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Hi Guys, I've just finished a novel called Wasted Reource and have searched this forum for a gentleman nicknamed Inch.  Inch gave me lots of advice a couple of years or so ago, about helicopters, to help me to add them to my novel.

I have returned to the forum to thank him and to send him a copy of my recently finished book.  However, I have sent him a message but not had a response from him.  I have just checked his posts and found he hasn't posted since just after I last communicated with him.

Please could anyone tell me if he has now left the website or if anyone knows of his whereabouts?

Best regards

I've never heard of Inch, but I'm always willing to help with editing/feedback, if needed/wanted.  :camo:
StevenPreece said:
Hi Guys, I've just finished a novel called Wasted Reource and have searched this forum for a gentleman nicknamed Inch.  Inch gave me lots of advice a couple of years or so ago, about helicopters, to help me to add them to my novel.

I have returned to the forum to thank him and to send him a copy of my recently finished book.  However, I have him a message but not had a response from him.  I have just checked his posts and found he hasn't posted since just after I last communicated with him.

Please could anyone tell me if he has now left the website or if anyone knows of his whereabouts?

Best regards


Steven I will pass your message to Inch.

Milnet.Ca Staff
Ex-Dragoon said:
Steven I will pass your message to Inch.

Milnet.Ca Staff

Is he posted with you now? Kick him in the gonads for me!
Fack no. Inch is nicer than that.

The aforementioned bastard of a night (meaning the killer hangover the following day) was with recceguy and zipperhead_cop - I had to work the next day! Oh well.

Inch and I had some fun at Chevy's in Truro and played "Changing Places"...without Dan Ackroyd or Eddie Murphy but with equally hilarious outcomes.
Scott said:
Fack no. Inch is nicer than that.

The aforementioned bastard of a night (meaning the killer hangover the following day) was with recceguy and zipperhead_cop - I had to work the next day! Oh well.

Inch and I had some fun at Chevy's in Truro and played "Changing Places"...without Dan Ackroyd or Eddie Murphy but with equally hilarious outcomes.

Hey! You asked for it. "Show me what Windsor's about" he says. So... we did ;) Offered up the ballet, but he decided he just wanted to spend a typical night out. Not our fault 'we' didn't have to work the next day. At least he didn't get bounced at the last bar ;D
Windsor has a ballet? Ok I'm now starting to take this Rapture end of the world thing more serious.  ;D
Danjanou said:
Windsor has a ballet? Ok I'm now starting to take this Rapture end of the world thing more serious.  ;D
Windsor has a number of ballets. ;)
recceguy said:
Windsor has a number of ballets. ;)

I was scared the dancers would be ex-auto workers or toothless ex-pats from Detroit.

I did ask for it and humbly admit that Sandwich Ave got the better of me...but it was that Wheat beer's fault, dammit.
Scott said:
I was scared the dancers would be ex-auto workers or toothless ex-pats from Detroit.

I did ask for it and humbly admit that Sandwich Ave got the better of me...but it was that Wheat beer's fault, dammit.

The bar is not called Rock Bottoms for no reason, after all. ;D
Scott said:
I was scared the dancers would be ex-auto workers or toothless ex-pats from Detroit.

We could have stopped by Studio 4 where they advertise '99 beautiful french women and one ugly one' on the sign out front  ;D
Hey all, sorry for my lack of posting and participation but things got busy the last few years! I've been instructing at the training Sqn in Shearwater for the last 2 years and I'm enjoying the hell out of flying until midnight every night while we convert the Sea King community over to NVG's. Good times indeed!


I got your PM and will send you a reply over the weekend. It's greatly appreciated and I look forward to the read.

Inch said:
Hey all, sorry for my lack of posting and participation but things got busy the last few years! I've been instructing at the training Sqn in Shearwater for the last 2 years and I'm enjoying the hell out of flying until midnight every night while we convert the Sea King community over to NVG's. Good times indeed!


I got your PM and will send you a reply over the weekend. It's greatly appreciated and I look forward to the read.

Hi Inch, glad to hear your well and keeping yourself busy.  Well, after all this time I've finally put the finishing touches to my Novel, Wasted Resource.  I'm using some points inside it to highlight issues that some former service personnel experience, such as homlessness, PTSD, Alcoholism and the difficulties with adapting to civvy street after demob.  Additionally, I want to highlight the waste of military skills and resources that generally go unused once soldiers leave the armed forces.  They could be redirected to fight against organised crime, drugs and terrorism.  Of course, I have literally used these issues as part of my story line to make them more appealing.

I do appreciate the guidance you gave me about helicopters for my storyline, without it I would have struggled to paint a worthy picture with this part of the story.  Many thanks for that; and I'll look forward to your pm.

Kindest Regards

Just skimming through, the following catch my eye:

Inch...personnel experience....
...homlessness, PTSD, Alcoholism..... waste of military skills.... organised crime, drugs and terrorism. 


No wonder you've been offline for a while  :rofl:

I've just looked up the original thread.  Bleedin hell.  I didn't realise I'd been working on that book for so long!! :nod:


Cheers guys

Wasted Resource

Four former soldiers, who are brought together by fate, realise their military skills have become a wasted resource. They form as a team, utilising their specialist skills to steal a vast sum of money, previously recovered by the police and guarded by the RAF Regiment. The task is initially deemed impossible, but a stroke of luck changes this. Two illegal immigrants on the run from their own country, enter the UK via the Channel Tunnel. They plan the same heist without knowledge of the other team, carrying out a raid on one of two heavily guarded security vans. The money is stolen, leaving one group empty handed and pursuing the other; resulting in kidnapping, torture and death. Eventually, the captors are led to a hidden weapons cache in Northern Ireland, where the money is stashed. Newly promoted, Detective Sergeant Dave Watson is assigned by the police as lead investigator and highlights the likelihood that the robbers have military skills and backgrounds. CCTV film footage is acquired from the channel tunnel and motorway cameras and is scrutinized, identifying the team and also two Kurds as known hardened criminals. Meanwhile, M.I.6 express an interest in recruiting the former soldiers, wanting to setup a covert operations group and cover up their part in the robbery. However, changed plans alter this course and the team are double-crossed, leaving them to attempt to getaway.
