who is who without an internet broadcast such as found in the "Any 1 CER here" thread and a couple of others. Again from purely an observation point it has been both interesting and enjoyable to watch.

When it comes to PERSEC, there is none if all the information is already in a profile.  Sort of like Pte Bloggins trying to tell the MP that his name is "Smythe", when his nametag tells the real story.
Has anyone else heard when the documentary "The Battle of Medak Pocket" will be shown?  Supposedly it will be on the History Channel, on Turning Points in History.  I know they interviewed a bunch of the guys just last summer and filmed it in Meaford, On.  Any info would be great!
I went to history.ca, typed in medak and got this.


September 16th 8pm EST.



There is a book by Carol Off - same one as on CBC

It's called - The Ghosts of Medak Pocket.

Dry read but quite a story.

It'll help kill that pesky "peacekeeping" thing. ;)

Flip, yes I know the book and the battle very well.  My husband was there.  Just trying to confirm when the new movie/documentary will be shown

48th - thanks, for the info - I wasn't having any luck!
Fusilier- Your husband was more than there  :salute:  He was a big part of Charlie Coy, a major personality and leader that the troops still talk about. One of those in case of war break glass types.

I still remember the big cheer that went up in the Winnipeg Hotel lounge when he came in for the reception that Carol Off put on. Please give him the best from all the Seaforths!!!

Very interested in this documentary, I'll pass the word to the troops that it's coming on.

Hey Noneck - it's been a while!  Rudy and I got married on 23 June, still living the country life!  This documentary is new, CBC came out to the house to interview Rudy it was an all day affair.  They also interviewed Rod Dearing and a couple of other guys.  I think what they've done is to slide the interviews between re-enactments, we've been in contact with Craig Cyr, the actor that plays Rudy.  Seem like a good guy, they filmed in Meaford.  Bill Coban was ramroding the project but I haven't been able to get hold of him to nail down time/date when it would be on but no luck so far.  Just keep an eye on the history channel!

:salute: to all you guys too....no man is alone in the fight!

Tonight at 8ET/8PT the History Channel will be doing a presentation on the Battle of Medak Pocket for all of you who are interested. I will be watching it. It'll be interesting to hear from the Veterans of this battle, their views and their comments on the presentation and its accuracy by the History Channel.


I am standing by, 20 more mintues for me. Looking forward to it. As long as the 9er don't turn it on me... again.  >:(
Really??  I was told it's not on until Nov 6, and the cast isn't even seeing it until 4 Nov.  Is this the newest documentary??
They have real actors too, Craig Cyr plays Rudy Bajema and I think this one has the interviews??    Is anyone taping this or recording somehow???!!!!  I'm currently stuck in Wainwright on ex - have computer but no TV.  Really, really want a copy for my husband who was there....
thanks, I'm listening to it through the field phone, Rudy is watching at home.  I'll try the history channel and see if I can buy it.  Rudy says they're doing a pretty good job on the re-enactments.
I want to find the DVD collection "FOR KING AND COUNTRY". Wonder if it is floating around yet.

I enjoyed watching it as well

If it wasnt for this I would've never heard of the Battle of Medak Pocket
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