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KISS' Gene Simmons Supports CF Troops in AFG

The Bread Guy

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A tear for the troops
Gene Simmons, of KISS fame, gets emotional taping message for Canadian soldiers

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The head of the KISS Army shed a tear for Canada's army during a message for our troops.

In town to marshal the Rexall Edmonton Indy, Gene Simmons took a moment after a press conference yesterday to send out a message to Canadian soldiers.

"Hi guys, it's Gene Simmons. We know you're in Afghanistan, we know it's a tough one, I just want you to know from my heart we love you," Simmons said for the camera just before he had to stop and wipe his eyes.

Sgt. Dan Milburn with Army News was in awe that someone of Simmons' stature would be moved to that extent for soldiers not even from his own country.

"I'm speechless. We had to pause the camera so he could have a moment. He's quite a person," said Milburn.

It was the second time that Simmons recognized the two soldiers filming for the military.

A well-known supporter of the American military, Simmons took time out of the press conference that had been focusing on his time in Edmonton and his association with the IndyCar series to salute the soldiers.

"I like the fact that there's a bit of civility when the Canadian flag goes up and your national anthem is sung everybody quietens down a bit," said Simmons.

"You don't have to salute, no one's forcing you to do anything, but just for a few minutes you shut your mouth and give it the respect it demands. I think that's part of our lives that's been tossed aside.

"Culture has become cynical and we don't even respect what we should.

"The two powerful and attractive gentleman (pointing to the soldiers) back there are wearing your uniform. They're the ones who make your lives possible."

The room began clapping and when the applause wound down, Simmons continued.

"And they deserve your respect because they have earned it. The rest of us just yack, they walk the walk."

Army News was at the Indy races all three days gathering wishes from the drivers to soldiers overseas or at home.

"It's a big push for them to see someone like Gene Simmons or Paul Tracy. That's pretty cool," said Milburn.

A KISS fan himself, Milburn was impressed Simmons gave the soldiers so much recognition.

"I've never had something like that happen when he told everybody to stand up and clap for the guys in the back of the room in uniform. It was unreal. My year has been made."

Milburn ended the session by asking for Simmons's autograph for his wife, to which Simmons, upon hearing her name, replied, "Oh yeah, I remember her."


Rock veteran Gene Simmons meets Sgt. Dan Milburn, a reporter with Army News, while taping an Army TV promo yesterday at the Edmonton Indy. (Tom Braid, Sun Media)
Milburn ended the session by asking for Simmons's autograph for his wife, to which Simmons, upon hearing her name, replied, "Oh yeah, I remember her."
I think it's awesome!  I love Gene Simmons!  :-*
Behind every great man, there is a great woman.

Gene's woman is from Newfoundland.

That is really cool and impressive to see a celeb to go out of his way to salute those who deserve it.  Always have been a KISS fan,  this just cements it more.
Did not know he was married to a Newfie, good catch there!
jollyjacktar said:
That is really cool and impressive to see a celeb to go out of his way to salute those who deserve it.  Always have been a KISS fan,  this just cements it more.
Did not know he was married to a Newfie, good catch there!

They're not married.
They are happily "un-married".

Shannon was born in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador and was raised in Whitbourne, Newfoundland and Labrador, on a mink ranch.
I like Gene Simmons alot. His show is great and underneath all his cocky behaviour he is kind of a good role model because hes not into drugs or booze. Respect for doing that.
I think its great that he acknowledge our commitment to our soldiers and he meant it. :salute: :cdn:
Too bad our own politicians did not show as much respect as he did?
I liked watching his reality show "Gene Simmons' Family Jewels" in the one episode where he and his daughter went to Marine boot camp (of sorts).  At the end, KISS put on a show for members of the US armed forces, and I believe that he teared up thinking about the them during that episode.
Anyway, good on Gene!  :salute:
LOVE his show!  It's such a nice change to see a wealthy, well known family that is NOT messed up.  Money aside, they are so much like every other family out there.  Slightly disfunctional and supportive of each other almost to a fault.  Even my Mom watches it and she was never a KISS fan.  That was my brothers' domain.

As for comparing him to the reaction to politicians, can't be done.  Apples and oranges.  If you're going to compare him to anyone then try other entertainers.  That would be a little less off in left field.
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
I liked watching his reality show "Gene Simmons' Family Jewels" in the one episode where he and his daughter went to Marine boot camp (of sorts).  At the end, KISS put on a show for members of the US armed forces, and I believe that he teared up thinking about the them during that episode.

IIRC, he did another episode where he brought his daughter to visit a VA hospital, and thanked the patients they met there for their sacrifices.  Class act...