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Looking for a good book


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Does anyone have a recommendation for a good book on either Canadian history or either Canadian Military history (can be recent history)? I'm gonna run to the library and pick a few up.
Century of Service by Donald Graves.

No Holding Back by Brian Reid.

Two particularly excellent hardcovers that came out in the last year or so - unfortuantely fits in the category "hard history" but you really didn't say what you are looking for.
If you've never read "Vimy" by Pierre Burton, pick it up, excellent book. I also recently read "A Perfect Hell", don't remember the author, about the first special service force, also a great read.
Thanks for the replies guys, I'll go pick 'em up this weekend.  :)
The problem is you don't really specify what area you're looking at, or your expertise/familiarity.
So two very good "intro to Canadian military" books are:

Desmond Morton, A Military History of Canada, Edmonton: Hurtig, 1985.

Allen Andrews, Brave Soldiers, Proud Regiments: Canada's Military Heritage, Vancouver, Ronsdale Press, 1997.

Both are dated, Morton's more so but it's often easier to find; if you're starting from scratch, either will point you in the right direction.
Thanks Journeyman, I'll pick those up first.  :)
My highest recommendation would be "A Rising Of Courage" by Dan Hartigan. It is about Canada's Paratroops in the Liberation of Normandy...and that's actually the subtitle but the best description of the book in a one-liner. It is a book that I really couldn't put down. I finished it while reading in every bit of my spare time over about 3 days.
Aside from that I would look at regimental histories. No Retreating Footsteps:The Story of The North Nova Scotia Highlanders was incredible. The regimental histories are becoming very difficult to find though.
Journeyman said:
Desmond Morton, A Military History of Canada, Edmonton: Hurtig, 1985.

+1 to that, but there is an updated version out, 1999 I believe (not at home, will look once there).
I have always been a fan of Farley Mowat,

Even though he was a Plough Jockey (Sorry Waz! ;))

The Regiment
And No Birds Sang
My Father's Son
Born Naked



Look for "Who Killed The Canadian Military" by J.L. Granastein. It goes into detail on how the Canadian Military has gone from one of the largest and best equipped in the world after WW2 to the state it is in today.