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How A Regiment SAVED Itself!!!!!!!!

All your blabbering and you still haven't filled out any information.  Kinda adds credence to what you say.

From Wikipedia

"A newbie is a newcomer to a particular field, the term being commonly used on the Internet, where it might refer to new, inexperienced, or ignorant users of a game, a newsgroup, an operating system or the Internet itself. The term is generally regarded as an insult, although in many cases it is used in purposes of negative reinforcement by more experienced/knowledgeable people, urging "newbies" to learn more about whatever field or area in question.

Variant spellings, such as newb, noob, nub, nib or n00b (in "l33tsp34k"), are numerous and common in Internet use, particularly in the Internet language Leet. However, the term noob, is not the correct form of newbie, and is not considered the right way to say newbie or newb."

So 5 points for you for being partly right and -20 for not being able to take someone as abrasive as you in your 2nd post of this site.
This is to CFL and GO.  Just so you know what my history is becouse you don't beleave anyone that doesn't post it for.
OP Apollo with 3VP
Ex in Fort lewis, VictorVille
Light fighter
I've be in for 16 years 6 with the FOO's.  4 of those supporting 3VP and 2 years supporting 2VP.  I have been with either with A Coy or C Coy.  Presently support C Coy.
Just so you know you do your Ex's if we are not doing ower own.  CFL as for working with you in shilo you are right out of it!  Every time we've tried to get something on the go with you we get shut down by your unit.  The only pers that will talk to us is your Recce or Snipers.
And as for the mortar topic pull your head out of the sand.  Do you really think the we as Gnr's really stoll them?  Or maybe we went to the CDS and said boy it would be really really cool for the Arty to steal the mortar from the infantry becouse we can do it lots better then them.  My god man we hate the mortar.
GO  :crybaby: you should also think about some of the things that you say.  You have some very good points that are valid but you would not have to back peddle if you had all the facts.  We as Gnr's walked the same distance as you on light fighter.  There was some of us who carried 2 try pack so we would have more ammo.  Your own higher ups limit us alot of the time.  no I do not know why.
We have also tried for the 6 months or more to get your Section Comds and 2 I/c out to shoot a live fire mission so if we god forbid died (no hoping for this) you could do it.  We had 1500 rds for this.  But yet again your unit shut us down.  Just one more for your info we have a mortar troop FOO party and CP crew that are all basic para.  But yet again we have not been able to jump it complete.

Gnr in ATG C Bty
are you the same person as goatrodeo?
you don't need to list your experience, courses, postion, ex's et al here but in your profile.  This way when you say you don't support me (or anything else) I may have realized that if I could simply read your profile and see what's what.
I don't think I said that the GNr's stole the tubes.  That decsion was made far above our pay levels.  We 031 types don't want the tubes back for the reasons we listed.  Is it that hard a concept to grasp that redundancy in the system will potentially save lives?
No one says you can't soldier as well as anyone else.  What it comes down to is we want the capability to support our own guys without having to jump through any more hoops then we need to.
There is no doubt in this old Gunner's mind that you guys should still have them....
No I'm not Goat rodeo.  We just don't like it when people slag us and get fax wrong.  Nobody is perfect least of all me.  I'm new to this so I never new about the profile, Sorry :-\
This is why it is encouraged to fill out your profile.

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ

Public Profiles

I strongly encourage you to fill out all the sections of your public profile that you're comfortable with. We respect your privacy and won't force you to fill out your profile if you don't want to. Bear in mind though, that the amount of identifyable info in your profile will increase your general credibility here. Those with empty profiles are much harder to verify and will have to put a lot more effort into building a credible presence here.

Unfortunately, we've had some cases where a visitor tries to exaggerate or invent stellar military experience. ("I was a special forces sniper, but I can't tell you about that as my file is sealed...") Please. Don't insult us with this drivel. It is always painfully obvious what your real experience is, and we're impressed with quiet professionalism, not open bragging. These guys inevitably get forced out in the open and eventually leave the forums in disgrace.
I understand and was not trying to ofend or brag just miss understood.  Thanks :army: