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I was out on the SRR for a few years, when I got back in in 07 I got sized for the new ruck and was told that it would be issued soon. 6 years later I've still not had it issued, in the meantime I've used my old 64 bag...but it's reached the end of it's life. Recently I was told that the new ruck is being redesigned and not to hold my breath. So I've recently purchased a used ILBE MARPAT ruck and spray bombed it with green krylon to mute the brownish tones of the MARPAT. This is a great ruck designed by Arc Teryx but made by Propper in the US. It's about 70-80 litres and wears very comfortably with about 50 lbs of load over uneven terrain.

So if anyone in the LMD is looking for a new ruck you can't go wrong with 90$ complete from Rogue Provisions. As an aside I've not had any issues with senior management, especially when I mention that I was not issued a ruck from stores!

Send me a PM if you want pics.

I went into the field just recently, and from previous experience from the times that I used my Issued 82 pattern rucksack, it sucks.
The ruck itself doesnt provide alot of support for my back, but when I tried one of my buddy's CTS ruck it felt amazing. because I'm not combat arms I won't be getting one of those at any time soon, but if I have the permission of my COC to buy my own rucksack would I be allowed to use the ILBE in MARPAT?
PteAJL, that will depend on your CoC; they may allow MARPAT, or they may not.
How common is it to see RegForce guys buy their own rucksacks like the 64, or anything else? just wondering.
Depends on the unit.  There still are troops that use a '64 ruck, but from what I've seen I think the majority use the CTS ruck.

Aside from the '64, I don't think I've seen anyone wear a different non issue ruck in a Infantry battalion. Lots of troops buy their own small pack replacement though, at least out west.
I'll just have to send a request up the chain...
My unit is pretty relaxed about stuff like this though, so I highly doubt it would be a problem.
PteAJL said:
I'll just have to send a request up the chain...
My unit is pretty relaxed about stuff like this though, so I highly doubt it would be a problem.

You're positive this is the first request up the chain of command you want to make? You just completed BMQ(L) this summer, and have already concluded the 82 pattern rucksack "sucks" and want to buy your own? As a Cl A reservist, how often are you actually going to be going on a ruckmarch, especially considering you're not Combat Arms?  :facepalm:
I would also like to get some BFT practice done on my own time, and the 82 is just not my thing...
This is the best in class, AFAIC:


I have the grand daddy version, much the worse for wear of course from over 50 operational 'jump and humps' and a few dozen other types of expeditions, so was seriously considering ordering a new one.
During my last field, I carried a KIFARU in Green Olive.  It's colour matches the CF P82 making it less offensive to the CSM.  I would suggest that MARPAT as the camo of the USMC would make you stand out and cause confusion, besides alot of Marines say it is not that great.  Anyway check out the MMR at www.kifaru.net.  These guys supply JTF.
I used the 64 quite happily for about 5 years until I CFR'd and was issued the CTS rucksack just before DP1.1. It took some getting used to because it is somewhat bigger than my old 64. If I was you, I'd get a 64 to negate the chances of getting harassed by anyone.
noneck said:
I was out on the SRR for a few years, when I got back in in 07 I got sized for the new ruck and was told that it would be issued soon. 6 years later I've still not had it issued, in the meantime I've used my old 64 bag...but it's reached the end of it's life. Recently I was told that the new ruck is being redesigned and not to hold my breath. So I've recently purchased a used ILBE MARPAT ruck and spray bombed it with green krylon to mute the brownish tones of the MARPAT. This is a great ruck designed by Arc Teryx but made by Propper in the US. It's about 70-80 litres and wears very comfortably with about 50 lbs of load over uneven terrain.

So if anyone in the LMD is looking for a new ruck you can't go wrong with 90$ complete from Rogue Provisions. As an aside I've not had any issues with senior management, especially when I mention that I was not issued a ruck from stores!

Send me a PM if you want pics.


Has anyone tried the USMC FILBE Pack system?