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History's Greatest Army?

The Winner is

Johnny 7 - One Man Army

Does anyone else remember the Bognor Liberation Army and it's affiliated youth group: the Bognor Youth.

Used to hotly contest Meaford in the day under its Massey ferguson driving leaders Gene and Cess Pool.  Not to mention the naval arm under their cousin tide? Somthing about tax on beer and LCBO hours.

"Forward brothers! There is a Massey Ferguson in heaven for each of us!!"
the 48th regulator said:

As for the term Barbarians, the Mongols were not the ones referred to as Barbarians, the Germanic Tribes were for their Barbas, the beards they wore.

  Actually the word Barbarian comes from the Ancient Hellenes. It was a blanket term used to describe anyone that did not speak Greek because the sounds they made sounded like 'bar bar bar'

In response to two earlier posts, the Germans may have been the first to implement blitzkrieg tactics but British officers Major General JFC Fuller and Captain Basil Liddell-Hart were certainly the first to write about the concept.  Even Guderian credits these two in his writings as being the inspiration behind what became called the blitzkrieg tactic.

The greatest army?  That's easy - the one you are in.

Hibbsie said:
  Actually the word Barbarian comes from the Ancient Hellenes. It was a blanket term used to describe anyone that did not speak Greek because the sounds they made sounded like 'bar bar bar'

Who are these Helens?

This is all greek to me...


the 48th regulator said:
Who are these Helens?

I'm sorry that this is straying away from the actual thread - the Hellenes are the Greeks. In short, the Romans came in contact with a tribe known as the Greeks. they then called every other group of people of the same culture the "Greeks". This name eventually turned into what the rest of the world (except Hellenes) call that country.
Hibbsie said:
I'm sorry that this is straying away from the actual thread - the Hellenes are the Greeks. In short, the Romans came in contact with a tribe known as the Greeks. they then called every other group of people of the same culture the "Greeks". This name eventually turned into what the rest of the world (except Hellenes) call that country.

Yes yes, the Greeks Colonized parts of Italy, the Romans admired them, then proceed to conquer them which initiates the reign of the greatest Empire...

I still will stick to my definition.

Veni, vidi, vici

I have Google too folks....oy vey.



oh ya, for the Scolars

The word "barbarian" comes into English from Medieval Latin barbarinus, from Latin barbaria, from Latin barbarus, from the ancient Greek word βάρβαρος (bárbaros). The word is onomatopeic, the bar-bar representing the impression of random hubbub produced by hearing a spoken language that one cannot understand, similar to blah blah, babble or rhubarb in modern English. Related imitative forms are found in other Indo-European languages, such as Sanskrit barbara-, "stammering" or "curly-haired."

How it came into being is the same everywhere.  However, Who took it everywhere?

redleafjumper said:
In response to two earlier posts, the Germans may have been the first to implement blitzkrieg tactics but British officers Major General JFC Fuller and Captain Basil Liddell-Hart were certainly the first to write about the concept.  Even Guderian credits these two in his writings as being the inspiration behind what became called the blitzkrieg tactic.

Nope.  This was inserted by Sir Basil - most modern histories are quite critical of how cozy the egos of captured German officers and British theorists who supervised the "after-the-fact" memoires got.
My Vote is the Rebel Alliance....

not one, but two death starts destroyed, plus at least one super star destroyer, AND they killed the Emperor, and got Vader to be good again right before he kicked it.

Lets see the Romans do that.....    ::)
Infanteer, I will concede that it is disputed as to whether or not Liddell-Hart inserted himself into Guderian’s biography; however, it is certainly not in question that MGen Fuller, who collaborated with Liddel-Hart in the 1920’s in writing about armoured warfare, was credited in Guderian’s book Achtung Panzer.  See this entry in the online Encyclopaedia Britannica:


Joerg Muth writes that Guderian translated Liddell-Hart and Fuller’s works into German in 1927, see his writing on the matter here:


Guderian was certainly familiar with and influenced by the writings of JFC Fuller and Basil Liddell-Hart.  It is clear that these writings are about what came to be called blitzkrieg.


Yeah the spartans got beaten because thebes had a good military leader who changed tactics.
The spartans did not adapt in later battles.

The Manchu army was pretty badass, as was the the Ashanti army (who kicked the UK's butts a bunch of times).

And its not eurocentric as much as the fact that armies which had leaders who had access to previous military writing tended to be better.
I'm going to go ahead and side with The Borg on this one, your primitive human armies are no match for the Collective.
FascistLibertarian said:
The Manchu army was pretty badass, as was the the Ashanti army (who kicked the UK's butts a bunch of times).

If you are seriously thinking about the Chinese Qing Dynasty banner armies as being unstoppable, then you seriously need some professional help.  ;D

Im thinking more around the time of Nurhaci and the beginning of the Qing period. There was a decline in the 18th century and in the 19th the banner armies as a system failed, but they were able to conquer and hold China. ;D
Nurhaci did a lot of the same types of things as Shaka and Genghis Khan.
No army is 'unstoppable' and Im not saying they were, but the sheer size and organization of the green standard and banner armies I think makes the Manchu's worthy.
FascistLibertarian said:
No army is 'unstoppable'

The M.I is unstoppable! Come on you apes! Do you wanna live forever!  :threat:

If I didnt read startship troopers while all the other 15 yr olds were chasing girls I wouldnt get half the inside jokes on this site....
Still Id rather of had the girls....
Ah well frack it if you can’t beat em join em.

54/102 CEF said:
The Winner is

Johnny 7 - One Man Army


I used to have one of those when I was a kid. I was the envy of every other rugrat and juvenile delinquent on the block. With the firepower and range of it the ability to bruise and take out more eyes than the rest of the kids combined was awesome. Just thing of it as a trainign GPMG.




I looked them up on eBay recently, cannot believe the price.
ballz said:
1. Modern Era, the US army is almost unstoppable based on the fact that they have all the latest technology and a whole load of it. When it comes down to quantity, the US leads in everything. That'll happen when you spend 3 trillion dollars on it.

Except, you know.  China and India kinda have you beat in quantity of people that can be fielded, and last I checked guns don't walk by themselves.