March in. Call marker. Remainder, fall in
Right Dress
From the right, number.
Stand at ease, stand easy. Good afternoon, I'm CPL Bloggins and for the next 40 min we'll be covering shoulder arms from the port. Before we get to that, we'll review your previous lesson, shoulder arms and order arms. Steady up.
Review shoulder/order arms for 3 or 4 minutes. Jack them up.
Stand at easy, stand easy. "Good. As I said, what you will learn in the next 40 min is _________. Why you need to know this is _________ (be creative). Where you will use this is anytime ____________. (Control Statement

Don't be looking around, pay attention to my demonstrations. (Test

There will be a practial test at the end of the lesson as well as you will be assessed throughout your military career. Questions?"
Demonstrate full movement. Explain full movement. Demo squad 1, explain squad 1, CIC.. etc..
Is that good enough? There are no real "lesson plans" for drill. There is a pam telling you how to do it (if you don't know already..) and then there's a set formula you need to follow.