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I GOT RECOURSED... Please help me out guys.


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Hey everyone,

So, the unthinkable happened to me this year on IAP/BOTP in beautiful Esquimalt BC: I blew out my knee, leading to a medical recourse and up to 2 months in and out of a physiotherapist's office. They simply said, come back next year, and sent me on a plane home.

I had been waiting for this opportunity since September, when I joined on. It was built up in my head as the one thing I had to get right, and as it turns out I guess this time around it wasn't meant to be. I know how everyone just tells me, oh, come back next year, it'll be fine since you're a reservist, but it's really not. Being a MARS Officer was something I was even considering as a fulltime career after I complete my degree and so on (I'm from Newfoundland, been on the water my whole life..) and I had a blast at IAP, got my ironing and polishing down, and made a lot of friends. I'm pretty much heartbroken and I don't know what to do, honestly. I don't want to have to spend another whole year at my unit with nothing to do since I'm not basic-trained and unable to take part in pretty much all the training and weekend exercises.

Anyway. I just thought I'd post this and see what you guys think. I know I'm not the first one to have to repeat a course, so have any of you guys had to repeat or complete a course like this? What did you do with yourselves to fill in the one year? Any replies are appreciated.

Not sure about your Unit, but mine lets the untrained guys participate in everything they are allowed to.  If we're doing something they can't, we use them as GD's, get a Sect Comd to give them some lessons, etc...  They are kept busy and not left to themselves for the year.
Just because you are not qualified does not mean that your CO can't employ you in some capacity.  The work can't be too technical & you can't really supervise personnel but - there are always more things to do than time or people to do it with.

Good luck with the knee.... I sectioned my Right Quad in November.... and again in February.... Ouch!!!
Low, first thing first, ensure that you have a CF98 (report on injury) if your injury happened on course.(I'm a clerk, what can I say!)  Second, once you have been deemed fit for duty by your MIR, you could be loaded on a Reg Force IAP/BOTC in CFLRS.  You just have to talk to your training department, if there is room in the Reg Force course, they will load you.
Here's a tiny bit of silver lining: think of how well prepared you'll be the next time, having already done part of the course!