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"Kurdish music star may sue OPP after dramatic highway arrest"

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::)  I don't think even Clayton Ruby would touch this one.  I wonder if they are going to record all the lawyers that laugh hysterically at them and/or tell them to piss off for wasting their time. 
For some reason, I can't get the thought of Borat out of my mind.
Just what can he sue for? The man wasn't arrested. He wasn't detained. He was approached and his holding of firearms or lack thereof was determined. What should the cops have done instead? "Oh, well, he might have a gun, but he's Kurdish. We'll let 'em pass."
Perwer also wants an apology on behalf of all members of the Kurdish community and has spoken to a lawyer about the incident.
So, this was an attack on Kurdish people?  WTF? 

OK, so why throw down the race card?  Oh, right, because you want to detract attention from this:
Apparently, members of Perwer’s crew were filming him in a black Hummer while driving back from Niagara Falls, when a passing motorists mistook an appropriately named ‘shotgun microphone’, for the real thing. 

Gimme a break....
The cops followed protocol for a high risk takedown. Miller has got the citizens of Toronto so freaked about guns they see them everywhere. The cops have a job to do. There's nothing to apologise for.

This is just another egocentric entertainer with a huge sense of entitlement thinking the world should move aside while he approaches. It allows him to put the community, and more important in his mind, himself, front and centre of the news. Now the community will feel beholden to him. Any publicity.........you know the rest. The best thing the MSM can do is quite talking about him, he'll go away.


I certainly didn't see anything harsh or unusual in the video. If anything I think the cops were very professional and restrained. These guys talking about the affront to their, and their people's, honour are out to lunch. I wonder how they would have been treated in the same circumstances if they were at home.

Edited to add link
Apparently, being arrested by mistake is a violation of your human rights.  Why accept an apology when you can get some cash instead?

Here is a full video on youtube of what happened http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYcXDv4limw don't know how long it is going to be there since the poster, doesn't like people commenting that the OPP did an excellent job handling the situation.  He deleted my comments to that effect and I suspect others.
Wow, compared to some traffic take-downs I've seen (first-hand or taped), that's pretty tame...

And professional actually, which is understandable seeing how the officers obviously knew they were being video'd.

having been involved in a similar, albeit less "celebrated" situation and the subsequent complaint, I've come to the conclusion that you just can't win on the side of officer safety, no matter how the situation appears.  But I'd rather go home alive and complained about, than the alternative.
Hatchet Man said:
Here is a full video on youtube of what happened http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYcXDv4limw don't know how long it is going to be there since the poster, doesn't like people commenting that the OPP did an excellent job handling the situation.  He deleted my comments to that effect and I suspect others.

Well, just look at the poster's user name:  kurdish1Bling 

What would you expect?  Obviously the OPP are in the wrong.  ::)
    I just finished watching that video and didn't see the officer doing anything wrong .    Just some crap head trying to stir up stuff that isn't there .
All these people sayin stuff.. But yet what if they were armed and going to one of those commentors houses?
So I replied to the video (this after reading all sorts of negative remarks with regards to the OPP and Canada). My unbiased opinion was swiftly deleted, so I attempted to make another post, however it seems as though I was blocked.  It upsets me that some people have that sort of hatred for Canada.
Chapeski said:
So I replied to the video (this after reading all sorts of negative remarks with regards to the OPP and Canada). My unbiased opinion was swiftly deleted, so I attempted to make another post, however it seems as though I was blocked.  It upsets me that some people have that sort of hatred for Canada.

Probably don't have the same hatred for the government handouts though.  ::)
I never heard of the guy prior to this. This PR will boost his record sales.
So I replied to the video (this after reading all sorts of negative remarks with regards to the OPP and Canada). My unbiased opinion was swiftly deleted, so I attempted to make another post, however it seems as though I was blocked.  It upsets me that some people have that sort of hatred for Canada.

My comment was likewise deleted, it wasn't even up 5 minutes. So much for freedom of speech....

If these guys hate Canada so much, why don't they just leave?

I also flagged this video as inappropriate as the poster will not allow discussion on it, and only allows hate messages about Canada, so we'll see what happens.
This link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AazTP-YTPg is essentially the same video, except the poster didn't edit out the part where the cameran give kudos to the Officers involved.  Also the poster is little more tolerant of divergent opinions.
Well I'm glad I live in a country where he can actually bring this court.
Not saying I agree with him (AT ALL) however I will throw a personal story out there.

A couple years ago in small town Canada one of my friends and his wife hauls into a local convenience store in their red pontiac Sunfire.As he was stepping out two police cruisers hauled in behind his car rushed him slamming him to the ground.Knee in back and on head his wife gets hauled out by one officer while the 4th searches their car.

Slightly frightened because....well they were going to get a movie.They ask WTF is going on,only to have knee's further jammed into his face.The policeman searching the car says its "clear".then they begin questioning the man where the guns are.Still pinned to the ground.(by this time a crowd had stopped to see whats going on)

After keeping him then in the back of the car for a hour he finally figures out a Red ford tempo with license plate******* was called in as having weapons and discharging them on the highway.

It's blunders like this that make me happy we live in a country where police are held accountable for their actions.I have been in some eastern European countries where police beatings (and I mean face punches)are a form of search!

Just thought I would throw out how happy I am to live in Canada.And glad no matter how stupid the claims towrds the police are,that we can do that.
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