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Kit Help

Ruck should be worn as high as possible

The lower back protector can be worn with the pad down for tall individuals
or up for short individuals.

try to adjust your ruck "fit" with the butt pack full
Apparently there are hundreds of ways to adjust the ruck to better suit individuals...
I am about 5'6'' and teh rucksack fits wonderfully, except after about 2 minutes my shoulders and neck kill, are there any adjustments to prevent that?
(I'm on BMQ but my instructors said to find out some other way because they were busy, plus it's only the weekend BMQ so I can't contact them much).
ask your instructors again. It's their job to show you how to properly wear your kit.
Any injury to you is THEIR fault. If the Mcpls are too busy - ask the Sgts. If the Sgts are too busy - ask the WO. If the WO is too busy - ask the course officer.

You have a responsibility to assimilate the material that they give you
They have a responsibility to ensure you have received and understood the material they have given you AND understand the correct use of the Kit that has been provided for your use. If the kit will injure you; you shouldn't be wearing it / you shouldn't be using it.

HOWEVER make sure you have very specific points that you want addressed - don't be frivolous.
Dill said:
im not trying to rush it man, my training starts in less than a month and i just figured i should have my ruck put together and ready to go, as opposed to bringing a giant wad of pieces and placing it all together there. ive just never had a problem fitting the buttpack with the ruck until now so im asking for a bit of advice.

also, a lot of the guys who got their kit got rucks already assembled for them, whereas i didnt. and lots have had their rucks for a while without course and already have theirs together, so i know the basics of how to do it, and figured it out, so why not do it?

Ok I see why now. Thanks for the reply.

Either way, you probably will have to pull it all apart again at training.