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If you have a Sea-Doo accident, be careful what side of the border you land on

Google Devil's Hole State Park and take a look at the river conditions and the park's location near the lower whirlpool. In my opinion, they are lucky to be in detention, and not the subjects of a recovery operation.
Well now...........

Accidental U.S. 'tourists' can return to Canada pending hearing

Aug 25, 2008 04:23 PM
Robyn Doolittle
Staff Reporter

Two Canadian Sea-Dooers accused of entering the U.S. illegally have been released from an American immigration detention facility on their own recognizance.
Jason and Edward Haist, both from the GTA, were arrested this past weekend in Lewiston, N.Y.

The pair were Sea-Dooing in the rapids on the Niagara River Saturday, when Jason was knocked off by large waves. He washed ashore and was taken to hospital, said his girlfriend Catherine Kerr. But after being treated, he was arrested by border officials, she said.
Edward had already been taken into custody.

"That is not the only landfall they made that day and that is why they're in removal proceedings," said A.J. Price, a border patrol agent with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

"And they never `washed up.' That's a big misconception. They swam to shore ... after the accident."

The pair have been held in Batavia, N.Y. They are able to return to Canada to wait for their hearing.

It may be as much as two weeks before they are able to see a judge and plead their case. Otherwise, they could be barred from entering the United States for as long as 5 years.
Yep. Knew there had to be more to the story than what the Canadian media and the accused were letting on. Saw them on the news full of righteous indignation. Bet they're not as mouthy about the US system when they're in front of the judge, and he has all the facts presented. ;)
recceguy said:
Yep. Knew there had to be more to the story than what the Canadian media and the accused were letting on.

Isnt that the way it usualy end up ?

Saw them on the news full of righteous indignation.

I saw that too......i just had to yell " their country, their rules"
Well, there ya go!  I retract my original statement.  :-[  Thank you, Bruce!!
You don't have to ask permission to boat around in US waters if your Canadian or Canadian waters if your a US citizen , it's when you land that you must report to a designated customs check in point , by landing that includes dropping anchor. You can drift but if your fishing you better have the propper licence. Anyhow they probably aren't going to get any breaks because they should not have been in that area of the river any how. When civillians go up there without the proper training and planning bad stuff happens , this isn't the first time. It puts the people who have to go and rescue them at risk. In parts the river where they were the current runs from 3 to 15kts +- depending on the hydro dam operations. Do they deserve jail maybe not but they need a lesson in common sense. They are both just lucky to be alive
recceguy said:
Yep. Knew there had to be more to the story than what the Canadian media and the accused were letting on. Saw them on the news full of righteous indignation. Bet they're not as mouthy about the US system when they're in front of the judge, and he has all the facts presented. ;) 

Obtain access to media camera, increase inherent courage by 5 points - a lot of people put on a good show until they get in front of a judge...

Cops hunting for T.O. jet skier
Cops: Man armed, dangerous

The Toronto Sun   

One of two Scarborough cousins who made headlines a few weeks ago when a jet skiing mishap landed them both in a Buffalo detention centre is in troubled water again.
While the previous ordeal was frightening, the circumstances this time are potentially deadly.

Toronto Police say they have been trying to find Edward Haist, 21, who they believe is armed and dangerous, since he allegedly took a 9-mm Smith and Wesson handgun Friday from a safe in his cousin Jason Haist's home near Warden and St. Clair Aves.
"He may be a little depressed, so we're worried about him and the people around him," Det. Joe Digiovanni said yesterday.

Edward and Jason, 29, made news last month when they were apprehended by U.S. border guards after the elder cousin nearly drowned while they were riding jet skis in the Niagara River. The pair was locked up for 36 hours for entering the country illegally.
When reached at his home yesterday, Jason said Edward has been under emotional strain since breaking up with his longtime girlfriend a few months ago. "He's just not thinking straight right now," Jason said.

He said he invited Edward to stay with him and his wife temporarily following the breakup because he was concerned about him. The pair had been doing things together, such as jet skiing, to take Edward's mind off of his relationship woes.
Jason was planning to tell his cousin to move out weeks ago, but that was put on hold after the jet skiing mishap. "He practically saved my life. I couldn't very well ask him to leave after that."

Jason said Edward moved out on Friday. But before he left, Jason said, Edward used his keys to access the safe where he keeps his firearms -- four long guns and five handguns, all of which are legally registered and properly stored -- and took a gun and a box of 50 bullets.
Jason said Edward called him that night and admitted taking the pistol. "I'm worried that he might hurt himself or someone else," Jason said, adding he immediately called the police.

He claims Edward told him his "time had come" and he was going to do something but he didn't know what.
Jason said he's concerned for the safety of his cousin's ex-girlfriend and the baby boy they have together.
He hasn't heard from his cousin in days and said he just hopes he is okay.

"I really hope he hasn't done something to himself," Jason said. "Someone like that, who has nothing to lose, you never know what they're going to do."
Jason pleaded for his cousin to "do the right thing."
"Call me or call the police and surrender," he said. "This can all be worked out, so please don't hurt yourself or anyone else."

Anyone with information is urged to call police at 416-808-4100, or Crime Stoppers at 416-222-TIPS.
