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Got my remuster to 011, now what?

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Bzzliteyr said:
"ACK" is another one that people hate a ton yet it's in the comms "bible".  COMSEC suggests keeping things short and sweet for security, that term doesn't get used enough if ask me.

I ACK your ACK being my favorite one.


Milnet Five O Fun Police
Sigger said:
That is because when you crewmen hear cansup VP, you dont know what to do. ;)


Sigger and Aries

I am quite familiar with ACP 125 and CANSUP and have had the honour of teaching Comms and VP at the School over the years, and know damn well when a Rad OP doesn't know his VP, expecially when he is incapable of conducting a Radio Check on a Net; thank you very much.  So don't try the "I'm a Sig and I know Comms" BS around Armour folk.  It just doesn't work.

On the other hand, as many of the Crewmen here will attest, there are many Sigs who have proven invaluable in Regimental CPs around the Corps over the years and are very well respected, as those who are a "Waste of Rations" are just as detested.

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