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International Banking

Michael OLeary

Army.ca Fixture
Reaction score
If anyone wishes to help poor Christiana, please feel free to contact her:

Mrs. Christiana Morrison
Director of Federal Ministry of Finance
Federal Republic of Nigeria
3/5 Tunibo Square Ikeja-Logas

Dear friend,
Good day, I am Mrs. Christiana Morrison, the director of federal ministry of finance, I know this mail will come as surprise to you, I saw your contact at Internet, I have been looking for way to see reliable person that will help me over this transaction.

There is one of our contractors Mr. Yua Li Chung, who executed a contract in the year 1998 total sum of 82,000,000.00 which we paid him 40,000,000.00 to balance him 42,000,000.000 and we have been looking for this contractor to receive this funds but there is no way to be found, we have write to his company and we have no response for over a year now.

So I contacted you for this business, because I have informed the Chief Financial Consultant Federal Ministry of Finance Mr. Kofoor Adams, that you are the relative to this contractor which I told him that you have been worrying me about your uncle funds here in Nigeria, which he told me that as soon as you respond to him he will help you to receive this funds, please here is his email (kofoor_adams@mail.ru) you have to contact him now and ask him for this funds.

As soon as you receive this funds you will take 35% of the total sum of these funds ($42,000,000.00) and I will take the rest of it and also as soon as this funds is been wire into your account will send me invitation letter for my coming to your country immediately.

So it will please me today to see your response to my email and also to email Mr. kofoor Adams, About the funds, please I want you to understand that as soon as you receive these funds you will take your own share 35% and open an account for me to wire my own share in. And I am here to make sure that these funds are been wire into your account as you will provided.

Please comply with me,this will enable you receive this funds faster.I am will be very happy to see your urgent response to my mail.

Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Christiana Morrison
Director Federal Ministry of Finance
Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Mmm...419 Scam.
Seeing my post from last night is not there, I am reposting it.

It seems that Mr. Adams is using a Russian ISO.
Yeah i got an email back, I told him I was interested


Dear Bob Anderson,

                Thank you for your response to my electronic correspondence; it is my utmost pleasure to inform you that you are at the right place for full payment of your contract fund.  Meanwhile due to demand for urgency involved in payment, you are advised to act upon the receipt of this mail by reconfirming your personal details such as:

1) Your full Name:
2) House Address:
3) Telephone#- Mobile:
4) Age-Sex
5) Scan a copy of your international passport and your ID crad and attach it to your next email:

as soon these information's is receive your payment programming will make and your draft payment will be make Delivery immediately to your house.

However, due to the huge sums involved in this transaction, I will advice that you reconfirm your contact address where you want your Certified Payment Draft to be delivered. as this will safeguard the classified document only to be viewed by qualified personnel. For further corespondence, I can be reached by my private telephone number given below. +234 803-711-3733.

Your quick response will be appreciated.


Yours in Service,

Mr.Kofoor Adams.
Chief Financial Consultant
Federal Ministry of Finance
Federal Republic of Nigeria.

If you want, get a phone card, and call him from a pay phone. Or just forword him the email Virus of the month.

The number is from Nigeria, but remember his ISP is Russian. If he was Government like he clams his email should end with .ng.
w00t im gonna be a millionaire!  lol you dont want me to give them my personal info cause you want it all for yourself.

just kidding, I know its fake.  I sent them a fake picture and the address is this scamming company in canada.
i got the next installment:


                                                                                Date: 3rd February 2006.
ATTN: Penski Mirostaw,

                          CONTRACT PAYMENT PROCESSING

With reference to a payment instruction passed across to my department by Mr. Kofoor Adams, (Chief Financial Consultant) of our Finance Ministry, I Mrs Christiana Morrison the Payment Officer of International Payment Department hereby contacts you vis a vis your contract payment valued at $42,000,000.00 (Fourty Two Million United States Dollars) .

For immediate Processing and approval of your payment, you are required to forward the following informations below to enable me screen and compare it with the informations in our Central Payment Computer Data:

Personal Details:
Your Full Name/ Address/ City/ Country
Age, Profession
Sex, Marital Status
Cell Phone Number, Home phone/ Fax
Scan copy of Driver's License or International Passport Photo page for identification purpose only.

Bank Details:
Bank Name/ Address/ City/ Country
Account Number
Swift Code
Routing No
Beneficiary Name

Upon receipt of the above informations, the legal department will effect the legalization of your fund transfer documents, You are required to also forward these information to the Federal Ministry of Finance Accredited Attorney Below:

Barrister Koffi Mensah
Email: koffisolicitors@lawyer.com
Email: koffiadvoctes@legislator.com
Tel: 234 8033023505

I want you to call me Mrs Christiana Morrison on my Direct Hotline: 234 -1- 891 3167 my personal assitant Mr Chris Anderson will answer your call and pass to me.

Yours Faithfully,
Mrs Christiana Morrison
(Payment Officer)
Federal Ministry of Finance.

bah, seems like a lot of work to continue this