OK... So I have some more information regarding this. My PO gave me a copy of an email that pertains to this subject, and was sent through our trade career manager from the BTL management.
Basically, the crux of it is that any BTL NCM students that who were enrolled before 1 Sep 12 and will remain on the BTL after 1 Feb 13 are among those who qualify for this. (NCMs who are in training now at different units, and NCM-SEPs are among the numbers)
If the member is leaving CFLRS to their next unit, CFLRS will remain the parent unit, and the member will be sent to the next training location on Attached Posting.
NCM-SEP students will remain posted with their applicable ULO and sent on to their next training location after graduation on Attached Posting.
Anyone who is already Prohibited Posted and on their courses (like me), and wre entitled to R&Q at public expense, will be posted RESTRICTED out of thier schools and into their first employing unit by the D Mil C Career Managers. The employing units will immediately Attach Post the students back to the school to complete their training. After graduating the required training, the member would THEN move to their employing unit, and the gaining CO will be able to lift the restrictions and allow the move of family and HG&E.
As far as I know, this only applies to NCMs under the old rules. I was also told that a new CANFORGEN should be out soon about this, but the email was sent now, just in case the CANFORGEN isn't released by 1 Feb 13, so that our staff and clerks have some sort of guideline...
So now, we wait and see what happens next, I guess...