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How do you do aproper stop while march?


Army.ca Veteran
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I‘ve seen at least 5 different versions of it.

All recruits are taught to do on stop command, take two regular steps and stop on right foot, correct?

But I‘ve seen people do all sorts of weird stops... and on my BMQ I was taught to do stop on command two fast check paces then stop.

Which one is the correct one?
It depends on which regiment really. There‘s a specific way in the pam. I think it‘s called ont he left foot, you take a normal pace with the right foor then a smaller check pace with the left then bring your right leg up and down.
RCR halts are very different then say something from ceremonial guard in my opinion.
Yes, I‘ve seen the RCR halt... and it is a bit different, but very similar to the ceremonial guard halt, neither of which is the one from the drill PAM. The one from the Canadian Forces Manual of Drill and Ceremonial is pretty much as described above. If you want the drill pam itself, I‘ve been trying to locate an online copy, but have so far been unsuccessful. If anyone finds one, let me know.
The CF halt according to the PAM is called on the left foot, check pace on the right, then a 15-inch half pace with the left, finished by bringing the right leg up and down double quick time to end up in the position of attention. The timings is check-1-2. However it seems many different Regiments don‘t own a copy of Drill and Ceremonial so they make up their own. The main variation fovoured by some Highland units and the RCR involves some kind of stomping and foot dragging. Ceremonial Guard actually comes very close to the PAM, but since very few soldiers in the army know how to drill properly they don‘t recognize it. In my opinion following the PAM to the letter is much less important than the actual standard of drill being performed. If the troops look and sound keen in squad drill, then they probably are keen in other aspects of their jobs too. So no matter what drill "quiffs" your unit has, do it well and let the crusty old RSMs argue in the mess over exactly how it should be done. :cool:
not ALL highland units screw it up... we do the halt properly.... we just screw with the right dress :)
Limey, I‘ve always wondered what the letters PAM meant.